SENIOR LIBRARY DINNER WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., SATURDAY, MARCH 29, lOJ Bishop Rondthaler Makes Lenten Address Staff For 1931 Magdalene Are subject Of Intimate Easter Talk Annual Elected Able Officers Sialected to Suc ceed Retiring Staff In the recent election held by the staff of Sights and Insights, those girls who are to direct the work of publishing the Annual for 1930-31 were chosen. Ernestine Thies is Editor-in-Chief of next year’s staff, succeeding Eloise Vaughn in this po sition. Mary Virginia Pendergraph and Beulah May Zachary were named as Assistant Editors, Mary Ayres Payne is the new Business Manager and has as her assistants Martha Pierce and Hor- tense Herring., The retiring staff feels that the selection of these leaders has been wisely made. It confident that the ability and for- 2r experience of these six girls have fitted them admirably to fill their offices. Work on the 1929-1930 Annual is nearing the end. It has progressed steadily and smoothly, and all Sa lem is restlessly awaiting the magic words which tell of the arrival of the treasured books. On Wednesday morning, March 26, Bishop Rondthaler delivered the first of his Lenten Addresses. The subject of the address, the life of Mary Magdalene, a devoted follow er of Christ, was beautifully and interestingly portrayed. Bishop Rondthaler began his talk with the statement that the thought often comes to people, especially older people, of how much it would mean if we eoijld see Jesus for a little while; and, of how much better and how much stronger we would be come, if we could hear Him say those consoling words “Let little children come unto me,” and “Come unto me, all ye that are heavy-laden and I will give you rest. The story of Mary Magdalene is the story of a woman who knew Christ well. It is the remarkable ■story of a woman who had one great distinction in her life, that was the first to see the Lord Jesus Christ arisen from the dead. Mary Magdalene lived in the small villagie of Magdala, which was situated the .shores of the sea of Galilee. There was nothing conspicuous about this village, except the big, tall palm trees heavy with dates, which lent beauty to the entire country side. Mary Magdalene, the “won from Magdala,” was a woman of means, of a splendid intellect, and of a wonderfully sympatheti She was well fitted to be the leader of the society of this small village. Indeed, she was “Rich, fair and beautiful as the village palm trees,” but something happened in her life. Seven spirits, “Evil tempers,” arose in her soul and utterly possessed her. These “Evil Spirits” caused her to wander wildly around the villagf streets, frightening children, start ling grown people, and uttering hor rible curses. Thus, she was a fine specimen of young womanhood, ut terly ruined and thrown on the rub bish pile of life because of this mis fortune. Bishop Rondthaler paused here ii his account to tell of some experi ences he had had in life with peoph whose lives were shadowed by the hateful gloom of “Evil Tempers,” and of how a knowledge of the Sav ior had completely changed the lives of these people, making them de lightful, kind, and content. Jesus can change many things and can change them quickly. This he did to Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalene lived only three miles from the Savior. It is possible that body met her one day in her wild wanderings. Ho saw her miserable condition, spoke unto her soul, and ever after she was sane and a devot ed follower of the Savior. It was about this time that the first Christian Society of Women was formed. Several of the women mentioned in the Bible were mem bers of this society. Their mission was to minister to the needs of Christ. Mary Magdalene was evi dently president of this society, as she is always mentioned first in ref erence to it. She was living her life entirely for the Savior. This society of Christian Women traveled about from place to place with Jesus. This is why they went with Him to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast of the Passover. It was at this time that they expected to see him crowned King of the Jews; but, alas, at the end of the Lenten sea son, they saw Him on a cross, cursed, blasphemed and pursued by a wicked mob. Mary Magdalene was among the tiful thoughts. Jesus i: first at the burial. She was sitting and watching tile-torn, crucified, and I (Continued on Page Mrs. Elgin Sherk mangled form of her Savior. She saw it bathed with spices and frag rant oils. She saw it wrapped in costly clothing and laid in the tomb. So loyal was she to this friend of her soul that she determined that after the Sabbath, she would return and prepare the body bette^r for the final rest. In the meanwhile, the Scribes be come frightened. They go to Pilate begging him to allow them to guard the tomb for three days, as there is aor that the Lord will arise after three days. Pilate’s con sent obtained, the tomb was duly guarded. Then came the Sabbath. It was e most wonderful Sabbath in the history of human kind. Dawn had just appeared, when the women were up and on their way to the tomb with oils, spices and other tokens of respect for their Master. Here we learn from Matthew of the •thquake shock, of how the fright ened guards fled leaving the cham- unguarded, and of how the stone rolled away and the tomb found Mary Magdalene, discovering the ipty tomb, ran to Jerusalem to tell Peter and John and the other dis- iples that the body of the Master had been stolen. Ere Mary Mag dalene had returned, the garden had been stolen. Ere Mary Mary and grave both were empty. Her heart was full of grief. Her eyes e so full of tears that she did recognize the two angels guard ing the burial place, but mistook them for the young men. Neither did she pay any heed to their mes sage, but went out into the garden think over everything. Then she heard footsteps approaching. The newcomer looked like a working I, probably, he was the gardener. He stopped before Mary Magdalene. From his lips comes just one word "Mary.” At once she recognized his man as the risen Lord and fell t his feet, crying “My Master.” Jesus sent her to tell the disci ples of His arising. When they came. He told them that He must depart again, but that He would give them something in His place— the Holy Spirit. He promised them. ‘Where my spirit goes, I will go,” and “Where my spirit is, there I will be also. I will always be present in the lives of my people until they e me face to face in Heaven.” Bishop Rondthaler concluded his first Lenten address with these beau- r to Persian Missionary To Visit College Mrs. Sherk to Be Guest of the Y. W. C. A. Next Week Mrs. Elgin Sherk, traveling s retary of the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, who has been in Persia since 1922, will be the guest of the Y. W. C. A. af Salem, Tuesday and W^ednesday April 1 and 2. Her talks will be of an intimate, informal nature and will reflect her recent experiences in Persia. She has been teaching in a school for girls at Teheran. Mrs. Sherk will talk to several classes of Economics, History and Englisli, and also to informal groups of students who are interested, in order that everyone will have aii opportunity of meeting her. She has information about the opium trade and child labor conditions for those interested in economics. She will interpret Persian poetry for those interested in literature, and she has an inspiring message about the changes that are taking place in Persia and tha work that is being done there, for those interested in Christian missions. (Continued on Page Two.) High School Seniors Entertained Friday Day Students euid Student Government Council Are Hostesses to Seniors On Friday afternoon from four to five o’clock the students of Salem College entertained the Senior class girls of R. J. Reyfiblds High School at a tea. When the guests-arrived they were taken to Main Hall and met by Dr. and Mrs. Rondthaler, Misses Katherine Riggan and Vir ginia Martin. Next they were di rected to the Alice Clewtll campus living room where delicious refresh ments were served. Directing the guests to the Living Room were An na Preston, Mary Martin, Laila Wright, and Sara Graves. Serving were the members of the student council. Misses Irene McAnally, Betty Sloan, Emily Mickey, Mary Mitchell Norman, Mary Martin, Eleanor Idol, Elizabeth Ward, An nie Koonee Sutton, Julia Brown Jen nings, Ruth Carter ant Estie Lee Clore. Otner members of the stud- t body assisted. The guests were next shown the first floor of the Alice Clewell building. Guides chosen from the student body took charge of them and directed them over the campus showing them the new buildings and the old ones, the beauty of back campus and the completeness of the library and science laboratory. After the tour of the campus they were taken back to Main Hall. The oc casion was delightfol and a large number of the Seniors, escorted by their day student friends, attended. Shakespeare Players Present “Macbeth” Interesting Performance of Famous Tragedy Given Monday Evening “Macbeth,” a tragedy by Shakes peare, was presented Monday eve ning, Marcli 23, bv the Shakespeare Players in Memorial Hall, The company, directed by James Hen drickson and Miss Claire Bi a professional troupe which touring the South and is presenting several of Shakespeare’s plays in colleges and high schools. On Mon day afternoon the troupe presented “Julius Caesar,” at the Reynolds Auditorium of the city high school. “Macbeth” was sponsored by the English Department, and the play ers were aided in their presentation by members of the Pierrette Play ers and by several young men from Winston-Salem. The performance was well-attended and generally en joyed and appreciated throughout the audience. Special honors for excellent per formances went to the leads, Miss Bruce and Mr. Hendrickson, who were consistently good in their roles and at times acted unusually well. Throughout the entire play they stayed in the atmosphere and atti tude of the play and entered remark ably well into the feeling of the characters which they portrayed, but certain scenes stand out above the in feeling and histrionic ability, among which are the murder scene and the discovery of the murder, the soliloquy of Macbeth which pre ceded the murder as well as the one 'hich came during the final attack (Continued on Page Three) Le Cercle Francais Hold March Meeting Mrs. Wenhold Makes Interest ing Talk on French Colonization At the regular meeting of the Cercle Francais on Wednesday aft- ;rnoon, March 26, Dr, Wenhold gave an interesting talk on the Col onial Possessions of France, With the aid of a world map, the colonies belonging to France were located and discussed with reference also to their importance in Frenchj liter ature, as settings for novels and with regard to the important literary figures they have furnished, ,The African territories discussed were Morocco and Algiers, the Sa hara desert, the French territories or the West African coast, the islands of Madagascar and Reunion, the lat ter of which was the birthplace of the French poet Leconte de Lisle. After briefly referring to French Indo-China, the present holdings of France in the western hemisphe were taken up. The West Indian Islands of Martinique and Guada- loupe, the former, the birthplace and early home of the Empress Joseph- and French Guiana, the Penal Colony of France, lately visited and idly described by John Vander- cook and Richard Halliburton were discussed. Former possessions of France in the western hemisphere, Canada and Haiti, were briefly con sidered. The fact that Frenchmen the pioneer explorers and set tlers of the whole Mississippi, and although France no longer holds any territory in North America, except ing two small islands at the mouth of the Saint Laurence river, which lerely fishing possessions, we as Americans still reap the benefits of her early activities in our country. Mary Norris read a paper on Le conte de Lisle and Grace Martin e on Alexandre Dumas, Pere. Following the program a social hour with refreshments and conver sation in French was enjoyed. County High School Seniors Visit Salem Large Group Is Entertained at Informal Tea On Friday afternoon, March 21, Salem College was hostess at a tea to a group of girls who are county high school seniors. The guests conducted over the campus im mediately on their arrival and shown le various places of interest oi hich Salem boasts, A charming tea •as held in Alice Clewell Campus Living Room, Here the guests were introduced by their escorts to mem bers of the faculty and to girls of the college who had interesting and helpful messages for them. Miss Mary Weaver of the Acad emy faculty, first addressed the group, to whom she pointed out the joys and advantages of college life. She especially emphasized the gain athletic life, remarking on the good of athletics in the college girl’s life as a means of developing her physically and intellectually. The importance of membership and activ ity in campus organizations was es pecially noted. This kind of co-op eration, Miss Weaver showed to be a vital part of the successful college girl’s undertakings. Miss Smith of the City Public schools spoke next on the religious side of college life and of religion’s ultimate importance in character making. She was followed by Vir ginia Martin speaking on college friendships, their value, necessity and joys. Miss Martin mentioned the dire necessity of being able tn choose friends to the advantage of both concerned. Miss Marian Blair next talked to the group on the importance of se lecting a school, on the method of entrance, and the necessity of thor ough preparation for such an en trance. She pointed out difficulties and the methods of overcoming them. Catalogues of Salem and various other colleges were displayed and the girls were urged to examine them, A delightful social hour followed, and the guests were again invited to all parts of “Salem.” Mr. Douglas Rights Speaker at Vespers Life Measured by Four Great Questions Is Subject of a Splendid Talk On Sunday evening Charlotte Grimes presided at Vesper services and Peggy Betts read as the Scrip ture the one hundred and twenty- first Psalm. Mr. Douglas Rights, pastor of the Trinity Moravian church, was the speaker of the eve ning. He was formerly a member of tlie faculty at Salem. Mr, Rights told about some very interesting ex periences which he has had in and around the vicinity of Salem Col lege. His talk was centered around four questions which are put to each person at some time during his life: 1. Who are you? 2. Where do you come from? 3. What do you do? What a He discussed each question and gave some illustrations from the life of Christ. Tlien he showed how s life measures up to the four questions, and how well the Christ’s life measures up. Christ can answer each question without any hesitancy because His life was a beautiful one 3ne of which He was not asham- In closing, Mr. Rights urged that everyone try to measure up well to the high standard of life set by the four questions.

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