Page Four. THE SALEMITE Friday, March 10, 1939. Jf IP € IP ¥ Jf SENIORS DEFEAT SOPHOMORES IN FINAL TOURNAMENT GAME Friday night the final game of basketball was played to determine the winner of the tournament for the season. The Sophomore and Senior teams were the two teams qualified for the cup. There w-ere thrills plus fast play and spectacular passing from the minute the referee blew the whistle signifying the beginning of the game until the last minute of pla3^ The players were pressed on by cheer.s and shouts of encourage ment from the supporters of the two teams. Some of the spectators are still trying to figure out the spectac ular play the seniors had so carefully planned. It worked beautifully the second time that they tried it. Both team.'j seemed closelj’’ matched in their piaying. During the first half the score appeared to be dangerously close, but at the half the score was 10 to 4 in favor of the seniors. It was not very long after the second half of the game was in progress before the seniors started to “roll up the score” which at the close of the game was 28 to 16 in the senior’s favor. Hutchison was high scorer for the entire game with a total of 17 points. Emerson was high scorer for the Sophomores, scoring 12 points. Once again the Seniors are the proud possessors of the cup, hav ing triumphed over all three of the under classes in their preliminary matches. They remain undefeated and untied for the seasons 1937-1938 and 1938-1939. The line-uj> follows: Seniors Sophomores Martin, F Emerson, S. McNeely A Smith, K. A. Hutchison, J Angelo, F. Grantham, E. B Forrest, S. Johnson, A Tyson, F. McCarty, E Banning, B. Substitutes: Senior: Bowen, Pfohl, Spence. Officials: Carter and Pitzer. SECOND GROUP (Continued From Page One) also been active in dramatics and has newspaper. Other nominated candidates for the office of class presidents were Jane Alice Billing, of Gastonia (jun ior) ; Bee Rice, of Bancaster, S. C., (sophomore); and Elizabeth Weldon, Martha Bowman, Mary Jane Copen- haver, and Dot Sisk, (freshmen). AWARDS MADE AT BASKETBALL BANQUET With the final game Friday night, the official basketball season was all over, that is, all over except the an nouncement of the varsity and the awards. It is the custom each year for “Miss At” and a committee chosen from the Athletic Associa tion Council to select the Salem bas ketball varsity. To make the var sity is the aim of many but the goal which few attain. The Salem Varsity for 1939-19-10 includes: Forwards; Annette McXeely (sen ior); Felicia Martin (senior); Jose phine Hutchison (senior); Sally Emerson (Soph). Guards: Anne Johnson (senior); Emma Ero%vn Grantham (senior); Sue Forrest (Soph); Billian Banning (Soph). The only newcomers to the varsity are Emerson, Banning and Grantham. In addition to the announcement of the varsity, Peggy Bowen as chairman of the Points Committee, made the awards based on the points accumulated by girls so far this year. Those who, by making twenty points received ■ a letter, were; Gerry Baynes, Sally Emerson, Margaret Holbrook, Mabel Pitzer, Jessie Skinner, and Mary Thomas Those girls who had accumtilated t.;n additional points, totaling thirty and received a star were Peggy Bo,v- en, Emma Brown Grantham, Anne Johnson, Jane Kirk, Felicia Martin, and Carolyn Pfohl. For an addition al twenty points or a total of forty points, Ann Johnson and Annette McNeely received sweaters, and for the seldom-attained total of fifty points, Josephine Hutchison received a coveted Salem blazer. I'M COtWG TO HAVt MY «CW CtOTHES SAWTTOMf © uctnAsiy Sartin’s 60 Burke St. Phone 7101 You May Leave Clothes At S. F. WELFARE’S New Blouses BARBIZON ti \ Style Q RAYON CREPELAGEBE 1.95 While, Pompadour Pink, Sunset Blue, Fuschio, San Rems Blue StyhJ CREPE DOSCHfe — 2.95 White. Petal Pink. Pom padour Pink, Bluebell, l^ck Barbizon, makers of those perfect slips, have design ed a new collection of blouses so fresh and ex citing for Spring. Sportswear—Street Floor Quality MerchaiLdise Reasonably Priced BABYLONIAN SHEIK IN CHAPEL (Continued From Page One) David are applicable to the people living in his country today. The principal occupations are those of herdsmen, shepherds and farmers. The shepherds whistle almost contin uously, and Emmanuel gave an ex ample of their songs to the accom paniment of the organ. The sowers are generally pious for as they throw their handfuls of grain, they call that one hand is for God, one for the poor, and one for the family. If in gathering the sheaves, one drops a bundle, he does not pick it up but leiU’es it for the poor. In answers to questions asked at the end of the talk, Emmanuel stated that missionaries from four foreign lands are now .working in his coun try: Roman Catholics from Fr.ince, Butherans from Germany, Episcopal ians from England, and Presbyter ians from America He, himself, at tends the Bestarian Church, an an cient one from the Bible land. For forty day.5 and n ghts before Ea?ter, the members fast, eating no meat, cheese, eggs, butter or milk. There is no formal education. The boj's are taught the B ble and only that; the girls are trained in home economics by their mothers. There are no law.s or jails, and the people are obedient to the eldest member of the household. Old age is reg;ird- ed as an honor and old people are treated with deference. The women are entirely subservient to the men. A composition by the speaker, “The Shepherd,” was whistled as a solo, with organ accompaniment. At the conclusion of the talk, Raphael Emmanuel received appreciable ap plause, which proved that he had in deed become the friend of Salem that Dr. Rondthaler had predicted. Dip Your Hands In Color — Special Purchase Colored Doeskin Slipons $239 Velvety soft Doeskin in ex otic colors — fuschia, char- treux, sungold, toast, Bermud.-j blue and Wedtrewood blue — see them Saturday. $>SNIK’S ENGRA VED ANNOUNCEMKNTS, CAKDS AND INVITATIONS ABE Socially Correct H. T. Hearn Engraving Co, 632 W. Fourth Street Campus Dry Cleaners Ri^fht On the Campus • Our Cleaniag is Satisfac tory But Inexpensive Fol'Perfect Printinq lates 1 Dial 9722 PieJmontEnqi'avinqCo. 4I!I AT MAIN ST. JOHN ROBERT POWERS, the head of the world’s best known model agency, when booking his famous models for fashions, advertisers and artists, says "The call is for beauty, poise, per sonal charm ... the perfect combination”. \ % /^rfecf 0)/7Wj'naf/on gets the call... Chesterfields get the call from more and more smokers every day be cause of their refreshing mildness, better taste and pleasing aroma. e perfect combination of Chesterfield’s mild ripe American and aromatic Turkish tobaccos ...the can H-be-copied blend... makes Chesterfield the cigarette that gives millions of men and women more smoking pleasure, ^i\^en you try them you will know why Chesterfields give more smoking pleasure, why THEY SATISFY Chesterfield ,,,the blend that cant be copied ,.,a HAPPY COMBINATION of the world*s best cigarette tobaccos m Copyright 19J9, IjGGFTT & Mysm Tobacco Co.