ARTICLES HOME EC Z S41 VOL. XX. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1940. Number 24. m LIBRARY EXHIBITS PRIZE ACQUISITIONS VARDELL MANUSCRIPT With a great deal of pride, the library is exhibiting some proliiuin- ary .sketches and also several master score sheets of Dean Vardell’s Sym phony I in G Minor—(Carolinian.) These pieces are of unusual signifi cance, as they show in part the evolution of the symphony and re veal the working of the composer’s mind. The master sheets will be used as model pages in making up the published score. SAI,EM M A V ('OURT. — The twelve girls pictured above will make up this year’s May ('curt at Salem Oollege on Saturday, May 4. Ai! oiigiiial |)ag('ant, featuring tlie “gay nineties’’ in dress, -os- tiiiiie and dancs. will lie presented in honor of Louisa Sloan, \V;idesboro, queen, and Vera Mae Lanning, Wallburg, maid of lionor, and their court. Members of the court are: (top roiv left . • , .s TH- i ,, , JOtmWAi.SKSTlNEI. STAFF PHOTO. to right) Margaret Tatterson, Charlotte; Mary Louise Rousseau, Winston-Salem; Mararuth Allen, Wadesboro; Betsy Moffitt, Lex. iiigton; (second row) Mildred Kelly, ?''ayetteville‘; Martlia’ Bow man, Luniberton; Dorothy Dixon, Fayetteville; Katharine King, Leaksville; (third row) Ann Ilughson, Roanoke; Martlia Rawlings, Winston-Salem; Lilly Sutton Ferrell, Winston-Salem; and Cecilia Nuchols, Charlotte. MAY DAY DANCES ARE IN PRACTICE “Let’s try that last step again. Begin at the half-turn.” “Dance number 2 will practice in Bitting Building tonight at 6:30.” “How long are the skirts of the costumes for Dance 4 supposed to be?” All these are remarks to be heard every day now, and they refer—as we have long since deduced—to the five dances with which the queen and her maid-of-honor and her court will be entertained in ]SIay Dell next Saturday afternoon. The members of the various dan ces are; Waltz: (BOYS) . Ann Ewing Sarah Proeber (Continued on Page Four) DEAN VARDELL’S SYMPHONY PER FORMED HERE The J’liiladelpliia Symphony Orch estra conducted by Eugene Ormandy, gave a superlj concert here Wed nesday evening, April l’4. The high light of tlie eveniiig was the mag nificent performance of Dean V'^ar- dell’s Symphony No. 1 in G minor. The following comments about the symjihony appeared in the Winston- Salem Journal, April 25: “The composition is an enter taining one, musically speaking. There is not a dnll moment in it for tlie listened There are plenty of single tunes in North Carolina folk idiom, and the many novel com binations of instruments bring agreeable suri>rises to the ear at all ((’ontinued on 1‘age Three) FRESHMAN ARTICLES The throe editorials on page 2 of this week’s “Salemite” and the separate feature on page 3 wer(! written by freshmen three Barbara’s (Whittier, Plumer, anl Hawkins) and Elizabeth Jtead. Dr. Willoughby’s freshman Knglish class hfis been doing work on newspaper (editorial) writing, and hero are some of the results. We like them; do yout HOME EC CLUB HAS JAMBOREE Then' will be another informal dance in Louisa Bitting Building to morrow night from eight-thirty un til eleven o’clock. The prices will be as usual, ten cents for a stag and fifteen cents for a couple. The Home I'leonomics Club is sponsoring this jamboree (Shall we call it the Home-Makers’ Hop;) and cordially invites everyone to conn' and join in the fun. Facsimile of First Printed Music Book The library has recently acquired and put on exhibition a fac.similc copy of ‘ ‘ Harmonice Musices Odhe- caton A,” which was the first music book to be printed from movable type, being the first work of Otta- viano dS Petrucci, an illustrious Italian music printer and the father of the art of type-music-printing. ‘ ‘ Harmonico Musices Odhecaton A” was originalljf printed in Venice in the year 1501. It is a collection of ninety-six pieces arranged for three or four voices, by eminent mu sicians of the time. Petrucci’s pro cess was a double one; he printed first the lines of the stave, and then, by a second impression, the notes upon them. His work is beau tifully executed. ELECTIONS OF CLASS OFFICERS NEAR COMPLETION COURTESY JOURNAL>BENTINEL THE PIERRETTE PLAYERS PRESENTED — “Sanctuary,” a one-act play by Phoebe M. Rees. The pictures be low are of rehearsals for the entry of Salem’s dramatic club in the City-Wide One-Act Play Contest on last I’riday night. The plot of the production follows: While the newly-elected French consul, Napoleon Bonaparte, was driving through the streets of Paris in 1800, a gang of young hot heads tried to blow him up ith a keg of gunpowder drawn alongside, his carriage in a cart. The fuse was too .short and Na poleon escaped. However, a large quarter of J’aris was blasted and a good many citizens rlied. Short- l.v after the explosion three nuns in an old Paris house being used for a convent are lighting the evening candles. From the left: Sister Francoise (Margaret Ray), At other Marie (Barbara Plumer), and Sister Anne (Agatha Walk er.) Enter Mademoiselle Cice (Kath arine King), right, wealthy bene factress of the convent, and her young friend. Marguerite (Lee Rice). It turns out that Marguer ite’s boy friend, Pierre, is the scoundrel who engineered the big boom. The two women have come to plead with Mother Marie to hide Pierre while the police are (Continued on Page Three) Elections have recently been held for class officers for next year. For the incoming .sophomore the officers are: [’resident Sara Henry; Vice-President, Bettie Anne White; Secretary, Sara Barnum; Treasurer, Elizabeth Read; Student Council members, Elizabeth .Johnston, for Day Students. The other Council members and the I. E. S. Council members have not been elected. For the incoming junior class: President, Reece Thomas; Vice-Pres ident, Eleanor Hutchison; Secretary, Dorothy McLean; Treasurer, Carrie Donnell; Student Council members: Lilly Sutton Ferrell, Wyatt Wilkin son, .Marion Norris; I. R. S. Council members: Dorothy Dixon, Martha Bowman, Phyllis Gosselin. For the incoming senior class: President, Kathryn Cole; Vice-Pres ident, E. Sue Cox; Secretary, Eliza beth Sauvain; Treasurer, Nancy O’ Neal; Stulent Council mejnbers: Marvel Campbell, Esther Alexander, K'leanor Carr, Sarali Linn. I. 11. S. ('ouncil nu'mbers: Betty Belcher,- Betsy Hill, Kelly Anne Smith. COURTESY JOURNAL-SENTINEI.