TWELVE DAYS ’TIL EXAMS TWELVE DAYS ’TIL EXAMS VOL. XX. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1940. Number 26. LIBRARY ANNOUNCES NEXT YEAR’S CONTESTS JOHN MASON BROWN REALIZES THIRD TERM For the third consecutive year, the large audience which gathered in Memorial Hall on Monday night for the final lecture in the Salem Col lege Lecture Series was held spell bound by the brilliant and fascinat ing John Mason Brown. Introduced as the best known and most beloved dramatic critic in the world, and talking with the appro priate earnestness of an evangelist, Brown endeavored to show the need of the theatre in this war-torn world. “The theatre is not merely the shortest distance between two hours, it is a symbol of the finest things in life.” The theatre’s great- (‘st appeal is not its beauty, its col or, its excitement, or its sound. ' ‘ Its final contribution is the illusion of order in a world of disorder; it is the creation of cosmos out of chaos. ” Quoting George Bernard Shaw, the critic said that the theatre is the only temple w'hich helps the soul of man and yet retains its gaiety. Referring to the heroes and hero ines of high tragedy who were able to die without a single “ouch,” Brown ?aid that the purpose of trag edy was to show that men are better than they think they are. ‘ ‘ High tragedy—which always considers the spirit and never the body, the flame and never the lamp—shows that all leads to joyous consummation.” The critic said that Maxwell An derson understood in theory the es sence of high tragedy, but in his “Key I^argo” he made the fatal (Continued on Page Two) Teachers Complimenlied Ai Di inner A group of local teachers who have .supervised the directed teach ing of Salem College seniors during the past six weeks were entertain ed Tuesday night at dinner in the recreation room of Bitting Building. Guests assembled in the lobby of Main Hall, where they were greeted by their hostesses. Sara Harrison, of Charlotte, was toastmistress and extended a welcome to the teachers and principals present. Among the local teachers who were invited were: Miss Elizabeth Brookes, Miss Mozellc Stephenson, Miss Louise Mock, Ned Smith, Miss Rebecca Hyatt, Miss Genevieve Smetlzer, Miss Ardena Morgan, Miss Ruth Melmich, Miss Caroline Diehl, Mrs. Margaret McDermott, Miss I>ouglas MacDonald, B. B. Redmond, (Continued on Page Two) DEAN VARDELL GOES TO FESTIVAL Dean Vardell left Wednesday for the University of Michigan where his cantata “The Inimitable Lov ers” was performed last night. It was conducted by Thor Johnson, formerly of Winston-Salem, who also directed the opera “Samson and De lilah” by Saint-Saens in connection with the university’s May Music Festival. Rosa Tentoni, soprana, and Robert Weede, baritone, were soloists in the cantata. Among the other artists partici pating in the festival are Lawrence Tibbett, Arthur Schnabel, Lily Pons, Joseph Ezigeti, Eugene Ormandy, and the Philadelphia Orchestra. “The Inimitable Lovers” was composed about ten years ago and has been performed twice in Win ston and also at Davidson. JOHN MASON BEOWN Piano and Voice Graduating Recital A varied and interestingly arrang ed program held an attentive audi ence Tuesday evening. May the sev enth, when the School of Music pre sented Katherine Ledbetter of Polk- ton, piano student of Dr. Vardell, and Louise Norris, voice student of Mr. Clifford Bair, in a joint gradu ating recital. Louise, a native of Durham, opened the program and she appeared wearing a blue and pink net evening gown, and carrying an arm bouquet of pink roses and blue delphinium in macthing shades. Vir ginia Thompson, accompanist, wore black chiffon with a white bodice. On her shoulder was a corsage ^of red Katherine Letbetter, dressed in blue silk with tiered skirt, carrying yellow roses, made her first appear ance performing numbers by Bach and Chopin. Quoting from the Jour nal Sentinel morning news—Kather ine “displayed comprehensive un derstanding of the classic and ro- (Continued on Page 4) May Day In Retrospect After weeks of struggling through dance routines, painting scenery, and for the lucky fourteen, practic ing walking down the May Dell, it is hard to realize that May Day is over. But the day was fun not only for those girls who took part in the pageant, for we spectators who sat on the opposite hill warmly snug gled up in our blankets in the after noon had our chance to take part in the action that night. Around 9 o’clock we made our date wait while we got into our new spring evening dress—or got our roommate to sew us into our latest home ec. project, which was not quite finished, and made our way down to the gym. When we reached the door, we found Mr. McEwen waiting to take the ticket which we had left in our dresser drawer. We became confus ed and stuttered a few explanations while Miss Lawrence was waiting to meet our date. Miss Turlington came to our rescue by persuading Mr. Ewen to let us in this time. We then looked around at the crowd and decided that it would be wise not to try to dance near the orchestra. Finding a big open space of about two square feet, we settled down to dance at the corner of the big red “Album” which was in the (Continued On Page Two) 1940-41 Y Cabinet Installed Sunday Sunday evening at 6:45, the old chapel will be the scene for "Y” in.stallation for the ensuing year 1940-41. The old cabinet, carrying lighted candles, and the new cabi net, carrying unlighted candles, will enter the chapel in processional form and be seated in a semi-circle. Kathryn Swain will sing ‘ ‘ My Task,” and Eleanor Welsh will play a harp interlude during the cere mony of lighting the candles of the entire audience. Betty Sanford will deliver the charge to Euth Schnedl, and the old cabinet will charge the new one. The new cabinet is composed of: Ruth Schedl, president; Emily Mc Coy, vice president; Marian Norris, secretary; Sarah Barnum, treasurer; Nancy O’Neal, ch. worship commit tee; Esther Alexander, Community Service; Eleanor Carr, freshman commission; Leila Johnston, “Y” store; Elizabeth Weldon, social com mittee; Wyatt Wilkinson, world fel lowship; Dorothy McLean, publici ty; ifargaret Vardell, music; Cath erine Harrell, finance committee; Mary Elizabeth Rand, “Y” room; Margaret Leinbach, industrial girls; Mary Lou Brown, Day Student “Y” store; Margaret Patterson, honorary member. ALPHA IOTA PI GOES PICNICING Thursday between four and five o’clock automobiles loaded with girls and packed with boxes and baskets left school for a picnic. The girls w'ere members of Alpha Iota Pi, the Latin Club; the automobiles were headed for the Perryman cabin, “Riverside,” on the Yadkin River. When everyone had reached the cabin, the boxes and baskets were unpacked and were found to contain delicious food. “Porci" and “west- ilius” were cooked over the out door oven. After the picnic, games were played. There were around forty, people who enjoyed the outing in the “novel,” new w'eather. H. S. STUDENTS ENTERTAINED We welcomed to the campus this afternoon the senior girls of Rey nolds ■ High School, South High School, and Hanes High School. These guests were taken on a tour of the campus by several of our Day Students. After the tour, tea was served to the group in South Hall. FUTURE EVENTS IN BRIEF OR Coming Events Cast Their Shadow Sunday 6:30 p. m.—Y Installa- tinn Service. Monday — Tea for High School students. Monday 8:30 p. m.—Nancy Mc- Neely in organ recital. Tuesday — Colored Help Show. Wednesday — Home Ec. Club picnic. Thursday 8:30 p. m. — Eliz abeth Tuten in organ recital as sisted by James Blair. Friday 4:00 p. m. — Home Ec. Annual Clothing Exhibit. Tuesday, May 21 — Reading Day. Wednesday, May 22 — Final Exams, start. Government Changes Hands Tuesday morning chapel service w’as devoted to the installation of the new Student Government for 1940-41. Elizabeth Hendrick retiring president, officially handed the reins of office to Margaret Patter son, incoming president, in an im pressive ceremony that marked the close of a most successful year in student activities. The following girls were installed as council mem bers: Patty McNeely and Sue For rest, vice presidents; Leila Johnston, secretary; Eugenia Baynes, treasur er; Esther Alexander, Eleanor Carr, Sarha Linn, Marvel Campbell, senior class representatives; Marian Norris, Lily Sutton Ferrell, Wyatt Wilkin son, junior class representatives; Elizabeth Johnston, Mary Best, Mar garet Ray, sophomore class represen tatives; Margery McMullen and Louise Early, house president; Ruth Schnedl, Y. W. C. A. president; Nell Kerns, I. R. S. president; Kathryn Cole, senior class president; Reece Thonms, junior class president; and Sarah Henry, sophomore class pre.s- ident. Seniors to Sponsor Colored Help Show All upperclassmen are well ac quainted with the highly entertain ing Colored Help Sliows that have become an annual affair on our cam pus. Now the Senior Class has de cided that the Freshmen, too, should learn to know our campus colored folk in their singing and dancing mood, that all upperclassmen will be glad to hear the good ole spirituals and see the hot truckin’ once more, and that] the Seniors themselves want to raise a little money. Put these three things together and the result — a Colored Help Show on next Tuesday evening sponsored by our elder class. The place: The Old Chapel; the time 8:00; and the price 15c (but you’d better bring 20c or see that your credit is good because ice-cream sandwiches will be on sale. PIERRETTES END YEAR’S WORK With the devil-may-care air of an experienced troop, the Pierrette Players for the third and fourth times repeated their performance of Phoebe Rees’ “Sanctuary” in ex panded chapel Wednesday morning and at the Winston-Salem Woman’s Club this afternoon at four-thirty. The players first gave the drama as a part of the program for Salem’s guests on Hospitality Day. The sec ond presentation was in the compe tition at the Kvinston-Salem play tournament April 19. Wednesday’s performance was for the benefit of the college and academy students who had been unable to attend eith er of the other two. Today the drama group of the Junior Woman’s Club of Winston-Salem saw the last appearance of the Pierettes for this year. The cast of the play directed by Mrs. Bruce Williams included: Sis ter Francois, Margaret Ray; Mother Marie, Barbara Plummer; Sister Ann, Agatha Walker; Madamoiselle Cice, Katharine King; MargareteLee Rice; Cityonne Kern, Jackie Ray; Widow Pensol, Elizabeth Tuten. FOUR PRIZES BEING OFFERED In chapel Friday morning announ cement was made of the persona} library contest and the booklist contest to be sponsored by the li brary next year. The announcement created a great deal of interest among the student body. A first prize of twenty-five dollars in books will be awarded to the junior or senior with the best personal libra ry, and ten dollars in books will be a'warded to the sophomore or junior turning in the best list of books to form the nucleus of a personal li brary. With the inauguration of these contests Salem falls in line with other progressive schools. In a number of colleges through out the country there has been a growing interest in encouraging un dergraduates to form and build their own personal libraries. Swarthmore College was the firs tto establish a contest in whic ha prize is awarded annually by A. Edward Newton for the most interesting library acquir ed by a member of the senior class during his college years. Other colleges have been inspired by the Swarthmore plan, to inaugu rate a similar program, among which are: Smith, Wellesley, Haverford, Randolph-Macon, Woman’s College of the University of North Carolina, and now Salem. The colleges report that these awards have created new interest among the students in the discriminating choice of books worth owning. Upon the recommendation of Miss Soiwers, librarian, the Faculty Li- rary Committee has been studying the terms of the award at these var ious schools, and they have found a con.siderable variation. This flex ibility seems a desirable factor, for one would not wish to introduce a steriotype procedure into a contest, the aim of which is the fostering of the art of reading, the most individ ualistic of pursuits. From these studies of the commit tee the library is inaugurating two contests. To the junior or senior who, in the opinion of the judges, has collected the best personal li brary of a general cultural nature a prize in books to the amount of twenty-five dollars will be awarded. To the junior or senior with the sec ond collection, fifteen dollars worth of books will be presented. This collection may be either a gen eral or a special collection; that is to say, the books may be in one sub ject field such as hirtory, poetry, music etc., or they may bo by or about the student’s favorite author. Some regulations seem to be nec essary: The total number of books is not to exceed thirty; all books must be the property of the student entering the contest, and so marked; there is no limit t othe period of years over which the books have been collected; textbooks designed primarily for class room use may not be included; the price of the books is not a determining factor in the (Continued on Page Two) LECTURES ON DRAMA NEXT WEEK A series of lectures concerning the theatre and different aspects of dra ma are to be given by Mr. Jack, Stewart Knapp, emminent lecturer of the University of North Dakota, at West End Hig hSchool, through out next week. For the convenience of those wishing to attend the lec tures, the talks are scheduled for 9:30 in the morning and 8:00 at night on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of the week. Mrs. Bruce Williams will be glad to provide transportation for those who wish to attend any one, or all of the lectures.