Friday, March 13, 1942. THE SALEMITE Page Three. 9 ^60^x19t WG4f... Our faith in human nature has been restored. Life has shown a kicking up of its heels, and we feel much better about the entire situation. E'irst of all, there was all that beautiful turmoil created by the Sophomores . . . the vehement cam paigning, the unique posters, and the mysterious meetings. We’re proud of you. Sophomores, for proving that we don’t HAVE to sit back here on our haunches and accept what seems inevitable. Now that you’ve shown it CAN be done, maybe it’ll be done again sometime. And the' calm, peaceful beauty of Sunday afternoon was completely destroyed. It took only the sound of a fire truck to root all inhabitants out of the library and the dormitories. Pour lasses were so excited that they followed the lovely red Wagon down the street to investigate what trouble there might be. And willj you guess what they found, please? ... a nasty little cat stranded up in the tree. So they settled down to Watch five firemen scramble about in a hiige magnolia with all their hooks and ladders and general equipment. After it was all over, they climbed up on the vehicle and demanded to be chauffeured back to school. What we shan’t go into is the great promulgation caused when the fire truck noisily halted at the front door of Alice Clewell to dump its passen gers! After listening to some of the short stories produced by the comp, class, we have gone into an enormous state of be wailing. It’s just too bad that the magazine met with such a violent end; because, no joke, the stories are excellent. It all took place the other day in philosophy class. You know that horible barn of a room up on the third floor of South? . well, all the little philosophy students were sitting in deepest meditation. Mr Kenyon was spouting forth in his most grave manner. All was quiet and serious, when in tipped Hamp ton with a bucket in one hand, a lantern in the other hand, and a mop somewhere in between. Peeping about surreptitiously, he crossed the room and disappeared behind that little cubby hole door. Nonplussed, the class continued until, the bell rang. But with the tolling of the bell, students divulged at said door to see what took place within. And do you know what ? There was no mop, no lantern, no bucket, no Hampton to be found . . . only a little pile) of dirt swept neatly into a comer. Poor Hampton! Our vote for the most enjoyable chapel program is still the Winston-Salem Teacher’s College Glee Club. Weren’t they marvelous ? Suzanne Willis. jHe QaUt Chaque annfie le printempe fait semblant d’apporter i tout le monde uno nouvelle joie et un certain enchantment. C’est un temps aquel nous attendons pendant toute I’annfie, et nous ne manquons jamais d’en jouir. Oui, m6me eette ann6e-ci nous nous attendions printemps — mais comment t Nous aimons toujours les fleurs qu’il apporte, les doux zephyrs et les cieux bleu-elair. Mais I’arrivfi de ce printemps apporte et joie et tristesse. Que signifle-t-il ? Quel malheur causera-t-il i notre partriet II signifie sans doute, qu’il nous faut combattre plus fort et ferme pour ce que nous dfifendons. Cependant, le printemi>s nous aidera peut-6tre. Ses beaut6s nous remplissent de disirs de garder le beau — pas fleulement la beaut6 ex- tfirieure, mais la beaut6 en forme de liberty remplit nos coeurs. Le printemps nous donne nouvelle force jK)ur garder cette libertfi, et il nous apporte I’espfirance nouvelle et plus forte qu’elle durera toujours. —Becky Howell. Get rid of winter grime and soot with Correct Clean ing. We give quick service at best prices. Plain Dresses 39c Monday Special 34c COLLEGE CLEANERS 525 SOUTH MAIN STREET FOUR FRAGRANCES In MARY CHESS Toilet Accessories OABDENIA — Gracious and Serene CARNATION — Crisp and Vivacious TAPESTRY — Web of Subtle Fragrance WHITE IiILAO — Delicate as Spring AT ARDEN FARM STORE Opposite Salem Square HO-HO, HA-HA, TEA-HE! Friday the thirteenth! Wonder what the day held in store for the Salemitest Were there any black catsT Any ladders? any herb teat Strange as it may seem the Salem gals, at least part of them, did see black cats and herb tea. Speaking of the ladder, I mean latter, the tea is just what this little article is about. For on Friday the thirteenth, Salem played hostess to the high- school seniors from Reynolds, Ilanes, and Gray. Now here’s where the black cat comes in — the tea was served in the Student Scenter. Several day students were dolled up in hose and prettey dresses, mostly black, and they greeted the young high school dames whom they hope to snag as future Salemites. The girls were shown over the campus, stuffed with food, and sent home. Timet From about four to six on the afternoon of Friday the thirteenth! HE ALSO CAPTURES HEARTS The Moravian Young People of the Southern Province invite all students of Salem College and Academy to hoar Dr. Ilarnell Hart of Duke University, who will speak Friday evening March 20 at 7:45'in the Fellowship Hall in the Chris tian Kducation building of the Home Moravian Church. Dr. Hart is one of the country’s best-known writers and speakers in the field of social studies. He join ed the Duke University faculty as professor of sociology in the fall of 1938. He also has membership in the faculty of the school of religion, where he offers courses in social ethics. He is a graduate of Oberlin Col lege an dthe University of Wiscon sin, and holder of the doctorate from the University of Iowa. Dr. Hart associate research professor at the University of Iowa in 1920. In 1924 and for the following If It’s Gossip You Want... What to dot What to dot You beg for gossip, yet you never make any. I thinlc the besl thing to do is to turn this column into jokes or any thing except a dirt column. We’ve all been sitting around waiting for someone to commit sui cide and cause a little excitement around here; so the least we can do is thank Peggy, Dodie, and Mott for their bit. Well, well, Lehman Hall is really having a little competition concern ing —' shall we say, disorderly con duct, namely — second floor of Clewell. The audience will remain seated while the judges come through with their decision. I don‘ t suppose anyone’s seen Mary Lloyd sitting at home lately, have yout What can it be, this technique, that ropes the men in every week-end t And speaking of every week-end, Mary, when is Andy gonna’ enroll? I’m puzzled. Will someone help me out? Wfcat I’m wondering is: who’s getting married, Mary Lib or Carrie f Honestly, this Carmichael-Elder affair is really getting out of hand. Durham one week-end, Bennettsville the next, and Bennettsville again. But after all ho is going in foreign service shortly. A young man’s fancy turns to thoughts, etc. and do you know but that Mary Lib Band is sporting a Pika pin and Lib Road has an army pin. Ah love! Well, we said last week that Scot ty was all a flitter about V. P. I. Easters, but if you could have seen her greet the boy friend who’s been in Iceland for the past seven months —well, draw your own conclusions. So Babe’s the belle of Senior. Special scoop! The inside dope concerning Peggy Somer’s ring is that it came from the five and dimo store and not California. Well, well! Angela’s blond dream- man is really coming to life — or s-o says the fortune-teller. And don’t think that Nellie’s not look ing forward to her predicted future. Why, marrying Gene is practically her ambition. I just think Goldberg’s already had her Spring vacation — what do you think? And with a foundation garment (corset, to you) that takes off six inches — all the way down. If Mrs. Rondthaler can get the senior dates, why in (censored) doesn’t she help us poor underclass men. So sorry Springer, but Struvie seems to be making more time with John than you are. Marjorie Craig is the picture of bliss these days — and all because of that real nice little brunette. Between Duke and Ft. Bragg Burvenick’s George is having a hard time. Miss Sink is on the verge of mak ing a decision. Should she go to New Jersey Spring Holidays or this summer. Well, so long for this time. But before I leave I’d like to congratu late JVirmer, Vanderbilt and Bose- man. nine years he was associate profes sor and professor of social economy at Bryn Mawr College. For the five years previous to his coming to Duke he was professor of social ethics at Hartford Theological Seminary, Hartford, Conn. Dr. Hart was on the Salem Cam pus for Religious Emphasis week in 1940, and his coming will be en thusiastically hailed by those who remember his last visit with us. THINGS WE NEVER KNEW The A. A. President announced this week that a basketball game will be waged in the Gym Friday night at seven o’clock. The an nouncement came as a complete shock to the campus because there’s been no mention of basketball teams up until now. Curiosity, at least, ought to lure us down the hill to see what the freshmen and the sophomores have to offer in an ath letic way. 3k. IIGHT— your EYES Indeed . . . the Golden Rule of good studying is more vital to happy living than any other. . . . ' LTse the I.E.S. Study Lamp • . • which assures your eyes of proper light for studying and read ing* At Your Electrical Dealer or 2)uL POWER COMPANY OHAPEL FOBEOAST: March 17: Ratification of constitution. March 19: Mr. Gordon Gray — Radio. COME ON CHILLUN! . . . IT’S “KAY-LOSSAL” The laugh-tove-song classic of the year as Kay gives John the Jit t«rs with his |lv8 version of ‘Hamlet’l Mmmmm with John BARRYMORE! LUPE VELEZ GINNY SIMMS MAY ROBSON PATSY KELLY lB*r Peter Lind HAYESV and KAY KYSER'S BAND OWI. SHOW, SAT. NITE MON. - TUB. - WED. ENGRAVED Invitations — Announcements Calling Cards — Stationery H. T. Hearn Engraving Co. 632 W. FOXmTH STREET Paschal Shoe Repair Co. We Also Dye Shoes Any Color “Best In Our Line” Prompt Call and Delivery Service 219 W. 4th ST. DIAL 4901 For Quickest and Best Service PATRONIZE MORRIS SERVICE Next To Carolina Theater Meet Your Friends At PICCADILLY GRILL The Most Up-To-Date Restaurant in the South 415 W. 4th Street THE BOAR AND CASTLE Famous Steak Sandwiches CURB SERVICE CLEMMONS ROAD VOGLER SERVICE Ambulance Funeral Directors Dependable for More Than 83 Years DIAL 6101 SALEMITES UP-TOWN MEETING PLACE ANCHOR CO., INC. “The Shopping Center” Cartoon & News Any Seat 280 PERFECT PRINTING PLATES PIEDMONT ENCRAVINGCO. WIN/TON-vfALEM TWIN CITV IDRY atANlNO col 612 West Pourth St. DIAL 7106 CAVALIER CAFETERIA WEST SIDE COURT HOUSE Excellent Food Reasonable Prices DUKE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF NURSING DURHAM, N. 0. The Diploma of ^Graduate Nurse is awarded after three years. Qualified students are eligible for the degree of B. S. in Nursing after an addi tional year of hospital and univer sity work. The entrance requirements axe In telligence, character, and one year of college work. The annual tuition of $100.00 covers the cost of maintenance and uni forms. Because of the urgent need for nurses, the next class will be admit ted July 6 instead of September SO, as previously announced. Catalogues, application forms, and information about requirements may be obtained from the Dean.