Page Four. THE SALEMITL Friday, April 1 7, 1942. STXJNTS TOP THIS YEAR (Continued from Page i) were Mary Ellen Byrd, Molly Bose- man, Louannc Davis, Nell Cansler, Dot Stadler, Margaret Bulloeh, Alyce Steavens, Jo Gerswin, Fran Goodwin, Boo Leigh, S’ophia Sue Duffy, Barbara Ilumbart, Mabel Glenn, Joyce Wjooten, “Billy” Coira,, Xell Kewall, Edie Shapiro (wow!), and Peggy Nimocks. Di rectors wore Lucille Smoot and N'ona Lee Oole and Proj)erty and Make-up committees were Dodie Bailey, Frances Jones, and Adele Chase; Jane Strohm was jiianist. Judges —■ who really had a tough job — were iliss Eva Covington, Miss Ivy Hixson, and Mr. Lawrence Kenyon. The prize was awarded on the basis of costumes, presentation, and originality. Father: ‘‘Vp sorry 1 brought you here, Dorothy. This is hardly a play for a girl of your age. ’ ’ Daughter: “Oh, that’s all right dad. It’ll probably liven up a bit before the end.” For Quickest and Best Service PATEONIZE MORRIS SERVICE Next To Carolina Theater Barber Photo Supply Co kodak HEADQUARTERS 6th Street Opposite Post Office WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. VOGLER SERVICE Ambulance Funeral Directors Dependable for More Than 83 Years DIAL 6101 SALEMITES UPTOWN MEETING PLACE ANCHOR CO., INC. ‘ ‘ The Shopping Center ” You taste its quality TWAOC'MARK CAVALIER CAFETERIA WEST SIDE COTJET HOUSE Elxcellent Food Reasonable Prices Assure youi-self of ;i com fortable, ic 0 o 1 summer with a wardi’obc of chic cotton froek.s from the IDEAL Wert Fourth 8tr««t Sports Equipment TENNIS RACKETS TENNIS BALLS GOLF BALLS 'BADMINTON RACKETS TENNIS SHOES BACKETS RESTRUNG BATHING CAPS SXTN GLASSES KODAKS and FILMS SALEM BOOK STORE Salem Campus Square STUDENTS HONOR TEACHERS Thursday evening at 6:00 in the Clul) Room of the Refectory the student teachers had as their guests at dinner city schoolteachers and administrative officials. The theme oli springtime was car ried out in decorations, place cards .and menu. Mary Worth Walker, loastmistress, gave the guests a wel come, asking them to ‘‘turn aside froni the cares and troubles of the school day and join us in a spirit of springtime, a spirit of peace and hope and happiness.” i’lans for the occasion were in (.■harge .of the elementary student teachers. Tliese include: Dorothy Sisk, general chairman; Peggy Garth, Assistant Chairman; Marj- Worth Walker, Toastmistress; Mary Wilson Wall, Invitations; Lucy' >priuger, menu; Betty Barbour, jilace cards; Allene Harrison, dec- or;:tions, Martlia Bowman and El eanor Glenn, reception; “Mickey” C'raig and Xancy Wiesson, entertain ment ; music by Edna Baugham and Annie Hyman Bunn. ALICE PURCELL TO GIVE Recital DR. BROWNELL (Continued FVom Page One) Aritl metic. A member of the Coun cil of the American Association of University Professors, 1941-45, Dr. Brownell has also been elected Di rector of the N'ational Society for the Study of Education to serve for the period 1942-4.^. (Continued From Page One) temporary American composer. Schu mann’s “ Kreisleriana,” op. 16, No. 3 opera the group, Berceuse, op. 57 by Chopin and Etude: “If I were a Bird” by Hensell follow. The last number of the group is the de lightful descriptive piece by John Powell, “Merry-go-B^nd.” Mar ion’s next' numbers are two that form a pleasing contrast. The first is the aria “O Nuit Qui Me Couvre,” from “La Fiancee d’aby- dos ’ ’ by Barther. The last one is “Come Unto These Yellow S'ands” by tKe noted accompanist and com poser Frank La Forge. The climax and final number on the program will be the first move ment, ‘‘Allegro Moderate,” of the brilliant concerta in A minor, op. 10, by Grieg. In this number Alice will be assisted at the second piano by Dr. Vardoll. “Are we going to try out young Roberts for the football squad?” asked the captain. “No,” replied the coach; “any body who can spell such words as plenipotentiary, erysipelas, and pleb iscite is no good as a football play er.’ The Wicked are wicked and may go astray; but who can tell the mischief done by the very virtuous?—Thackeray. SALEM STRING ORCHESTRA (Continued Prom Page 3) composition called for skillful bow ing and fingering in difficult posi tions, and her technique was amaz- fluent. Her tone quality was good throughout, and in some un usually inspired spots beautifully resonant. PSYCHOLOGY PICTURES (Continued from page One) tures made at the University of Chicago. The first one will be on heredity and the second on endo crine glands. All students are invited to see these films. Thanks to the Anchor Co., for the' Soph’s palm tree . Paschal Shoe Repair Co. We Also Dye Shoes Any Color “Best In Our Line” Prompt Call and Delivery Service 219 W. 4th ST. DIAL 4901 Meet Your Friends At PICCADILLY GRILL The Most Up-To-Date Restaurant in the South 415 W. 4th Street THE BOAR AND CASTLE Famous Steak Sandwiches CURB SERVICE CLEMMONS ROAD ENGRAVED Invitations — Annouricements Calling Cards — Stationery H. T. Hearn Engraving Co. 632 W. FOURTH STREET Belk-Stevens Co. “THE HOME OF BETTER VALUES” WINSTON-SALEM NORTH CAROLINA S/ioreV/easure There’ s satisfaction in knowing that the 6Va/ revenue tax you pay on every pack of twenty cigarettes is doing its bit for Uncle Sam And, when you buy Chesterfields, you have the satisfaction of knowing you are getting a superior blend of the world’s best cigarette tobaccos. This famous blend gives you a smoke that is definitely milder, far COOLER and lots better-tasting. Make your next pack Chesterfields. You can't buy a better cigarette. ^ore Th ^2,000 OOO / theO ST : or ^'200 37®" FIRST TO FIGHT rt tMv mojfo of S. Marine?.- FIRST ioT.; a: Mjlderj.BeHef'Jast^ (flq ifliglte CKesfertield SAFELY BACK from a raid or dog-f Ight, It's happy landing for our air fighters when they light up and enjoy the cigarette that Satisfies. PATRIOTIC WOMEN'S | organizations ore doing a real job on the home front in our fighf for the American woy of life ChesteTOld Cof>yn{h( 1942. Ltccerr & Mrus TotACCO