Page Four. SPORTS HE SALEMITL ATHLETICS ARE ON UPBEAT AT SALEM MISS AVERILL WINS BOND Tennis has shown that Sa,Iera has not really become a Female Acad emy. There still lurks a desire, though somewhat suppressed, to en gage in activities fiercer than the dance. The past few days have seen, the courts crowded with fairly decent tennis players, and we might venture to say that the athletic field is begining to resemble a pub lic playground. On ^Vjednesday, some able repre sentatives defeated an envoy from the Hanes High School. Some of the matches were rather close, but our aJwiiys unconqueraJjJe team came through. We greet with joy this newly re vived interest in sports, and wonder if tennis is succef'ding so well sim ply because it only takes two to play. \\ e hope (we might go so tar as tQ pray) that this is not the ease. We })refer to consider it a genuine interest -in active sports at last breaking tlirough a year of supiiression. Seat year will tell. Life is too short to engage in use less arguments. Dormitory students at Newcomb College, New Orleans, have devised a type of ‘‘sweetheart insurance” which, they believe, will eliminate rivals, in affairs of the heart. Should a student suddenly become unpopular and wait to no avail for phone calls from her “steady” she can consult the dormitory ‘‘date book.” I There, in black and white, she may discover the trouble. For in that book are recorded all dates of dormitory girls, with the exact time of departure and return and the name of the escort. Failure to sign out, or errors in signing, are taken up by the Cam pus Honor society and delinquents are confined to the campus for sev eral days. There is a way yto beat the game, however. If one girl’s boy friend takes a fancy to another of the stu dents, the “chis^ers” can have a strolling date on the large campus, in accordance with regulations, with out recording the meeting.—A. C. P. GET IT AT WELFARE’S DRUG STORE The Best Of Everything 1 You Want DIAL 6104-05 CAVALIER CAFETERIA WEST SIDE COXJET HOUSE Excellent Food Reasonable Prices A^ssiire yoiii'self of a com fortable, cool summer witli a wardi'obe of chic cotton fi'ocks from the IDEAL Wert rowrth Street WATCH your money bijbble in the new Bubble Books. HELP the advisory board by providingi ash trays from as for your many smoking rooms. And HELP the boys in the Army with the lovely new sta tionary at SALEM BOOK STORE Salem Campus Sqnaxe A coiv Cilauieu in iivjjig i.,. of Phi Kappa I’i fraternity house at Beloit (Wis.) college surprisec the housemother when she came down stairs on a recent morning. -A. note attach(‘d to one of the cow’s horns said; “This little cow vvaJks in her sieej). If she walks into your house, scold her and re- tiiurn her to the south side, of (own.” A. 0. J\ Do your part for Defense, kffcp off the grass. Averill has received word that she has won the $50 U. S'. De fense Bond prize for entering stu dents having the best posture in colleges with registration under 1000. Those girls who were in the con test were: Mary Jane Copcnhaver, Mary Katon and Jane Strohm. These girls were chosen for general at tractiveness, good figures, person ality and good grooming as well as good posture. The photographs wore judged according to general inter est, dramatic quality, general at tractiveness and cleanness. The contest was’ sponsored by the Samuel Higby Comp. Institute. Judges included Mr. E. W. Yeend, physical education instructor of New York University; Mr. William Saunders, physical education direc tor, High School of Commerce, New Vork, and Regional Director Civil ian Defense Physical Fitness Pro gram; also Mrs. Harriet McCormick, instructor in physical education. Teacher’s College, Calumbia Uni versity. DR. ANSCOMBE (Continued From Page One) be a long struggle, a shifting of values, and; a change in our present mode of life which will at first be hard to accept. And Europe, while maintaining the existing cultures, must be ready to sacrifice But after these changes do finally come about, the world, may rest from the series of wars that has been weak- ening her. This was the jist of Dr. Ans- combe’s lecture. It was indeed timely, and it is unfortunate that there weren’t more ardent students present to get the grim picture of the world and life that lies in the future for all of us. STUDENT GOV’T. What senior, whose initials are L. B. was disappointed by the fact that her date didn’t take her to the Rainbow Room for dinner, when Miss Averill and Corrinne Faw wer6 all set to be chaperones? (Continued FVom Pago One) Government Council during this year. Katherine Schwalbe, a sophomore majoring in mathematics and Eng lish, is the student government’.^ newly elected secretary. She is the daughter of Mrs. Anna Schwalbe of Bethel, Alaska. She, belongs to the choral ensemble ,orchestra, German Club, and this year served as treas urer of the Math Club. irildred Avera, now a member of the Spanish Club, Salemite staff, and Student Government Council, is the association’s newly elected treasurer. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Avera of this city and is majoring in mathematics MAY DAY (Continued From Page One) Marie Fitzgerald, Peggy Ballin, Lib Gudger, Hazel Newman, Katherine Traynham. The May Pole Dancers are: Pa tricia Woltz, Betty Moore, Margar et Moran, Mabel Glenn, Jennie Dye Bunch, Nancy Stone, Sophia Sue Duffy, Justine Weaver, Marian Gary, Sarah Bowen, Peggy Jane White, and Catherine Swinson. Edith Shapiro W'ill do the solo dance of the Narcissus. Marguerite Bet- tinger, chairman of dance committee will dance the solo dance of the Fountain. The dances were composed and di rected by, Miss Averill. The action of the play is directed by Mrs. Bruce Williams. Barber Photo Supply Co kodak HEADQUARTERS 6th Street Opposite Post Office WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. VOGLER SERVICE Ambulance Funeral Director# Dependable for More Than 83 Tear* DIAL 6101 SALEMITES UP-TOWN MEETING PLACE ANCHOR CO., INC. ‘The Shopping Center” There’s satisfaction in knowing that the GVa/ revenue tax you pay on every pack of twenty cigarettes is doing its bit for Uncle Sam And you’ll get complete smoking satisfaction in Chesterfield’s famous blend of the world’s best cigarette tobaccos. This superior blend is tops in everything you like best in a cigarette. It is definitely MILDER, far COOLER and lots better-tasting. Try Chesterfields today. See why millions so.y/‘You can't buy a better cigarette,''^ for or CAROLYN CASSIDY, Mis5 Amen can Aviation. From coost to coasl our country's air lines ore ploying o mofor port in Nofionot Defense From coast to coast Chesterfield gives smokers more pleosure WE WILL WIN. We did it before ond we'll do it ogoin. Once a smoker has enjoyed Chester field's cooler, better taste he smokes them agoin and again On , r- MfiT/ONS rROA/T WHEREVER YOU FIND A BLUEJACKET YOU'LL FIND CHESTERFIELD. On PT-boat, »ub Of baHl«-wogon, they give tmokers o lot more pl*osuro- Copynjhi liw, liMin & Mvtts Toucco Co