Page Four. Golf and Tennis Tourna ments Come With Spring With the advent of spring an in terest in tennis and golf has sprung up. Everyday girls may be seen trot ting to the tennis courts and golf course. To create added interest in these two sports a tournament will be held. Golf preliminaries will If played on our court and then two girls from each classes will be chosen to go to Reynolds Park to played on our course and then two girls from each class will be receive a prize. The fee usually required for playing at the park will be donated to this wortliy cause by the manager of the park. Nimocks, tennis manager, says that she is planning to have the tennis tournament in the near future. This idea should be received with enthusiasm because of the high in terest of Salemites in tennis. Every year the tennis tournaments have been a great success and this one should be even more so because of the failure to . have one last fall. Let’s see all of ygu who can play golf or tennis turn out and test your skills. —RADIO— played the first movement of this difficult symphony which is consid ered one of the most brilliant of Tranck’s compositions. The Skylark by Gretchaninoff, and Snowdrops by ProkofiefP were both picturesque and enchanting. Some where in This Summer Night by Carew was one of the loveliest numbers in which Jane caught a feeling of the true sense of the text. Just like a flirt—that was Jane in the Goossens number, I’m Owre Young. Come Unto These Yellow Sands by La Forge showed the colo ratura quality of her voice beauti- fully. Miss Laura Emily Pitts did a beautiful job of accompanying. In all, the evening was a great suc cess and Jane deserves the highest praise for an outstanding perform ance. —DEHYDRATED— General Prank M. Andrews, Ameri can commander in the European theatre, lost his life in an airplane accident in a remote part of Iceland on Monday, nr FAR EAST— Americans destroyed a Jap patrol in Guadalcanal and made air raids on ,Tap bases over a wide area in the Southwest Pacific. Japanese re ported building big submarine fleet in Pacific. American planes bombed docks at Rangon, Burma. Uncle Sam’s subs have sunk 12,5,000 tons of Japanese shipping since the war started. During April MaeArthur’s airmen sank or damaged many enemy ships and destroyed or dam aged more than 100 Jap planes. Be lieve heavy Jap raid on Darwin open ed new phase of southwest Pacific air war with both sides intensifying activities; Spitfires suffered heavy losses ,indicatnig picked pilots made enemy raid. Japs throw paratroops into battle for Taihang mountain range on Honan—Shansi border; Chinese now have situation in hand. On Wiednesday the Navy revealed occupation of Russell Islands, near Guadalcanal, by American troops; sinking of six or more Jap ships, including two war vessels by U. S. subs. IN AMEEICA— II. S. severed all ties with Vichy French regime in Martinique on Friday of last week, opening way for possible seizure of island by Navy, Saturday at 10 A, M. was the deadline set by Pres. Roosevelt for the coal mine strikers to go back to work. When they did not meet the deadline, R'oosevelt took over the mines for the government and put Ickes in charge. Sunday, John L, Lewis agreed to the miners going back to work for a J5-day period, but refused to submit the argument to the War Labor Board. Lewis still insists on wage raises, Ickes ordered six-day mine week. WLB took up active jurisdiction in the case again on Tuesday, House voted compro mise on Pay-As-You-Go tax plan on Tuesday and passed bill on to Senate, -CONTEST- the surface qualities found in ‘'The Bevil and Daniel Webster,” but the underlying human characteristics that have made the soul of a people. She caught the flavor of an America which is composed of the traitors which are found in the story. Lucille concluded ,by saying that although America must temporily neglect Benet, it will turn to him later as a statement of American ideals. Plainly the judges, Dr. George Mauze, Rev. Douglas Rights, and Mr. Archibald Davis faced a difficult problem. But after a few moments deliberation, all agreed that on the Geachy should possess the cuj). basis of public speaking ability —SHAMEL— Next Thursday night at 8:30 in Music Hall Aline will give her graduating recital in piano. She will be assisted by Peggy Eaton, soprano. Her program will consist of the following numbers: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, Bach-Hess Jig Mattheson Aline Novellette in B Minor, op. 99, Schumann Polonaise in C sharp minor, op, 26, No, 1 Chopin Aline Ich Liebe Dich Beethoven Vergebliches Stanchen, op. 84, No. 4 Brahms Mine' S'chubetr Peggy Autumn, op. 3.’), No. 3.,..Chaminade Serenade, op. 3 Rachmaninoff A Ghost Story, op. 18, No. 7, Cossens The Punch & Judy Show, op, 18, No. 6 Cossens Aline The Sleep That Hits on Baby’s Eyes Carpenter Silent Noon Vaughan-Williams Under the Greenwood Tree, Buzzi-Peccia I’eggy Concerto in D minor, op. 40, Mendelssohn Allegro Appassionato Aline Orchestral Accompaniment at the Piano Dr. Vardell Friday. May 7, 1943. —STOKES— she adores to eat popcorn a'c hill billy shows. Photography is her big hobby, and one at which she is unusually adept, and which shows excellent results in the pictures she turns out. Lindy’s more pensive moods show a sound judgment and clear thinking, and she has been ac tive on many cabinets and commit tees during her college years. A senior in voice, Lindy’s recital program on Monday evening is in teresting and varied and provides ample opportunities for displaying vocal technique and interpretation. The first group consists of “Vag- hissima sembianza” by Donaudy; iNymphs and Shepherds” by Pur- cell; and the Aria “Stizzoso mio Stizzioso” from “La serva padrona” by Pergolesi. German masterworks will be featured in the second group: “Maria Wiegenlied” by Reger; enade,” by R. Strauss, and “Wie soli ich die Prende, die Wonne denn tragen” by Brahms. Then follows the area from “I Puritani” by Bel- ini, *^Qui la voce sua soave ” Concluding the program are four songs of more recent schools. “Beau Soir by Debussy. “When Celia Sin^’ by Moir, “My Lady Lofu” by Warren, and the brilliant “The Maids of Cadiz” by Delibes will bring the program to a close. PICCADILLf GRILL AT THE THEATRES Carolina: Mon,-Tues,-Wed: “The Moon Is Down,” T-hurs.-Fri.-Sat.: “The More the Merrier.” State: Monday: “He Hired the Boss” (on screen); (On stage): “Count Berni Vicci’s Stardust Review.” Tues.-Wed. “S’even Miles from Alcatraz.” Thurs.-Fri.-Sat.: “King of Cow boys.” Forsyth: Mon.-Tues.: “Panama Hattie ” Wed,-Thurs.: “The Black Swan.” Pri.-Sat.: “Dr. Broadway.” Colonial: Mon.-Tues.: “Grand Ole Op’ry” Wednesday: “Palm Beach Story.” Thursday: “Almost Married.” Fri.-Sat.: “Sundown Kid.” The Most Up-To-Date Restaurant in the South 4th Street dress up FOR EASTER With Shoes From belchers, Inc. nissen bldg. Paschal Shoe Repair Co. Shoes Any Color Best In Our Line” Delivery Service 219 W. 4th St. dIAI 4901 morrFs service Next To Carolina Theater GRILLED SANDWICHES fountain service ENGRAVED Invitations — Announcements Calling Cards — Stationery H. L Hearn Engraving Co. 632 W, FOUETH STRTiV.T twin CITV IDRY OtANWO col dial 7106 612 West Fourth St. VOCLER SERVICE Ambulance Funeral Directors Dependable for More Than 84 Years DIAL 6101 m I re0i th0 ORINK THEY’RE tRUE TO THEIR PLEDGE THEY'RE^ TRUE TO THEIR PLEDGE AMERICA’S 180,000 MEN AND WOMEN OF MEDICINE are serving humanity faithfully wherever the need may be. They give their best with our troops and are doing double duty at home. Giving you a MILDER BETTER TASTE The Steadily growing popularity of Chesterfields is a sure sign that they make good their pledge to give you the things that count most in a cigarette. Smokers know they can depend on Chesterfield s Right Combination of the world’s best cigarette tobaccos to give them a Milder, Better Taste. They’re true to their pledge They Satisfy, WRITE LEHERS ★ M Copyright 1943, Liogett & Myers Tobacco Co.) THE CIGARETTE THAT GIVES SMOKERS WHAT THEY WANT