Page Four. THE SALEMITE Friday, May 14, 1943. NEW ATHLETir BOARD CHOSEN On Thursday, May 6, the old Council of the Athletic Assoeiation met to elect the new Council that will begin functioning next year un der President Mildred Butner. The new council members and their po sitions are: Vice-Fresident—Mary Ellen Car- rig- Secretary—Elizabeth McLendon. Treasurer—Joyce Wooten. Basketball Manager—I’eggy With- erington. Hockey Manager—Polly Starbuck. Tennis Manager—Nell Griffin. Swimming Manager ■— Margery Craig. Archery Manager—Charlotte Kif- kin. Badminton Manager—Ann Douth- it- Softball Manager—Mary Stewart Snider. E'iding Manager—Nellie Seawald. Golf Manager—Mary Alice Neil- son. Hilling Manager—Jane Angus. * TTie Assistant Basketball, Hockey and SVimming Managers will be ap pointed by the managers of these sports in the fall. FIRST ANNUAL HORSE SHOW TO BE HELD AS SALEM —LIBRARY AWARDS— just an ordinary worm.” . Dr. E’ondthaler then announced an«J Miss Siewers, the Libarian presented the prizes for the Library contest. The conditions for the con test for Juniors and Seniors were: all bdoks must be the property of the contestant, the maximum number of books was 30, the books were from their personal collection, no textbooks could be counted. There were six contestants in this class. First place winner Bobbie won a check for $25 with which to buy more books. Second place winner was Margaret for a special musical collection, the prize being a check The conditions for the Ere^^S and Sophomores were: not more than 30 books could be counted, it was a list of books that the con testants would like to own. Four entered this contest. First place winner Mary Ellen received a check for $10 with which to buy books from her list. Second place winner Mary Alice won a check for $5 with ivhich to buy books. The list of books submitted by Bobbie was: Wilson, Grove: Great Men of Science; Dickens, Charles: The Life of Our Lord; Funk and Wagnalls: D«sk Standard Diction ary; Tie Holy Bible, King James Version; The Official Kules of Card Games, 40th Ed.; Mawsom, C. 0. S.- Boget’s Treasury of Words; Maugh am, W. Somerset; The Moon and Sixpense; Grahame, Kenneth- The Wind in the WiUow; Farmer, F M • The Boston Cooking School Cook Book; Samuel Pepys’ Diary; Mod em Short Stories, Leonard Brown, Ed.; Van Loon, H. W.: The Arts; Millet and Bentley: The Play’s the Thing, The Works of Shakespeare; Culver and Grant: The Book of Old Ships; World Famous Paintings, Rockwell Kent, Ed.; A Conrad Ar- SOsy; Hankhammer and Lampe: The Art of Block Cutting; Whittaker, Lt. James C.: We Thought We Heard the Angels Sing; The Symposium of Palto, T'rans. by B. Lowett; Vallen- tin, Antonina: Leonardo da Vinci; Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam; Law rence, T. E.; Seven Pillars of Wis dom; Clarke, H. A.: Pronouncing Musical Dictionary; Voltaire: Can- dide; Hogben, Lancelot: Mathemat ics for the Millions; The World’s Best Poems; Dietz, David: The Story of Science; Levant, Oscar: A Smat tering of Ignorance; The Complete Works of Homer. The list of books submitted by Mary Ellen was: Webster’s CoUeg- iate Dictionary; Gayley, Charles Mills: The Classic Myths; Thrall, William and Addison Hibbard: A Handbook to Literature; World Al manac and Book of Facts for 1943; Chaucer, Geoffrey; Complete Works, Ed. F. N. Eobinson; Byron, George Gordon; Childe BEarold’s Pilgrimage; Keats, John: Complete Poetry- Swift, Jonathan: Gulliver’s Travels For the first time in the history of Salem College, the Annual Horse- show will be held on our campus, Saturday May 22, at 4:00 p. m. The track will be on the athletic field and the observers will spectate from the banks of the hills. The classes in the show will con sists of beginners arid advanced riders from the college and the 4»eademy. In addition to the con tests for horsemanship, a relay race will be held which is expected to be very interesting, since this will be the first time the girls have done relay riding. Eibbons will be awarded to both the Academy stu dents and the College students. In addition to the ribbons, Mr. Monte Cohen, of Cohen’s Eeady-to-Wear Shop, is presenting a silver cup to be awarded to the Salem College student who qualifies in improve ment, ability, and interest. This cup will not be awarded at the lorseshow, but in chapel at a later late. In order to be considered for the cup, the student must have one semester’s riding in addition to rid- ng in the horseshow. Mrs. W. M. Storey will preside as judge. It is felt that Mrs. Story s eminently qualified for this diff- cult task since she is well known as a breeder of show horses and has won several cups with the horses ored at her Old Mill Farm. Despite weather and war condit- ons, Mrs. Wallace Dunham has lone a great deal in instructing both the Academy and College stu dents in riding this year, and it is hoped that all students and their friends will attend this show to prove that her effort has been worth while. The public is invited and into Several Remote Nations of the World; Quintana, Eicardo: The Mind and Art of Jonathan Swift; Eliot, George; Mill on the Floss; Dickens, Charles; Da-vid Copperfield; Goos, J. Ballads of Britain; Sheppard, Mrs. Muriel; Cabins in the Laurel; Lamb, Charles; Select Essays; Parker, Dor othy; After Such Pleasures: Drink- >vater, John: Pilgrim of Eternity; iiimball, Marie Jefferson: The Road to Glory; Selected Works of Steph en V. Benet; Craven, Thomas: Men of Art; Hayes, Carlton: Political and Cultural History of Modern Europe; Beard, Charles and Mary: Rise of American Civilization; McKinney, Howard and W. E. Ald- 3rson: Music in History; O’Neil, Eu gene: Nine Plays; Alpern and Mar tel: Diez Comedias Del Siglo De Oro; Zinsser, Hans: As I Bemember Him; White, William L,: They Were Expendable; The Bible, Designed to Be Read as Living Literature, the Old ^d New Testaments in the King James Version; Neblette, C- B.: Photography: its principles and Practice. there will be no admission. The following girls are eligible to enter the horsesiiow from S'alem College; Doris Smith Mary Miller Ann Brown Frances R'ives Kathleen Phillips Edith Shapiro Peggy Bollin Eosalind Clark Vawter Steele Charlotte Rifkin Nellie S’eewald Mary Lou Stack Carroll Bell Nancy Kenny Snookie Willis Katherine Fort Caroline Chase Lucy Farmer TWIN CITV IDGIY CUAN1M4J COl DIAL 7106 612 West Fourth St. SALEMITES UP TOWN MEETING PLACE the anchor CO. ‘The Shopping Center” MAY TIME IS WHITE SHOE TIME AT BELCHERS, Inc. NISSEN BLDG. SOFTBALL The first softball game of the sea son was a tie of 5-5 by the juniors and sophomores. The freshmen forfeited the next jame from the seniors when only our of the “old ladies” showed up, but bouquets to those four who did Irag themselves out. On last Friday the freshmen play ed a hard-fought but good-natured game with the sophomores. The sophomores were hot after the fresh men scalps for they had been defeat- by them in hockey and basket ball. By hard hitting, good pitch ing, ^nd excellent fielding the sophs won 14 to 9 and regained some of their self-respect. Outstanding play- rs for the sophomores were second 0]iiiiiiiiirnaiiiiiiiiiiii(]iiiniiiiNiniiiiiiiMiii[3iiiiiriiiiii[]iii: I Golf Balls I I Tennis Shoes | I Tennis Racquets § I Bathing Caps | § Tennis Shoes | I SALEM BOOK STORE | I Salem Campus Squaie 1 = 5 SiiiniiiiiiiiiiHniiniiiiiiiiaiiiiitiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiico baseman “Stu” Snider, pitcher Ed ith Stovall, lirst-baseman Rachel Pinkston, and short stop Joyce Woot en. Betsy Casteen pitched a nice game for the freshmen and Martha Humbert and Achsah Shore were the heavy hitters for that team. Yesterday Mary Lewis, pitcher, helped the juniors defeat the seniors 21-14 by making a home-run. Ginor Foster is captain of the juniors; Coco McKenzie, of the seniors. MILK SELECTE D AIRIES ICE CREAM STERLIHG SILVER ^ SALEM SPOONS Make Grand Gifts $1.00 Plus tax AROEN FARM STORE Across the Square from Salem College. New Gabardine Suits in Bright Colors Sizes 10-18 $24.95 at the THE IDEAL DRY GOODS CO. West Fourth St. PieCADILLY GRIuT“ Tie Most Op-To-Datc Restaurant in the South 415 W. 4th Street ^schal Shoe RepaiT^ We Alan Dye Shoes Any Color “Best In Our Line” Prompt Call and Delivery Service ^19 W. 4th St. dial 4901 MORRIS SERVICE Next To Carolina Theater grilled SANDWICHES fountain SERVICE ENGRAVED Invitations — Announcements Calling Cards — Stationery T. Hearn Engraving Co. W. FOUKTH STEEET USTSWGIS SUNDAY NIGHT Eemember how much fun that community sing was in chapel yes terday? Well here comes another grand opportunity to hear and sing those favorite numbers and some new ones as well. Sunday evening in Memorial Hall at eight-thirty the Music School will present a final program in the series of thirteen broadcasts. The program will be- grin at eight-thirty and the regular broadcast will be from nine to nine- thirty. This resume program will include participation by community groups as well as the music school. A large community chorus will sing sever.ll well-loved numbers from oratorios and will be directed by guest conductors. Members of the conducting class and the choral en semble will lead the ensemble in presenting various songs both dur ing the broadcast and before it. Songs of the United Nations to be featured will be, first of all “The Star Spangled Banner,” conducted by Alin* STiamel. Elizabeth John ston will lead the ensemble in “Eule Brittania”; Peggy Eaton will con duct the Chinese Marching Songs, Arise, ye who refuse to be bond 8 3-ves. Shostakovitch, contempo- rary Eussian composer, has com posed a “Hymn of the United Na tions” which will be conducted by M^argaret Leinbach. A group of Stephen Foster songs, ‘ ‘ Swanee Elv er,” “Beautiful Dreamer,” and “Some Folks” will feature conduc tors Jane Garrou, Marie Fitzgerald Jones, and Annie Hyman Bunn re spectively. Of particular interest is the two piano acpompaniment for each of the numbers. Two teams, Winstead-C. SVinson, and L. Tay- lor-Love, will give excellent support from the keyboards. Mr. Bair, with the help of Miss Porter, arranged the entire program and the Choral Ensemble will as sist throughout. The ensemble will also sing the beautiful “Prayer Without Words” by Gustav Holst, in which Marian Gary will sing the so prano solo. This super-colo.ssal pro gram needs the enthusiastic support of each one of you in order to be a real success, and we are depending upon your presence Sunday evening at eight-thirty. VOGLER SERVICE Ambulance Funeral Directors Dependable for More Than 84 Years ^ nJBLISHEES recordings ■OUJSIOAI, INSTRUMENTS _ ^®cessoeies Brodt-Separk Music Co. iniEliS ARE WEAPONS FOR VICTOK^ •S' * ir ft »s£ tm irtm r*nts fO CET * UTTER • WRITE A lEIIfU - VISIT WELFARE’S DRUG STORE DELICIOUS ICE CREAM, COCA-COLA MADE THE WELFARE WAY FOR YOUR WELFARE WELFARE’S DRUG STORE Sam E. Welfare, Owner Winston-Salem, N. C. PERFECT PRINTING PLATES PIEDMONT EHORAVIKCCO WINJTON-J'ALEM T»»AOe*MARK