Sept. 24, 1943. THE SALEMITE Page Three. FIFTH COLUMN REPORTING: Faces and more faces, somcf of them old, some of them new. Isn’t it great to be back and see every body again! Catching up on the happenings of the summer we find we’v0 lost quite a few loyal Salem- itse at the altar—no, not s^crifiei- ally, but very happily. Little Hazel Newman and Ben Lee at last I . . ■ Also Fran and Bob, and the big event comes off for “Sis” and Joyce W. soon. Among others we miss Smoot (at Duke this year) and Nancy Johnston (at the University of Alabama). It was good to have Kachy W. on the campus last week end. From the chatter heard in Olew- ell smokehouse, everybody seems to have had a fairly eventful summCT in spite of the war situation. Speak ing of the war, Salem’s wearing her colors on her raincoat sleeves—Julia Garrett, for example. We’re doing plemty to entertain the soldiers, too. Mary Frances even draws cadets out of their fifty mile radius! Adele’a keeping Mac’s mind off North Af rican savages while Sauls keeps ’em flying with 14 page letters to La- maar. And what about the boys here in Winston! “Jay” Conrad’s back on the track (or is he?) and so are Doctor Proctor (with his menagerie) and the ever coming ‘ ‘ Jay” Owens. Up on second Clewell queer things go on. What’s this about Marie and hefir “erstwhile” lover? Gudge, where does Bill figure id these days? And with Molly—mum’s the word! Have you seen the snapshots on Nell’s dresser? Boy, oh Boy! . . . Sh-h-h — scandal. Did you know that the Y served Scotch and soda without the Scotch at a mefeting the other nite? For details, see Crow ell. ^^^ooten, what’s this about some body buying you a collar and chain? Careful! Strong’s a merry place these days, especially with Pru singing Dixie. Mamie, how’s Tommy? According to all refports the fresh men are plenty busy these days with tests, registration, classes, and vis its from their friendly (?) sopho more sisters. They’re keeping the track to the telephone hot, too, with Betty Dunning, Billy Eose, Kitty, Annabelle, and Justice getting all the calls. Bunny nearly feU down three fiights the other nite when she got a call. By the way, those men in the smoke house belong to Fair Miller. Speaking of men—and who doesn’t want to — you should see the pictures on the dressers on third. What’s this about Coit’s rip chord, too? Janie Mulhollem isn’t eating, you know. She says it’s the 12 page letter from Jack. I don’t doubt it! Over in Senior Building Lticy Farmer’s drafting chambermaids. If you like to make up beds, she’d like i BELK-STEVENS | I Department Store | 'I 1 I “The Home of Better VcJues’ u Iff I P- CAVALIER CAFETERIA ★ Good Food Reasonable Prices , West Side Court House Completely Air Conditioned Welcome Salem College and Academy Students and Faculty J.M. Willis Bobber & Beauty Shoppe 114 Eeynolds Building Dial 2-0355 to see you!! Dot Leonard surely does love homg these days, or is it home she loves? Nothing like re viving childhood friendships, says Mac. What’s the dope on that any way? Winstead still is seen with Bob every now and then, and Sue, you all know, has Jake’s pin. Over in, Lehman we still hear of Paul and Phil, etc^ but it’s mostly talk of red leather furniture, in their smokehouse. Ain’t that sumpin’? In the elegant day student center it might be most appropriate if Sa rah H., who lends greatly to the atmosphere with her piano contri butions, played something from Mendelssohn — being’s how Mil dred’s and Bill’s big event is sched uled for Sunday. Erleen and Treva are beamers these days — seems as though their 0. A. O.’s are on hand at present. Welcome back, Betty Brietz Marshall and Augusta Press- ly, and come to see us often. Sarah Sands, we still claim you even though you spend most of your tiine at the Med. school. IMII V / / -V \ /• / s N/ / \ V FR5HDN SHOP 4T H AT TRADE / \/ / ^ \ / iiiHiiHiiiniiiniMiiiiHiii Dewey’s PERFECT BLEND Fruit Cake RAY W. GOODRICH PHOTOGRAPHER 317 W. 4th Dial 7994 C. L. WATSON MACHINE WORKS 1017 White St. — Phone 4314 Machine work of all kinds iiiniiiHiii mil ■ The Students of Salem College are Cordially invited to bring the Family and Friends to Between Bus Station and Kobert E. Lee I I MINE’S West Fourth Hello Girls; We are glad you are back. Come to see us sometime— maybe we can let you have a pair of shoes. The way to his heart is through his stomach. — Try This Traditional Delicacy lilHIII 1 Welcome Faculty and Students I 1 1 SALEM BEAUTY SHOP 1 I 1 5251/2 S. Main Street I Jacard’s WELCOMES YOU TO SALEM AND WINSTON-SALEM I I I Wfi cordially invite you to B visit our store when off- B campus. The Gateway Restuarant GREYHOUND BUS STATION DROP IN FOR A SANDWICH OR A SODA — Open All Night — WELCOME TO SALEM! -Ajden Farm Store welcomes you to Salem and cordially g invites you to come over and browse around during your j| leisure moments. ARDEN FARM STORE OPPOSITE SALEM SQUARE BOBBITT’S DRUG STORES INVITE YOU TO VISIT WITH US LOCATIONS: REVNOUJS BLDG., KOBERT E. I.EE HOTEli, NISSEN BLDO., HAWTHOENU EOAD % h i Whatever, your added duties this wartime fail, you'll carry on serenely In a Printzess suit. Depend on Printzess'^traditlon of quality to give you long lived fasKionT^craftsman tailoring and fine, durable fabrics, tested for wear by U. S. iTesting Company. D. G. CRAVEN CO Cor. Fourth & Marplnflll Sts(