inn* 3A.Lt Milt October 8, 1943. Lecture Series (Continued From Page One) of the Foreign Policy Association to talk in March on i>ostwar plan- day. ning. A glance at the program for this year’s lecture series gives promise for increased understanding of matters of vital importance today NEW OFFICERS ELECTED AT GLEE CLUB MEETING The Glee Club, under the direct ion of Mrs. Nell Starr, is in full swing again. At the meeting last week the following were elected to serve as officers for the coming year: Presideat Jane Lovealce See.-Treas Molly Cameron Librarians Sheffield Liles and Eleanor Eodd Accompanists June Reid'and Nancy Kidenhour Although the club is very well balanced now, new members will be allowed to join at the next meet ing. After this, there will be no more taken in. Don’t think you have to be a music major or have a trained voice to belong to the Glee Club. You don’t. If you enjpy singing and like to harmonize, come on. This is the very thing for you. The members sing anything from “Seranade” to “Tea for Two.” You will have a chance to hear your favorites, so don’t forget to be in room 100, every Thursday at 5:15. BUSINESS CLASS NAMES LEADERS Week^s News (Continued From Page One) lied forces found the going tough. There the Germans have rushed an armored division and have opened a bitter battle against General Mont gomery’s Eighth Army. The Ger mans have ended their three hun dred mile retreat and are taking a stand against the Allies along a front that envelopes one hundred and twenty-five miles. On the Home Front: Congress, at the end of the week, is still wrangling over the new tax bill. That it will abandon Mr. Mor- genthau’s plan and draw up one of its own seems likely. The political fireworks started yes terday. First to toss his hat into Republican presidential candidate ring was Minnesota’s governor Har old E. Stassen, Wilkie’s manager at the 1940 party convention. The nation was duly proud of its record this week. According to all reports thus far submitted, every state has exceeded its war bond quota and is backing the attack. FOR A HORSEY GOOD TIME SUPPORT THE RIDING CLUB Bet Hancock was elected presi dent of the Secretarial Class at its meeting on Monday. The other officers are Marguerite Worth, sec retary, and Marlene Tucker, treas urer. Both Bet and Marlene were Salemites last year. A Social Committee was also elected for the coming year. The girls on this committee are re sponsible for the planning of any social events, which include trips to the uptown business departments. Speakers and dances. Those elected were Nell Adams, Lillian Dalton, Sara Lou McUair, Mary Page, Doris Svajin, Margaret Biddle, Pat Wat son, Hattie Ward and Margaret Yount. fc^ictory buy MjM *^nited states 'W fbonds AND STAMPS Well folks, let’s pull up .a chair and prop our feet up on the nearest something to prop our feet on and get clanny, you know—^just like a club—and speaking of clubs, that’s just what I’ve got on my mind. Did you know that there are twenty-four Salemites out for rid ing, and did you know that, with that many people in a bunch, there could be a very nice club? Now if that doesn’t call anything to your minds, let me say “Kiding Club” at you, Salemites! How does it sound? Too much like something in a dream? One moment! This dream has a whalloping big chance of becoming a reality. It’s something like this. Riding takes place every Tuesday and Thursday out at Anderson’s and oc casionally the girls plan “riding suppers” and eat out at the academy. (Already sounds like,a club, doesn’t it?) Too, we hear that the faculty is interested in Tiding. Dr. Achmann and Miss Hauser are planning to go out with the girls. Now just what do you think about it all? I think it’s swell. All we have to do is to pull down some of those gossamer threads and make them into reins for the “Riding Club”—to put it on its own and not a part of the A. A. Let’s hear from you!! Be Sure to Visit Us Early COHEN’S Ready to Wear Shop 217 W. Fourtli Street Welcome Salem Students 20TH CENTURY BOWLING ALLEY 631 W. 4tli St. Bowl For Health and Eecreation COMPLIMENTS OF J. R. THOMAS ICE & COAL ^ BELK-STEVENS ^ I Department Store | ENGRAVED Invitations — Announcements Calling Cards — Stationery H. T. Hearn Engraving Co. 632 W. Fourth Street Full Line of Cosmetics and Perfumes 4th & Spruce — Dial 4131 (Opposite Carolina Theatre) CAROLINA DRUG STORE PIN YOUR FAITH ON THIS LABEL I I 4 FflSHDN 5HDP FEESCEIPTIONTSTS PATTERSON DRUG CO. 112 W. 4th St. PHONE 7194 Paschal Shoe Repair Co. We Also Dye Shoes Any Color “Best In Our Line” 219 W. 4th St. DIAL 4901 ■ill RAY W. GOODRICH PHOTOGRAPHER 317 W. 4th — Dial 7994 SALEM GIRLS’ STORE For 30 Years Prompt Call and Delivery Service WELFARE’S DRUG STORE Near Salem College Phone 6104 534 g. jiain St UP TOWN MEETING PLACE the ANCHOR CO. “The Shopping Center” HOTEL ROBERT E. LEE Dining Room and Coffee Shop Fifth and Cherry Streets II • I “The Home of Better | VcJues” I mini STANDARD BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION 236 N. Main St.—Winston-Salem Victor, Bluebird, Columbia ai)d Decca Records BOCOCK-STROUD CO. VOGLER SERVICE Ambulance—Funeral Directors Dependable for More Than 86 Years DIAL 6101 'iiiniiiiHiiiiBiiiiHiiiiBiiiiBiiiiBiiiiaiiiiBiiiiHiiian s I I TheAnchorCo. loc. | * I I The Kiotographic Department I ■ ★ I DIAL 6126 1 2nd Floor M |!l!IBIIIIH!lliail!MIIIIHIIIiniliai!IIHIII|HlliHIIIIBII|| I I g Music of All Publishers ■ I Columbia Masterwork I ■ Recordings I B Musical Merchandise I I * ! I Brodt-Separk Music Co. | I 503 W. 4th St.—Phone 3-2241 1 I I I NEW-ATTRACTIVE | jjj Note Paper and I Stationery in Formals Genuine Etchings by Richardson Rome 50c and 40c per box ^ phone 7121 ^SSSfflSSSSSSSSSSSSi TWIN GITV IDBY CL£AN1>J6 COl dial 7106 612 West Fourth St. laiiiiHiiiiBiLviii'aiiiiBiiiiaiiiiHiiiiaiiiiHiiiiHiiim Welcome to Salem College J. J. ANGELO 529 & 704 N. Trade St. We have a full line of | SPORTS WEAR | It is worth your while I At Popular Ptices. B ORfNX. trade*mark I WELCOME, I Salem Students | to our New Store | ■ ★ I EFIRD’S DEPT. STORE | Trade Street ■ I i I WELCOME, SALEM | STUDENTS KAUFMAN'S I Comer Fourth & Cherry | Sports’ Wear Shop • Main Floor The IDEAL MOTHER AND DAUGHTER STORE “ON THE SQUARE” Fashions for the Junior Miss I Salem Book Store I ■ax « L. Davis Phillips “SIGHTS AND INSIGHTS” 219% W. Fourth St. JUNIOR LEAGUE BEAUTY SHOP ROBERT E. LEE HOTEL - PHONE 8620 EVERYBODY PLAYS BOOK GAMES | On Land ... At Sea . . . Over There . . . Everywhere S Pocket size—Each volume contains complete instructions. p Fine for overseas packages ^ ARDEN FARM STORE I OPPOSITE SALEM SQUAEE | AN IMPORTANT RELEASE From The daily NEWS RECORD Of September 9th ’ “OWI SURVEY CITES GIFT DESIRES OF FORCES OVERSEAS” ' ‘ Shirts, sox, handkerchiefs, underwear, sleeve less wool sweaters, and other appareP items are on the lists or what soldiers, sailors and marines serving overseas want for Christmas according to a world-wide survey made by the Office of War Information.” “The data we ve compiled to curb the sending of unnecessary gifts, to conserve cargo space and essential civilian articles.” Come in and let us help you with your selection for yoTir man overseas. We have made a study of men s gift desires and can help you decide! NOTE: Don’t Forget—His Gift Must Be Mailed between sept. 15 and oct. 15 Expect More at Stockton’s More Style—^More Quality—More Service Norm(in Stockton, Inc. 418 Trade Street. Phone 2-1942 c0/nm£/ic/i p/i//fr//iG DIAL 9722 u ffffT/srs m/?r£s- iedmont enqrauinq co.