Page Four. THE SALEMITE March 17, 1944. Show Ticket Sale Adds $70.60 To WSSF Fund The selling of tickets to “Madame Curie” proved to be a great success for the Y. W. C. A. The organization sponsored this movie in order to raise money for the World Student Service Fund. $70.60 was raised, all of which will go to the W. S. S. F. Another project to raise money ■for the W. S. S. F. will be stunt night, which will take place March 25th. The class winner will receive $5.00, and the profits will go to the W. S. 8, F- Secretarial Dept. Visits Reynolds Tobacco Co. Students in the Secretarial De partment visited the offices of the E. J. Eeynolds Tobacco Company on Tuesday afternoon and the Eeynolds factory on Thursday afternoon. Through the courtesy of Mr. Fred Hill, treasurer of the company, stu dents were introduced to Mr. Carlos Cooper, head of the billing and tajj- ulating departments, who explain ed and had demonstrated for them the International Business Machines used in this department. In the bookkeeping department Mr. G. E. Ashburn explained the use of the bookkeeping machines and told how regular accounts are handled and how special orders for prisoners of war are taken care of. In the filing and mailing department, Mr. J. H. Mclver demoijstrated the machines used for opening, fold ing, sealing, and stamping letters and showed the students the ex tensive filing system of the company. On Thursday afternoon those stu dents who had never been through the factory enjoyed a visit to both the cigarette and the Prince Albert manufacturing departments. —HONOR SOCIETY— (Continued from Page One.) regulations. Members of the senior class must satisfy regulations of two grading systems. The fresh man year must show a record of no failures, and one half of the total number of the semester hours must represent an average of B or higher. In addition no more than six semester hours of work of C grade is allowed. For students un der the present grading system, the record must show a grade of A on at least one fourth of the total num ber of hours completed. Other grades may be B, C, or D, but the total number of hours of C must never ex ceed the total number of hours of A. Furthermore, the number of hours of D must never exceed six hours. Students of the junior and senior classes who have transferred to Salem are eligible if they have completed three semest ers at Salem. The ceremonies on Thursday ivill include the citation of charter mem bers and of honorary members. The speaker of the occasion will be Dr. Winfield' H. Eogers, Professor of English at the Woman’s College of the University of Xorth Carolina. Dr. Eogers is a well known scholar and one frequently in demand as a lecturer. He is a gradtiate of the University of Michigan and of Harvard University. Salem consi ders ifself fortunate to have secured the presence of Dr. Eogers on the occasion of the installation of the Honor Society. , —VERA DEAN— (Continued from Page One.) PEESCEIPTIONISTS PATTERSON DRUG CO. 112 W. 4th St. PHONE-7194 PHONE 7121 Quality Merchandies Moderately Priced EFIRDS DEPT. STORE Though this was her first trip to North Carolina, Mrs. Dean has traveled in the deep South, includ ing Alabama, (with a broad “a”), Mississippi, and Louisiana. She was favorable impressed, she said, with “the active thinking that is be- inging done in the South about all problems. ” On the subject of her education Miss Dean offered little information, saying only that she received all her university schooling in this country. She majored in Internation al Liny, taking her A. B. degree at Eadofiffe, her M. A. at Yalt, and returning to Radcliffe for her P. H. D. Sh^ urged the field of In ternational Law as a good on^ for language students particularly. Mrs. Dean left the impression of the quiet efficiency of one crusad ing for intelligent thinking of post war problems. Paschal Shoe Repair Co. We Also Dye Shoes Any’color “Best In Our Line” 219 W. 4th St. DIAL 4901 d Sports Rambling Shall we go play a game of birdies and rackets over a high net? You know—most people call it badmin,- ton, but I really see nothing “bad” about it, and confidentially I don’t see where the “minton” comes from either. So with cattish curiosity out of band, let’s take a look at somebody who knows. According to the Encyclopedia Americana, the game now called badminton is in reality a modifi- eation of the very ancient game of battledore and shuttlecock. Which game, continues our authority, was a popular game invented in the 14th century tha^ employed the use of a bat shaped like a tennis racket and a shattlecock consisting of sc cork stuck with feathers. With this formidible background, the background, the object of the game is still to bat the formerly de scribed luet now slightly modi fied shuttlecock or birdie across a high net with the aforesaid bat or racket so as to keep the birdie in a most inconvenient position fdr 'your opponent and still Sold an advantage for your self. The verbatious encyclopedia con tinues with complicated court dimension and rules, but if you would really like to know more about the game, see Anne Douthit, and while you’re at it, sign up for the badminton tournament. So few around here seem to know what it’s all about that the de scription of the game might in troduce you to the sport. After an introduction, you should get better acquainted—so see you in the gym getting acquainted with bad-little-Minton! P. S. If you are’nt ‘ ‘ badly” in clined, try softball. When Spring Physical Education Activities To Be Demonstrated Wednesday On Wednesday aftrnoon, March 212, from 4:45 to 5:45 there will be a demonstration of gym class activi ties by the. sophomore and freshmen classes in the gymnasium with every one invited'. This demonstration will illustrate the class organization of physical education here at Salem. First on the program ivill be the sophomore class in a march. They will go through various figures that have been taught in class. Next, the freshman class will swing through their rhythmical activities which make up their class instruc tion. These activities include: (1) swinging rhythm involving the ef fect of the arms on the entire .body movement, (2) gallop skipping il lustrating sustained movement, and (3) drill which involves many of the principles of marching. Many people have the erronious impression that physical education involves only the learning of sports- This demonstration is being given for the public to show that .here at Salem, physical education em braces more than the learning of sports, and to show some of the class activities that pr6ve this. Mrs. Thompson Gives . Mints To Cfui} Mrs. H. W. Thompson of Winston- Salem lead a round-table discussion on hair grooming and cosmetics at the Home Economics Club meeting Tuesday evening. The leading discussion questions ranged from permanents to powder bases. Mrs. Thompson gave a de monstration on setting hai^ As she has a beauty parlor of her own she was able to give the club members many valuable sug gestions. settles down to ,her beautiful busi ness and quits being weepy, we’ll all be trying to improve our batting average. AT THE THEATRES Carolina: Mon. Tues.—“Lifeboat” Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.—“As Thousands Cheer” State; Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs.—“Fight ing Seabees” Fri. Sat.—“Timber Queen” Forsyth: Mon. Tues.—“True to Life” Wed. Thurs.—“Guadalcanal Diary ” Fri. Sat.—“ Moonlight in Vermont” Colonial: Mon. Tues.—“Child Bride” .Wednesday—“Eight Man” yri. Sat.—‘ ‘ Eiders of Deadline” AMD I LIKE THEIR EXTRA I GO FOR CAMEL'S EXTRA FLAVOR MILDNESS Visit The The IDEAL He’s fed... he’s Road To Salem h clothed... but no- " body bu ym- . Newest Publication I Salem Autographed — First Editions write :;;yur i tters! By Miss ABelaide Fries Price $4.00 Plus Tax DO YOU want a cigarette that always tastes full-flavored — is always smooth and mild, no matter how many you smoke.’ Then try Camels! For Camel’s costlier tobaccos are expertly blended to give you a full, rich flavor... delightful exfra mildness. And you’ll find that Camel’s smoking pleasure holds up — cigarette after cigarette and pack after pack. USE .= itTTEi: PAPfUS « THE I SALEM BOOK STORE SALEM BOOK STORE I SALEM COLLEai; com/n£HC/t V.-/ Take off refreshed BIRL 9722 I in OJJ/.VK ci£ enqrauinq CO. WINSTON COCA COLA MORRIS SERVICE (Next To Carolina Theater) GRILLED SANDWICHES FOUNTAIN “Exclusive But Not Expensive” Air Conditioned • •••••«> «•••• Costlier Tobaccos