Page Six. THE SALEMITE May 5, Just Re-Oped and Ready to Serve You A New and Mor^ Beautiful ANCHOR CO. mim •"'"i WINSTON-SALEM'S SHOPPING CENTER Our Newly Remodeled and Redecorated Store Equipped with New Fluorescent Lighting and Practically Complete Lines of Fresh Merchandise will make Your Shopping a Real Pleasure at the Anchor Co. Since the Anchor Co.’s fire, February 20, we have cleared all former stocks and a magnifi cent job of renovating has been done . . . vv^ith a fev^ exceptions everything has been com pleted. Fixtures for our office, our children’s and foundation departments vs^ere completely des troyed by fire and it is impossible to replace them right now. We ask you to bear with us a little longer until these fixtures can be replaced. However, these departments are open for business as usual! Again, we thank you, our customers and friends for your splendid cooperation and sym pathetic understanding during the past two months . . . And again we extend to you a cordial invitation to visit our bright new store and share the many values in new quality merchandise. (M the shopping center (J)