Page Four. THE SALEMITE Oct. 20. 1944. McEwen Raises Vegetables Psychologically “A-tis-kit, a-tas-kit have you seen my little basket t” is the new refrain which is already well-known to Salem faculty and which is work ing its way well into town. Who wrote it? None other than Dr. Noble R. MeEwen, Professor of Psychology at Salem. Dr. McEwen’s latest ex periment is how to raise vegetables the psychological way. In time, little plants suck their garden spot behind Twin Castles Apartments, residence of the Mc- Ewens. There* beside a gurgling little brook, Dr. McEwen, forgetting his curves of distribution, planted his vegetable garden in mathematically perfect straight rows. In time, little? plants struck their pale green noses out of the ground, and Dr. McEwen had a new problem on his hands—^to study the indi vidual nature of each little squash or bean sprout and help it to de velop to its greatest capacity. In ferior and superior plants receivfed special care at the hands of Dr. Me Ewen, and the end of the season brought amazing results. There wasn’t a singlcf maladjusted vege table in the whole garden! The McEwen achievement was re cognized by the Winston-Salem club of Little Gardeners; Dr. MeEwen was invited to exhibit a basket of his prize vegetables at the Forsyth County Fair held here last week— (The basket is shown under the gourd in the picture above.) Dr. McEwen is modestly proud of his vegetable venture. That’s why he stops his car to pick up passengers and tells them about his vegetables. SALEMITES ap TOWN MEETING PLACE THE ANCHOR GO. “The Shopping Center” kodak HEADQUARTERS Barber Photo Supply Co. 106 W. Fifth St. Opposite Post Office Winston-Salem, N. C. KRISPY KREME Doughnut Company Different — Tasty — Satisfying “The Original Greasless Doughnut” Paschal Shoe Repair Co. We Also Dye Shoes Any Color “Best In Our Line” 219 W. 4th St. DIAL 4901 A County Fair exhibit of the Winston-Salem Club of Little Gardener* Is shown above, br. Noble R. McEwen contributed the basket of veget ables under the gourd in the picture. ARCHIE’S RADIO SERVICE 24-Hr., Seasonable Service 858 W. 4th St. Phone 2-1290 VOGLER SERVICE i Ambulance—Funeral Directors Dependable for More Than 85 Years DIAL 6101 BOCOCK - STROUD Company VICTOR, COLUMBIA AND DECCA RECORDS Corner 4th at Spruce Library Receives New Dictionary A new addition to the library is the recently completed Dictionary of American English. This dictionary is in four volumes and was edited by Sir William A. Craigie, co-editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, and James E. Hulbe^t, professor of English at the University of Chica go- This new dictionary includes words and phrases of American origin, and every word denotes something which has a real connection with the development of the country and the history of its people. The editors selected the end of the nineteenth century as a fitting point at which to terminate the ad mission of new words. They also restricted the inclusion of slang and dialect words to those which are of early date or special prominencf. Stamp and Bond Sale Is Not Up to Par The total sale of War Bonds and Stamps during last week’s drive amounted to only $64.50. This in cluded two bonds bought by the faculty. “We must remember ‘the war isn’t won yet’ ”, reminds Dodie Bayley, who is in ehfirge of sales. Students may' purchase bonds and stamps in the dining room at lunch or dinner time on Thursdays, and excess stamps will be sold in the dormi tories at 10 o’clock on Thursday nights. In Clewell, “Wink” Wall has charge of sales on the first iloor; Dee” Little, second floor; Peggy Davis, third floor; in Society and Lehman, Teau Council; and in Sisters’, Strong, and Bitting, Dodie Bayley. Sales this year have not met last year’s standards when purchases were made by a smaller student body. IS 0. ■ff. Iff. On the Way Back I'rom the Movie Stop at KENT BAKERY (Next to Montaldo’s) FOR CHESS PIES, BUNS AND BROWNIES FOR A TASTY MTDNIOHT SNACK! ‘ Jff. 3S I }>: s>: K>: ■ff. ff. s ^ g liiii The Salem Book Store HAS STATIONARY With Your Name On It 4^ ¥ ¥ ¥ qi FOE LETTEES THAT BEINa ANSWERS! 3JE For Permanent Wave rs n K US n xs Iff. So Lovely So Natural So Kind to Your Hair Salem Beauty Shop 525% S. Main SEE MRS. DIXON AND I LIKE THEIR EXTRA MILDNESS I GO FOR CAMEL'S EXTRA FLAVOR PICADILLY GRILL 415 W. 4th Street The most up-to-date Restaurant in the South DO YOU want a cigarette that always tastes full-flavored — is always smooth and mild, no matter how many you smoke? Then try Camels! For Camel’s costlier tobaccos are expertly blended to give you a full, rich flavor... delightful extra mildness. And you’ll find that Camel’s smoking pleasure holds up — cigarette after cigarette and pack after pack. Two piece suit of grey Julliard flan nel. Featured in MADEMOISELLE MONTALDO’S Deb Shop WELCOME SALEM STUDENTS SPORTS’ WEAR SHOP THE IDEAL I MAIN FLOOR Costlier Tobaccos