Page Two. THE SALEMITE Nov. 17, 1944. The Sixth War Loan • Xfie MlUj Queen Election “My Thinking . . . My Money . . . My There have been too many criticisms of various types made about Time . . . will stay in this war to the finish,” this year’s May Queen election for the organization of the election is the theme of the Sixth \\ ar Loan drive as without some comment. If the criticisms are unfounded, they written by Ted Gamble, National Director ot , ,, , ^ ♦ IT Tx- ■ • should be quelled; if they are lUst, something should be done to the \\ar Finance Division. ^ j j , s The emphasis, as we see it, in this slogan improve the procedure, should be on the finish.'Good news fiom the must not lose sight of the fact that any various fronts has been a joy to Americans committee has definite reasons for the way it conducts an election, at home but a handicap to the boys Especially with the May Queen election, the factor of publicity— there, for the overly optimistic citizen has campus, local and state—is an important item of consideration. There acquired a confident, let-go attitude toward the Qther reasons known only to the May Dav Committees which buying of war bonds—the financing of our war. With our boys closing in on Germany and continuing to harrow Japan, Americans On the other hand, there are certain things which should not be have more than ever before an individual re- disregarded even at the sacrifice of publicity. The election should sponsibility to keep faith with our forces and be conducted in such a manner that each candidate has a fair chance supply them the materials they need. of winning; that is, every vote that is cast for a girl will help her Germany’s defeat may be near; but the last winning the election. There is a question whether this was and most expensive war—the campaign with recent voting procedure. Japan—is ahead. Military and naval ^author- -g ^ common truth that the student body wants its most beauti- itics recently made the statement that it will ful^girl for May Queenj it is a corollary to this truth that the student take at least a year and a half to defeat Japan j)ody wants its next most beautiful girl for Maid-of-Honor. In the after Germany is beaten and this only therefore, the girl receiving most votes in the election was be accomplished if we put cve^ Queen, and the runner-up was Maid-of-Honor. The criticism was made ican strength behind the effort.’ General ‘ Eisenhour has said that there may be a critical ‘hat the runnef-up might be a girl .who was taller than the queen, shortage of supplies on the European front if creating an embarassing situation. This year the committee sought this war loan is not supported, and everything to eliminate such a situation by voting for the two girls seiwrately. in the Pacific war will cost even more than ipjjg reason for the change was valid, but other complications have in the European War; 1. Transportation costs will be 25% more. girls running for Queen were also running for Maid-of- 2. More gasoline and oil W ill be needed. Honor. Voting, therefore, was divided. Under such a system it is 3. AVe need more battalion aid stations, pQf-gjjjjg that the person receiving the second highest number of votes clearing stations, evacuation ho.spitals; ^ u « nr ^ # ti convalescent hospitals, and hospital the highest number for Maid-of-Honor, gjjjpg One girl might receive a total number of votes sufficient to win the 4. We need more B-29’s at $600,000 each, election for her; yet because the votes wete divided between those P-47’s at .$50,000 each, il-4 tanks with for Queen and those for Maid-of-Honor she might not win either bulldozer blades at $67,417 each, more election. aircraft carriers, and more supply ships. ' If the voting is to take place separately (and there seems to The above are four good reasons why we ^ good reason for this set-up) the only satisfactory way of mak- can’t stop now—why we must make the Sixth every vote for every girl count is to vote for the Queen, announce War Loan a bigger and better drive than the winner, and then vote for the Mald-of-Honor. any of the five before—why every cent that • . ^ i ■ I 1 'There is no denial that this would incur a large sacrifice of May Salemites can spare must go into war bonds and stamps. The finish is not here yet, but Day publicity. It would mean no scoop for the Salemite and no spread we can hasten its coming. tl>e Sunday’s Journal and SentineL But what do we prize more highly. Not only our money, however, must fight a pleasing election or an impressive newspaper page! The Salemite this war to the finish; our thinking and our prefers an election that is satisfactory to the student body. time are also in the fight to the end. There may be more thinking and time than money - -. . ^ ^ - - on Salem campus; these forces should be and ^ f must be spent toward fulfilling the quota of bandages assigned to the Red Cross room. The newly made pledges are encouraging, but they are worth while only so far as Salem girls live ^ ^ up to them. ■, » . 1 1 • 1 j IHipos! Perdoneme Vd., pero estoy todavia borracha del sabado Duty, pride, love, and friendship demand ‘ ^ v ^ that we dig down deep and give “our money pasado. No me he recobrado de las bedidas que tomd en la TABERNA our thinking . . . our time” to end this DE GUINGA, y no soy la unica, porque todo el mundo estaba alii. war! Aquellos vasos para coctailes y la diversioon me acordaron lugares a gran distancia de Salem, pero a mi me gustan. Seguramente no hay servidor quien es tan encantador o eficiente. Y tcu&ndo ha visto \Uy SSV,j_ lazo de cinta igual al que llevaba el tabernerof ?Por que no tienen '• — taberna'a Salem mas frecuentemente? Ciertamente mejora el fin Published Weekly By The Student Body (Je semana. Todas se divirtieron mucho y espero que Vd. no estuviera Of Salem College ausente. Quizes promoveria una taberna espanola la politica de Member Southern Inter-Collegiat/ Press Association • SUBSCIUPTION PRICE - $2. A YEAR - 10c A COPY To Dress Or Not To Dress EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT ■ w avwi ■ w airi Editor-in-Chief Mary Ellen Byrd I Assistant Editor Effie Ruth Maxwell Associate Editor Hazel Watts After looking around the dining hall during Sports Editor Mary Lucy rfaynes our evening meal some of the Salemites de- Music Editor »- June ^id cided that it would be a good idea to dress Make-up-Editor Z.'T:^;;;ZZZ: ®v"rtie“stioup at least one night a week for dinner—not too Feature Editor Marguerite Mullin formally, but with heels and hose. If we Faculty Advisor /. Miss Jc«s Byrd dressed one night a w«ek, it would be a remind- 'Senora Lindsey, Frances Law, Martha Boatwright, er not to neglect our appearance during the Helen Thomas, Bwnice Bunn, Catherine Bunn, Jane rest of the week. It definitely raises one’s Mulhellem, Coit Redfearn, Adele Chase, Janet John- morale to dress up occasionally. Everyone must ston, Kosalind Clark, Genevieve Fraser, Margaret admit that she feels more entertaining and Stvres, Lvnn Williard, Lucilc Newman, Rosamond Put- . , 1,111, zei, Peggy Taylor, Margaret Fisher, Constance Scog- pacious when she looks her best. Also, it gins, Maria Hicks, Rebecca Clapp, Jane Calkins, Jane J^St the principle of the thing, we have a Bell, Peggy Dav|is, Sheffield Liles, Lois Wootea, Mar- school of which we are justly proud, and after garet Williams, Sarah Hege, Nell Jane Griffin, Jane all^,we represent Salem. ^ Lovelace, and Martha Lou Heitman. Some Salemites are not in favor of this — proposal on the grounds that it takes too much BUSINESS DEPARTMENT time and is too much trouble to interrupt their Emily Harris Business Manager studying an hour before dinner in order to Mildred Grarison Circulation Manager dress. The “lablings,” too, feel that it is 1 Betsy Thomas .A.... ■■■■■■■■■■-- Advertising Manager ^ humanly impossible to dress for dinner when Betsy Lonff, Doris X^ittl^) Alari^nne Everett, » i i_ j.* x*i > i i Kathleen Phillips, Martha wklton, Sheffield Liles! they have labs sometimes until SIX 0 dock. Lomie Lou Milla, Margaret Brown, Martha Harrison, It would be admitedly dilTiCUlt to choose any Winifred Wall, Mary Farmer Brantley, Nancy Hills one night that would be convenient for every Davis, Margaret Nichols, Mary Frances McNeely, student. Perhaps it would be better for each Margaret Carter, Betty Hennessee, M°hie Cameron, Salemite to try whenever possible to dress Norma Rhoades, Mary Stevens, Marion Waters, Sally ii • 1 i j.u • xi, _ 1 BoseweU, Carol Beckwith, Edith Longest, Ellie Eodd, ^he evening meal and thus raise the general Ann Hairston, -Mary Elizabejth Reimers, Barbara appearance 01 the student body rather than Watkins, Margaret West, Dodie Bayley, Agnes Bowers, making the issue COmpulsory. What do yOU Greta Garth, Catherine Bunn, Leslie Bullard, Emma think? Mitchell, and Henrietta Walton. The Aftermath From the country to the campus, the elec tion is over, finished, at an end. The vehement arguments that took place over the radio, on street corners and buses, and in the GleweU “smokehouse” have ceased. The Democrats who supported the President are satisfied. The Republicans have been downcast for several days, but they are taking a definite “We’ll make the best of it” attitude. The day after the election, November 8, the Democrats were accused of gloating. The Republicans were extremely forlorn. Most of the G. 0. P., however, followed the excellent example of sportsmanship displayed by the de feated Mr. Dewey. The bitterest opponents shook hands, became friends again, and as for the election, both agreed—“That’s a point where we differ, and we won’t discuss that.” The past ten days have truly been the hill after the storm. The radio no longer has violent attacks, and Clewell “smokehouse” has its usual quota of pre-election noise. There a»e no outbursts on what’s wrong with the present adniinistrdti^n and no counterattacks concerning the lack of “know-how” on the part of the Republican Party. Peace has des cended. Our main interest, nationally and locally, is to win the war and the peace by working to gether as a unified whole. The guns, tanks, ships, and food must reach those boys on the battlefront. We at Salem are not producing the big instruments of war, but W'e can pro duce the spirit, help on the homefront, knit, and fold bandages. The storm interrupted our work momentarily. Now that election day is over, let us do everything we can to speed victory and peace, regardless of our personal opinions on politics. If You Made Straight A’s You Needn’t Read This — Six weeks have passed. I should be glad. Six weeks have passed. But I am sad. Six weeks have passed. ' ^ , Oh my poor lot! Six weeks have passed. But I have not. So goes the lament of many a Salemite— particularly the freshmen. Dean Hixson re ports that more than half of the freshman had grades reported for work below merit grade value during this, trial-and-error period since September 18. T,he first comment that the student makes is “Well, I haven’t had time to show him what I can do yet.” But retrospective ex amination w'ill show that the time was there —the concentration and application were not. Then the next excuse is “I never learned to study ill high school.” That’s the main reason why over 162 girls entered Salem’ this year. Here, the opportunity is not only presented for a chance “to learn to study,” but the op portunity is almost forced upon every con scientious student—maybe ybu aren’t conscien tious! Don’t blame Dr. Aiiscombe for that low histoiy grade. Admit to yourself that you should have been cramming your brain since the first day you entered his class rather th^ cramming it the nights just before exams. Look back and see whether or not you used all your time wisely. The fact that you haven’t budgeted your time correctly will prove a prominent reason for your low grades. However, there is a brighter side of the picture. For the first time in years there were no grades reported for any of the classified seniors. The junior class had only two failures reported, though there were many not do ing merit work. One half of the sophomore class had grades reported, but only about one-sixth of the class had failures. These facts show the advantage of being adjusted to col lege life—the stumbling block for freshmen. But now that the period of orientation is com pleted for them, it is the duty of all the fresh men to make their grades C’s or above. For those who had grades reported, the next six weeks will be the'golden opportunity for turn ing over that well-worn “new leaf.” Those whose grades were not reported will have to run successfully the obstacle course of over-confidence. If you have laurels, don’t rest on them; if you don’t have them—get them. Know thyself—again. Stop now at the be ginning of a new six weeks, the prelude to semester exams; find your vulnerable point and put your thinking cap over it.

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