Feb. 2. 1945. THE SALEMITE Page Three. irwiiririEic EADIO STATION KNOW — ALL ■WITH LATEST BULLETINS, WAR AND OTHERWISE: Jean N. really hud the time of her life when F'rank’s leave was ex tended over the week-end. ^Ve hear that “Meatball” is really planning a big week-end in Rich mond with Eli. “Dune” had a big time in Salisbury "liyn Marshall came to pay his re spects to the family. ' Mary Hunter was really flying high last week-end with a second looey. Goon” suffered a bad case of com petition when ‘‘Bear” invaded A 1 li e hi a r 1 o last week-end. Ask “Ticka?” ^ene had a little trouble in .Rocky Mount when “I^ittle Man” tried to heat Bo’s time! The three letters Liz got from Mike who is in France really did “spread joy up to the maximum”!! I'or details about soldiers from Hollyw'ood, Cal. see McGee. Fair hears from Matt nearly every ’lay now. Not bad, Fair!! Ask Lil Campbell why certain people call .her pickle? Hey “Honey”! Xancy Moss, to you! And Margaret West—“Blessings on thee little child.” Unim—that University of Va. must really be some glamorous place— Ask Helen P., Sue L., and Mary G. It's ,S;00 o'clock in the morning” ~-and Henrietta, Greta, Senora, and ^srgaret are still playing ping-pong "With six boys ? I wonder— Kells, bells!! Bunny’s got that frat pin of Pell’s! •■'inally the Carr ran into tli:it hunk of Ham. ^®Sgy Sue, you won’t find bell- bottomed Sunny under that table. Take it eas.y, he’ll soon be here! Jean Pierce has to study.!!! Tell tlun *0 Hob Hope —er, 1 mean Bob Holt!! ^age Daniels is good at sewing but tons on navy coats! I^H-Iiing-! Hello? Just a minute. Little Bit, it's Tom again. ^orry 1 can't predict the future Marianne—guess this news will be ”f!tle by the time you read this—two 'Vei-ks from now. How does that K. A. Sweetheart *ong go, Senora? 1-U(‘,ky Mary Holt. Slater I his week- ’-'"d, and next too. ®een and heard: Folly Starbuck and Ed. Who is David, Jean? And Hatley did Mr. (’ampbell ever tliar ])icture for Skeet? ^ (‘p~Peggy Gray took Elaine jind home—so they just set back •‘*'(1 l)layed setback with Oene all "ight!!!! Soat-wright k‘ep an eye on Mary and Sarah Clark at Woodbiiry. And why did Catherine B. buy so Dianj’, many valentines? Oh Boy, oh joy—D’s had a letter SALEMITES Dp TOWN MEETING PLACE THE ANCHOR CO. “The Shopping Center” Paschal Shoe Repair Co. We Also Dye 3hoes Any Color ‘ ‘ Best In Our Line’ 219 W. 4th St. DIAL 4901 I MEETS YOUR FRIENDS b I AND DO YOUR | I I I AT THE I I MePNAIL GtFT SHOP ! SHOPPING 308 W. 5th St. iiiiHiiiiHiiiaiii -for Duke 'rom Roy!!! Peggy W. does give a- Tniv.! (at least for next week end). Vicious circle—or triangle or—Brad, Jane Jeter, and Brad’s mother. Whew — Whew — (whistle) Anne Critclier and Howard in the bus station!! Dream (!irl—that’s Gudger in more way.'i .haii one. Have fun in Chapel Ilill! And more powei' to Betsy Honey. She’s also going there the 10th. Speaking of queer letters—ask Jo about philosophies of life and Luanne about “entangling alli- ■inces.” And Molly how' does it feel to get three in one day? Say, Sauls when are you going to make that announcement????? Adele has a knockout of . a brother- in-law. Flash—get Anne Carter to tell you how it’s done on a bus . . . And what happens to Nancy Hills when you mention Tom??? Nothing? Ding-dong—the sound of the gong. This is station K N 0 W' - A L L. Broadcasting from Don',t you wish V(m knew. 1 now turn you over to —but wait—the latest news bulletin —A lot of real good juicy gossip— More goes on than meets the eye— You’re slipping losing your grijj, Stee-Gee, and if you don’t know I’m not going to tell you Tee-Hee . . . Well s’long. See you Spring Va cation in New York, Salemites!!!! Sara Bowen Gibbs is enjoying the work as assistant to a pathologist at Duke I'ni versify, while her doctor-husband interns at AVatts. Kngaged—Kx. 1945 .Xancy J^ewis to H. (Jarlanil F endergraft ^’vonne Fhelps to Kston Robert Caldwell Jr. TWIN CITV Idry oxanino col 612 West Fourth St. Welcome Salem Students 20TH CENTURY BOWLING ALLEY 631 W. 4th St. Bowl For Health and Recreation »: Let Us Help You With Your Budget • • • CAMPUS CLEANERS « nn yn »: •o: :o: •o; ;o: 5S ©C©D IHAT by Lou Stack The day it happened I was feel ing fine. I hadn’t done a thing out of the ordinary, see? I was stand ing there in my stall just eating my hay. It was good hay—a little bit dry, but good hay. Now, the minute I heard Ed coming with the _ bridle, T knew something was up, see? Ed’s the man that looks after me and the boys around the barn. Well, I kicked the side o' the stall and gave niy buddy Omaha the eye. I figured those Salem girls must be coming out again. Yep, b’gosh, and 1 just had time to get me a swig o' water after Kd saddled me up. By that time, Omaha, Fred, Billy, - Queenie (!), Bij d.—in fact, all the fellows had turned out for this party. I think I nuist have seen the station wagon first, ’cause my groani certainly whined out first. Before the wagon had sto|>ped good, the doors had opened, and about a dozen girls tumbled out. T heard one o’ the girls say some thing insulting about the ])erfume we used around here. Humph! may be it atn’t Chanel Xo. 5, but 1 like this fresh country air myself—even if it is a little hard to detect around the barn-yard. Well, the girl they call Betsy came to claim me. She's about the only one of them that ■ recognizes the class in an old farm plug like me. T like tlie way she says June, too —ihat’s my iiaine, y’ know. Betsj' and the other girls wriggled into the saddle.s—I have to snicker every time I hear them say they're “mounting” a “horse" — humph! they ain’t “mounting” no more than we’re “horses”. Then just about the time Betsy and me were ready to hit the trail, ^folly says we better run around the ring a little. Just keei>s us run ning ill circles, that lady doesf She knows more about a horse than T do, and T used to live next door to one! Well, we were running around in our usual sleeiiy-time rhythm when 1 noticed that the girl in front o’ me was doing some kind of fa,ncy circus stuff, see? 'She was riding ole Billy, though, so I guess she sort o’ had to do something fancy the way he was cutting up. 1 heard Betsy laugh and say some thing about Greta. ft reminded me of the day the Utile blonde—Helen’s her name— (Continued on Page Four.) KODAK HEADQUARTERS Barber Photo Supply Co. 106 W. Fifth St. Opposite Post Office Winston-Salem, N. C. KRISPY KREME Doughnut Company DiflFerent — Tasty — Satisfying “The Original Greaseless Doughnut” I Belk-Stevens Co. I DEPT. STORE ★ i? P, ^ The home of better Values g ^ 1 Cor. 5th and Trade Sts. p Keep In Step With Majo^ Qala Manufactured by BIG ROY, INC. Winston-Salem, N. C. “For That Inbetween Snack” COME TO GOOCH’S (on the corner) —Delicious Sandwiches— —Good Milk Shakes— —All kinds of Fountain Drinks— Our Special! Hot Fudge Sundae Frozen Pineapple Juice NEW EXCITINg FRIENDSHIP RINGS Exquislta artidry in lilvcr. Each link of the choin-lik* band caretiingly carved by hand. Two smart designs. Twin Hearts, Identity. For some one Important in your life, (why not you?) , . . Add engraved Ini tials, at slight extra cost, to aake a warmly personal Only $3*95 Uiw lex) THE SALEM BOOK STORE Presenting PEGGY JANE BLUM As one enters the library, .she glances uj) to catch that contagious ■smile and friendly greeting which always chases the gloom away. The smile belongs to blonde, l^eggy Jane Blum. ‘ • IM”, as she is known, en joys her \^ork in the library im mensely. “i’.l” is a day student; she is a freshman representive to the legis lative board and a freshman proctor. A graduate of Reynolds High, she was a member of the National Honor Society, the Girl Ifeserves, the bas ketball and tennis teams. Tennis is her favorite sport with basketball ranking a close second. This year she is finding math her Waterloo, but since she is not the type to give up, she will finish it with fly ing colors. Like a sailor, I’eggy Jane has a sweetlK'arl in every port. She admits that her “Spocial," who will soon be sent overseas, is in the Infantry and iS from Florida, the land of orange blossoms. Speaking of orange blossoms, ‘‘I’.l’s” ambition is to get married eventually, but at the present she is interested in the field of medicine. At Salem, she is tak ing Medical Technology. SARAH CLARKE If you ever n^alked into a room on third floor Clewell and found about twenty peo]>le sitting around, I’m sure you would find Sarah Clark ri^’ht in the middle. Sarah is that fi\e feet two inch blonde freshman that hails from Reidsville, and who just loves crowds . . . “ Why, if I had to be bj' myself I think I'd go crazy,” she says. Sarah's favorite sports are play ing tennis and dancing. When asked what her hobby is slie laughed and said, “.lust say smooching!” The biggest thrill in her life was when she was elected as a drum majorette in high school. She would rather “strut” in front of a band than anything else she can imagine. Next to strutting she likes boys. She says she just can’t make up hi'r mind between Woodberry Forest, till' Navy, or the Infantry. Since the Woodberry dances are drawing nigh she’s leaning in that direction at pre sent. Because she loves children, Sarah plans to major in elementary school education and then have a kinder- garden all her own. But, she admits, “My real ambition is to marry and have sixteen children!” Quality Merchandise Priced We offer a complete assortment of carefuly selected practical gifts. Handbags Gloves Billfolds Scarfs Robes — Compacts - Lingerie YOU’LL ENJOY SHOPPING AT THE MOTHER & DAUGHTER STORE “On the Square”

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