April 20, 1945. THE SALEMITE Page Three. To iier Having grown accustomed to thinking of Sinatra as The Voice, Miller as The Body, Daniels as The Lip, and Bacall as The Look, w-e have come to think, of McGee as The Beauty. She gracefully walk- ^>3 into the library yesterday, and i'omeone, by initials of C. D., fell in love with her at first sight. Calls *ind dates have followed! Let us in on the secret. If you happen to think we Salem- ites don’t get around, just listen to this: Sue Landon went to University of Virginia, and Mary Turner and ^ancy Lut?; went to Davidson last "^eek-end. .Tanie Mulhollem and Martha Lnu Heitman went down to ^uke, and to make it better, they Sot locked out of the dorm Saturday ’•iffht. “Meatball” went to Carolina, !'^nd Barbara Ward is going to Anna- Polls this weekend. Boaze is going to the Med School dances tonight 'yith a new catch—Eoy! And speaking of the Med School, Alice Whiles has taken over out there "’here Fair Miller left off. Anne ^ungan has a Beta pin from David- and .Tanet T^ussell has captured the heart of a new boy in Winston. can really play bookie-woogie, too! Mary Ellen, has made a new at- t^i’hment as a result of the Med School Dance which was to be last ^''eekend. Although the bi-monthly Sending of roses has stopped, Moss still getting one, two and some times three air mail letters from T^lorida. One more picture has dis- spneared from the wall of Gudger’s fooni; Bill is engaged! Ask Jane t^rnsipv about the R. S. V. P. she ’■p^eived in the form of a collect tele^am. There have been and are going to be quite a few visitors on cam- l’«s. To begin, Emily Amburgey is and Acky is expected back in ^ Week or so. Guess you’ve seen ®^3'rrison back—smiling more broad- V than before. Looks like something •tefinite is in the air! Buddy was t>ack again to see Alice Stevens after too long an absence. Mae Noble’s ^■ck was seen with her under the ^Ilow tree on back campus last "'Pek, and Ensign Reed was here to Boaty. Lib C.impbell’s ‘^Pin-up ^ov” came in Tuesday, and The Salem Pin-tJp Boy, Pell Lee, is com- ’''R down to see Bunny next week. AT THE THEATERS Carolina ... Wednesday - Saturday, April 18-21 ‘^Winged Victory” Monday - Wednesday, April 2.3-2.’i. ‘‘Here Come the Oo-eds” Thursday - Saturday, April 26-28. ‘ ‘ Objective-Burma” I’ORSYTH . . . ^Hday - Saturday, April 20-21. “Days of Glory” ^^onday - Tuesday, April 2.S-24. “Winged Victory” Wednesday - Thursday, April 25-26. “Can’t Help Singing.” Friday - Saturday, April 27-28. “She’s A Eweetheart” State ... Thursday - Saturday, April 19-20. ‘‘Sheriff of Las Vegas” ^Tonday - April 2.“?—Stage Show. “Grand Ole Opry”— Minnie Pearl in person, feature: “Let’s Go Steady” 'Tuesday - Thursday, April 24-26. “Merry Monohans” Friday - .Saturday, April 27-28. “Enter Arsene Lupin” comm£Hc/i pn/nmc “Jeep” is coming to see “Wheezie,” and Nancy Barrett is going to Rocky Mount with Ab tjiis weekend. Greta is going to the “Miracle of Hickory” to celebrate her pop’s birthday and to see Peggy. And have you heard Fariiier and Casteen tell nboot the truck full of Luckies they saw explode in Leaksville last week end? Speaking of trips, Gaither made one to the Red Cross room— oh, dearie me! In the good new’s department, we have an item saying that Ticka’s John is coming home from overseas, and if Polly keeps finding those four-leaf clovers, Ed might get here soon too! Tsobel’s all up in the ajr because Jimmy may be on the way home from the Pacific, and so may Dodie’s man too. We’ll keep our fingers crossed for both of you. Carol is worried about .Toe because a fortune teller told her there is a blonde in his life. Elaine McNeely told “him” goodbye last Saturday night; he left for the Army. And as some ship out, Third Floor Strong '•oernits—they have some new Rey nolds High he-men! At least we know that two girls at Salem get letters—and good ones too. They are Henny (from Charlie V.) and Teau (from Frank). And did you finally get that letter from Pete, Eliza? We also know that the .Juniors and the Seniors have dates this weekend for their annual dance. Joe Smith is coming with Grenny F., Elmer Henry with Kathleen Phillips, and we hope Paul Cash with Mildred. Snyder is having a Univer sity of Va. boy down—Joe Wolf Bear, Jr.! .Jane Angus and Anne Carter have five dates coming in a big red convertible. And say, have vou heard about the good ole timey picnic the Juniors are planning for next Saturday? Listen out for more about it—until next week when She will snoop again. Oh! P. S. Which turtle will win the race today? Will it be Spook or, Jacob or Luke? The winner will be announced next week! Which will it be? She. P. S. Jr. Another question—^will the date room be open for May Day? We hope so! Love and Stuff, Minister Faces His Daughter V 7 Y.W.C.A. Column The Y. W. C. A. held two cabinet meetings last week to elect the re mainder of the officers for 1945-46. Those elected were Jane Lovelace of Henrietta, N. C. for vice-presi- dent; Joanne Swasey of Alexandria, Va. for secretary; .and Anne Milli- kan of Greensboro for treasurer. We are having an informal tea out by the fiish pool Sunday after noon from four to five-thirty. Both studeAt body and faculty are invited. Don’t miss vespers Sunday night! It’s a real treat—something we all love to hear—music by Dr. Var- (lell at seven in Memorial Hall. What You Can Spare' They Can Wear Welcome Salem Students 20TH CENTURY BOWLING ALLEY 631 W. 4th St. Bowl For Health and Recreation KODAK HEADQUARTERS Barber Photo Supply Co. 106 W. Fifth St. Opposite Post Office Winston-Salem, N. C. ARCHIE’S RADIO SERVICE 24-Hr., Reasonable Service 858 W. 4th St. Phone 2-1290 by Emily Harris Amburgey Reverend James Walters leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes .against the sun which played across the massive, mahogany desk of his study. The fact that his only daughter, Virginia, had done a completely illogical thing, illogi cal in the sense that she had never before made a decisive'and partly original action, interested and sur prised him. But the step had been definite, and he could not help but appreciate it. He opened his eyes and re-read the words on the yellow paper in his lap—‘ ‘ Married Bill last night. Will be home today. IjOvc, Virginia.” - Bill Baker, local playboy, who lived on his father’s stock market dividends. In a fe'nv minutes the young couple would stand before him, and in that in terview he must try to present an attitude in keeping with his position as father and minister. • A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth and crinkled the lines about his gray eyes. Today was Friday, and by Sunday every mem ber of his congregation would stare up at him with eyes of condemna‘ tion. They would be eager to see how he was taking fhe incident, eager to see him humbled. Mrs. Jonathan Rhodes, Mrs Cecil Tjane —all of them. He chuckled softly and shrugged his shoulders. He would ignore the incident. A tap on the door brought him back to the more immediate prob lem. He leaned forward so that his arms rested on his desk. His face and voice were sober as he said, “Come in, please.” A small girl and tall, slender boy entered. Both looked at him with apprehen sion written clearly on their faces. Reverend Walters cleared his throat and wiped his'crisp, white hand kerchief across his mouth. “Well, Virginia, William, won’t you be seated?” “We’ll just stand, thank you, sir,” answered his daughter. “We’re very sorry, sir, that—” began the boy. “Now, now, William. Let’s not say that. You aren’t sorry, are you? I don’t feel that remorse KEEP ON WITH WAR BONDS VOGLER SERVICE Ambulance—Funeral Directors Dependable for More Than 85 Years DIAI. 6101 TWIN IDRYCU CITV 01 CLEANING CO 612 West Fourth St. K. & W. RESTAURANT 422 N. Cherry St. PHONE 6022 YOUR KIND OF BATING PLACE Winston-Salem, N. C. i “ELECTRICITY :o! 'f}. A Is Vital In War . « . Don’t Waste It” 3>: '0. :« :« Duke Power Co. will ease the situation. I am about to deliver a sermon to you. But I>erhaps there is some explanation you wish to offer?” Virginia spoke. “We have thought this out, Father. We knew you would never consent to my leaving school to marry Bill. We are only sorry that you will have to suffer because of it. But Bill is leaving soon.” Good! So they had premeditated this action. Not in a moment of madness had they given themselves to each other, forgetting the scan dal which must follow. “Vou needn’t worry about us. When he comes back, his daddy is giving him the two theatres to manage, and he’s very anxious to work.” Reverend Walters picked up his glasses, moistened them with his breath, and polished them vigor ously. Theatres, eh? Well, he’d never quite brought himself to con demn movies in his pulpit anyway. Too bad he wouldn’t have to eat his words! He replaced the glasses in the case and leaned back and folded his arms. “Theatres aren’t" really bad, Father. They’re educational, a place to relax—” (And so his daughter apologized to him. TIow little we know of each other after all. She never guesses but what I am deeply shocked. Perhaps that is best after all). “I’m sure it is an honest living, Virginia. But now I must give you my blessing and best wishes. Later perha|>s we can talk more.” “Thank-you, sir!” said Bill. Reverend Walters’ exj)ressiou did not change when his daughter came around his desk and kissed his forehead. Tlie couple started for the door. Virginia paused and turn ed to him. ‘ ‘ Father, aren’t we going to have a prayer? It seems that—” (Of course, the customary thing to do.) “Yes, let us pray.” When he had offered a prayer, they slipped quietly out. They did not see the twinkle in his eyes and his smile nor hear him add, “And thank you for them.” Quality Merchandise Reasonably Priced WELCOME SALEM STUDENTS SPORTS’ WEAR SHOP THE IDEAL I MAIN FLOOR REYNOLDS AUDITORIUM Friday Evening APRIL 27,8:30 The Junior Chamber of Commerce By Arrangement With AMERICAN CIVIC OPEEA COMPANY Presents Victor Herbert’s Immortal Operetta “NAUGHTY MARIETTA” Cast of 40 - Orchestration 10 AH Brilliant New Tork Cast n«»r Victor Herbert’s “I’m Fallinr In Love With Someone’* and Many More ALL SEATS RESERVED Prices: $3.08 - $2.46 - $1.85 TICKETS NOW Jr. Chamber Commerce Office 14 All Inclose self-addressed hail stamped envelope with dieck / ADnroC or money order payable Junior vKi/LKj Chamber of Commerce. enqrouinq CO.

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