Page Four. THE SALEMITE September 29, 1945. Mary Lewis,’43, Flies To India To Join Father On Army Post The following is part of a letter from Mary Lewis, class of ’43. She, her mother, and her sister, Marian, moved to Trinidad the first part of August to live with her father. Col. Lewis, who is stationed on the Army post there. ‘ ‘ Miami was wonderful, and we were really set-up iu a huge apart ment in the hotel. We still haven’t figured it out, but it was nice. We reported to the ATC (Air Transport Command) Saturday a. m. at 8:00. By 11:00 we had been through the medics, and been briefed thorough ly on how to act in ease of ditching, or any other accidents. At 1:00 we were p^t on the alert and were not a?ftjwed to leave the hotel. Our lug gage was weighed and then we were all set to leave. We didn’t take off until 9:30 next morning. The take-off was perfect and the trip down was lovely. The water was a sapphire blue, the islands emerald green, and the clouds simply can’t be described. Only once did we have to i)ut on our ‘Mae Wests’ when we went through a small storm. We had lunch in Puerto Kico and ar rived at Trinidad at dark. Daddy hadn’t received the radio message, so he was on his way to the Gover nor’s for dinner. His adjutant met us, and the M. P.’s stopped Dad and sent him back to the airport. The house is delightful and huge. There are no windows—screened in and louvred (or whatever you call those shutter jobs). There are trade winds all the time, so it is much cooler than North Carolina. The house is built up off the ground. Un derneath is cemented and there is a huge game room out in the open air with lots of tables and a little bar at one end. The yard extends to the jungle for about 250 yards all the way around, and this is out lined in many colored lights. A florist couldn’t have any more flow ers than are here; even orchid plants. Pineapples are all around the yard and bananas, limes, lemons and ava- cadoes; also cashew nuts. The sur roundings are a regular fairyland. The cook is a native and speaks in a queer English accent. Her name is Elajiva Edwards. She’s al ways worked for the English; so she nas us in style now. The yard man is a native called ‘Chief.’ Daddy’s driver is nice and really takes care of us. He already has us a dog, and is going to get us a monkey and a parrot. I went to town for the first time last night, and it’s a riot. I’ve nev er seen so many people—all black. Out in the country they live in thatched roofed huts with the goats, etc. The children wear no clothes up to 15 or 16. The old men wear a white diaper effect, and the wom en’s heads are covered. Last night we went to a reception, buffet-supper and dance in town for tlie General. I never met so many people—mostly English—the Gover nor and wife, etc. The buffet sup- per was good, too. We sat at the Laundry Has Improvements South Hall may have a new dorm, the art department may have a new male teacher, and Clewell may have a newly-painted smokehouse, but the sick and wea;-y have something in store for them, too. Miss Venus Faircloth, E. N., has a new assistant this year. Mrs. Sue Durham is from the Georgia Baptist Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. The iiifirnir.ry awaiting the ai’- rival of new hospital beds tliat will Iiave inner spring mattresses. Tliese beds are for the downstairs ward. In the office a new examining room has been equipped with a new examining table and light. In fact, Miss Faircloth states that the infirmary has ‘'‘many new typos of equipment for the treatment and care of the sick.” The staff doctor is Dr. Pfohl and his assistant is Dr. Leroy Izlar. Dr, Harold M. Starling is the school surgeon, replacing Dr. Grimes who retired in the spring of 1945. ^Miss Faircloth was in charge of a hospital here in the city this summer. The Eobe — senior property Valley of Decision — registration day Anything Can Happen — 3rd Clewell Low Man on a Totem Pole — Betsy Boney c/b Postmaster — the boy friend‘d Earth and High Heaven — Gooch’s nut sundaes The Green Years — freshman class The Eains Came — September 16, 17, 18 Random Harvest — liberal education Main Street — Salem Square Strange Fruit — breakfast Our Hearts Were Young and Gay — the faculty It Shouldn’t Happen — classes Tim? Must Have a Stop — 7:15 A. M. Night Unto Night — exam week General’s table, and I sat by an English ‘Sir.’ Very interesting— what I understood. And the food! Our plates were served—chicken, turkey, ham, roast beef, tuna fish and other delicacies. Wonderful ice-cream. The dance was fun, too. The reception for us is next Sunday night. I rather dread it—^but guess it will be fun. They took lots of pictures of us last night. If they’re good. I’ll send some. This English money is the most confusing part. Not even on the post can our money be used . . . The only part I can’t take is the mixed up families—black and white —and Chinese—and Indian! My eyes really popped when I saw that! ...” WELCOME WELFARE’S DRUG STORE Serving Salem College Girls Over 32 Years LET US FILL YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS Best Coca-Colas in the World ' Best of Everything A Drug Store Should Have WE MAKE OUR ICE CREAM SAM E. WELFARE PHARMACIST BILL BEA&LEY JULIAN MORTON STANLEY BUNT Scocfl (Save this until you fool feeUsh) Your Salem super Scooper-Snooper Aims to knock you for a looper: First, about the men and gals To make You break In stitches and howls. Henny’s expecting a visit from Harold While Charlie (Some foUy) Brings Mother to Carol. Pierce gets a locket from her man > Carr. But we, You see. Get cards from Ma. Then there’s Janet who has John B. And Lois, Of course. Has captured a Marine, so Wheel! Dick’s flying down to see Betty Bell, And Bunny, The honey, Is longing for Pell. There’s something up ’tween Jean and Bo. And roses Them goes-es To Meredith and Teau. Now Sisters’ House is filled with / brothers. They're cuties. Those brute-ies, Janie’s, Mac’s, and others. Sullivan and Wink to Chapel Hill. Julia ’11 foolya. It’s not with Phil. We could write another verse. But it’s sure to get much worse. C’est finis Beebee and Peedee. FOE FINE LINENS AND HANDKERCHIEFS VISIT WILLIAM MALL’S ART LINEN SHOP 22 W. th St. Efird's Dept. Store 30-32 N. TRADE ST. Winston-Salem, N. C. I Quality Merchandise At Moderate Prices Sports Shorts Eh3rtlimics Something neW has been added to the Physical Education Department of Salem under the title of Rhyth mics. This course is offered to Juniors and Sophomores and is designed to give the student a chance to de velop musical ability with physical activity.^This semester will be used to establish a foundation for the activities, and second semester will be concerned with Seating dances for the May Day. It is hoped that this class will serve as a nucleus for the formation of a dance group or club for those interested. There are about fifty girls enrolled in this class. Miss Carlyle Crawford is the accompanist. No Gym Labs The physical education department has dispensed with the regular after- nooh labs this year in order to provide practice periods for the class teams. The managers of each sport will also receive extra train ing and practice, so they will be better equipped to instruct. Horseback Riding Horseback riding began at Salem this week with about 40 riders par ticipating. The girls travel in the station wagon to Sedgefield near Greensboro to riie. The horses there are better and are real saddle horses. Hiding this year will be offered for credit to the forty girls who will ride once a week. There are three different classes—one for beginners, one for intermediates, and one for the advanced girls. Betsy 'Casteen, riding manager, said this week that if there were enough girls interested that a class in jumping might be of fered. Miss Molly Weeks'Of Winston- Salem is in charge of the riders. Tpnnis To Start The tennis season will be officially inaugurated on September 29 with a tennis tournament between the students and faculty. All people wishing to enter or who are interest ed in tennis are requested to go down any afternoon at 4:00 to the Tennis Clinic. Necessary tennis in structions will be given by Miss Averill. The tennis manager for the Athletic Association is, Nancy i Snyder. A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL SALEM GIRLS And we cordially invite yon to visit ns often where yoit will find a complete array of Nofth Carolina Hand crafts, imported and domestic giftwares. ARDEN FARM STORE Across the square from SALEM COLLEGrE WELCOME SALEM STUDENTS SPORTS’ WEAR SHOP THE IDEAL MAIN FLOOR The Salem Book Store WELCOME THE STUDENTS AND FACULTY OF SALEM COLLEGE AND ACADEMY The Place to Supply Your College Needs E. D. Snavely Virginia Holton Mrs. E. B. Warren Norris Smith Carrie Kirkman Marjie Robertson i