October 6, 1945. THE SALEMITE Page Three. Presenting Six New Salemites, AlDove are from'lefTto riRht^ Dot'Arrinsiton of Rocky Mount; Peggy Gleason of Coral Gables, Fla.; Louise Dodson, Miami, Fla.; Miriam Bailey, Fair Bluff; Joyce Burke, Washington, D. C.; and Augusta Garth of Hickory. DOT AR^U^'GTO^'—tliat typical Southern belle from Tiock)' Mount, K. C. When askcil' how she likeil Salem, slie sighed in her ‘Dot Ar rington’ way, “I adore it—oven if , I did maks D plus on my first Eng lish thenie.” Her only question Council these days is, “You don’t happen ville since June. When a.sked what to be going to i^ulce this week end, | she missed most, she replied, He s do you?” Dot cannot decide which | in Klovida.” Joyce had never seen the campus t)efore coming this year, f^he has filways wanted to go to a Southern school and Salem fills the bill per- fectlv. She savs that she isn't homesick hut that home would look ; "’iH "o 1-ersoual con tact with the patients. I’ost War Activities Council chair man, Sally Bo'well, urges all stud ents to take np some kind of work aiiii make this vear a success. At The Theatres CAROLINA I'riday & Saturday ‘■“A Thousand and One Nights” —Evelyn Keyes, Cornel Wilde and Phil Silvers. Miinilay, Tuesday, & Wednesday “The Corn Is Green” — Bette Davis. Thursilay, Friday, & Saturday “Those Emleariiig Young Chariiia”—Ljirraine Day and Kob- ert Young. STATE Friday A: Saturday “Came Out f’igf»ting”—Dead Knd Kids. Monday and Tuesday “Bull Fighters” — Laurel and Hardy. Wednesday and Thursday “Horn Blows at Midnight.” Friday “School For Brides” (On Stage —Play). Saturday “Swinging on a Rainbow.” FORSYTH Friday & Saturday ' “Mama Loves Papa”—Leon Er rol and Elizabeth Brideson. Monday & Tuesday ‘ ‘ A Treo Grows in Brooklyn.” Wednesday and Thursday “Three Men in White.” ARDMORE FViday and Saturday “Abroad with Two Yanks”— William Bendix, Helen W'alker. Lablings Vote For Officers The “Lablliigs” held their first meeting of the year Tuesday night, October 2, at seven o’clock in Park Hall. The meeting was u business meeting for the purpose of elect ing new officers other than the president. Xell Jane Griffin, president, pre sided. The following officers wore elected for the coming year: Coit Kedfenrn, vice-president and pro gram chairman; Beverly Newman, reporter and publicity chairman; Margaret Fisher, membership chair man; Annabel Allen and Janet Rus sell, members of the executive board of the“ Tjablings.” The secretary will be elected at the next meeting. The membership qualifications were read and explained by Nell Jane to all new applicants. Then she announced some of the programs for the year. The club is planning programs with a variety of speak ers. The meeting was adjourned and ice cream and cakes were served in beakers and evaporating dishes. I (Continued from page one) ! general page from one building to the other. Girls working in the mighty good after being in Ashe- is the most ini])ressive feature of Salem—-the weeping willow trees or the little time in which to be lazy. She is the daughter of a former Salemite and we are expecting to hear a lot from this lovely fresh man in the future. A swishing pleated skirt and a glance at blonde bangs tells us that Peggy Gleason of Coral Ga bles, Florida, is near. Peg is one of the numerous freshmen that had never seen the campus before she came this .year. The front cam pus appeals to her particularly. “When is it going to get cold and snow?” she keeps asking. I’ve never seen any snow.” Peggy knew that she was not going to be a “stranger” at Salem because of the abundance of mail that she received from Salemites before coming to Salem. “The thoughtful ness of Salem students is remark able.” This North Carolina ac cent impressed Peggy from the first. “I thought it was cute for awhile, then it got on my nerves, and now I’m speaking this foreign dialect myself. Salem’s amazing.” Louise Dodson—tall, sophisticated brunette hailing from Miami, Flor ida. Her first visit to Salem was on September 17, 1945, in a down pour of rain, and she admits that it did look dreary then. Since that Monday she has brightened up her room on third floor of Strong with a picture of a certain guy called Bobby and his extra-special room mate from the Canadian border. If all rumors are true, Louise gets so much mail that her roommate re fuses to waste her time going over to the P. O. “The life at Salem is very imi>ressivo but tlio.se air raids—there’s nothing like them anywhere.” If you do not believe the fresh men have settled down to their biology and English, visit the at tractive room of MIRIAM BAILEV, a tall, pretty brunette from Fair Bluff, N. iC. Although she is a native of N. C., she had never heard of Salem until she saw it listed with other names of colleges. Be ing homesick does not keep Miriam from liking Salem. Not having re ceived any mail from home, lessons never censing, and the effects of Rat Week have not taken' any of the spirit from her. Coming to Salem from the Na tion’s Capital is JOYCE BTTRKE— n blonde with laughing brown eyes. Augusta Garth—that vivacious “little sister” from Hickory, N. C. —is the fourth Garth sister to come to Salem. Her preen eyes sparkled as she paid, “I’m not in love and I simply lurve to have a big time.” Slie feels right at home—natufally —but the friendliness and genera] atmosphere of Salem still amazes her. “Gussie” may be seen most of the time in jeans, plaid shirt, and in her bare feet “playing” on third floor Clewell. “My do(jr is always open so come to see me.” If these are tyjiical freshmen, here’s a h:.nd to tl»e entire fresh man .class. They are going places. Immediate Delivery of Persos^alized Gift Items Post Cards Napkins Matches Stationery Playing Cards Book Plates THE SALEM BOOK STORE SALEM COLLEGE ‘The Original Greaseless Doughnut” Different—Tasty—Satisfying KRISPY KREME Poughnut Company H. T. HEARN Company '' ENGRAVED Invitations — Announcements Calling Card.'»—Stationery 632 West Fourth Street V. R. Hodgin WN Mrs. V. R. Hodgin T II DiiV (JLL/vi»s^u tu 1865 1945 W. T. VOGLER & SON Jewelers and Silversmiths WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. 312 W. Fourth St. Dial 7106 Winston-Salem, N. C. VICTOR, COLUMBIA AND DECOA RECORDS rOCOCK - STROUD Company 217 West Fourth Street COHEN’S Ready To Wear Shop Be Sure To V'sit Us Early West Fourth Street commEffCf^ PB//jr//iG % ■ ' ,.. • ' L a a CO. WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF SPORTS WEAR IT IS WORTH YOUR WHILE AT POPULAR PRICES KAUFMAN’S CORNER FOURTH CHERRY FOR THAT IN-BETWEEN SNACK COME TO GOOCH’S —SPECIAL— Earth and High Heaven Sandwiches All Kinds of Salads, Soups, Hot Sandwiches and Fountain Drinks “THE STORE ON THE CORNER SALEMITES I For Convenience and Food Food ! Try REYNOLD’S GRILL Steaks Our Spec ialty Fresh Up With 7 Up It Likes You Quality Merchandise Reasonably Priced