March 8, 1946. THE SALEMITE Page Three. Juniors Defeat Seniors; Frosh Overcome Sophs Last-half Gains Tilt Results The Juniors fought a hard game Thursday night to defeat the Seniors 28-22 in the second basketball game of the season. This makes both the Treshmen and Juniors undefeated. Allen and "Walton both scored ten points for the Juniors. Wooten with thirteen points was high scorer for the Seniors. The line-ups were as follows. Juniors Allen 10 Walton 10 Stroup 8 Bullock Heitman McGee Substitutes Heitman, and Dysart for Bass. Bass fouled out of the game. Mrs. Jones was the referee. G G G Seniors Wooten 13 Witherington 6 Lindsey 3 Little Griffin Bass for were Quinerly Come-As-Y oU'Are Is Party Theme While innocently brushing her ^sir, a sophomore, clad unbecoming- 'y in a wrinkled slip, dirty pajama top, and shower sh,oes, heard a knock on the door. Wondering who ®ou)(j 1)0 go rural as to pound on the door, she screamed, ‘ ‘ Come in, ®nd kept on brushing. Two fresh- »ien poked their heads in and look- at the unsettled hair and un made face, and burst into giggles, '^he pbor sophomore, not knowing '^^hether to laugh, cry, or wind her "'atch, just stood there and squirm ed. Sophomores just aren’t used to tioing laughed at by freshmen! The two girls eyed their victim with a sniirk on their faces. “We’re having come-as-you-are party,” they sang they handed the soph an invita tion with a list of the clothes that ®he was requested to wear. The freshmen made a hasty exit, but *'ot before they had again giggled in their superior’s face. Quite a few of the hostesses pop ped in at very opportune moments. fact, judging from the predica ments in which most sophomores ^fid themselves, the freshmen spent half the day wastefully waiting to ■^atch their victims. Can you imagine— Alice Chiles half-dressed for the Concert with a little lacy silk article (Continued on Back Page) Barber Photo Supply Go. 106 W. 5th St.—Opposite Post Office Kodak Headquarters WINSTON-SAIiEM, N. 0. "The Original Greaseless Doughnut” Diff erent—Tasty—Satisfying KRISPY KREME Doughnut Company Just Around the Comer Paschal Shoe Repair Co. We also Dye Shoes Any Color “Best In Our Line” 219 W. 4th St. dial 4901 Hccadilly grill The most up-to-date Restaurant in the South 415 W. 4th Street ~~VOCLER SERVICE Ambulance—Funeral Director* *^®PendabIe for More Than 85 Years DIAL 6101 Opening Game Is Thriller The Freshmen defeated the Sopho mores 45-26 in the first basketball game of the season. The game was played on March 6 at 8 p. m. in the gym. High sp,orer for the freshmen was Eaton Seville with 19 points. Ann Mills was high scorer for the Sopho- m6res with 11 points. The line ups were as follows: Sophomores F F F G G G Sophomore substitutes were Clark, Stone, Smith 2, Hamilton, and Mon- tiigue. Freshmen substitutes were McCown, Dungan, Kennedy, Dodson 1, and Paine. The referee was Mrs. Jonea. Kfird 6 Mills 11 Carothers Leeper Morris Moye Freshmen Gleason 11 Seville 19 Watkins 14 Crickmer Taylor Finley COHEN'S Ready To Wear Shop Be Sure To Visit Us Early West 'fourth Street TWIN CITY IDRY atANWO col B12 W. Fourth St. Dial 7106 Winston-Salem, N. C. RAY W. GOODRICH PHOTOGRAPHER 317 W. 4th St. — Dial 7994 VICTOR, COLUMBIA AND DECOA RECORDS BOCOCK - STROUD Company Comer 4th at Spruce RECORDS —FROM— REZNICK’S 440 N. Liberty St.—Dial 2-1443 Etird’s Dept. Store 430-432 N. TRADE ST. Winston-Salem, N. C. • Quality Merchandise At Moderate Prices The ANCHOR CO., Inc. ■ a * - I The Photographic Department + DIAL 6128 2nd Floor SALEMITES! For fine sportswear and good values your best bet is— THE IDEAL West Fourth Street And you Love Letters from Pell t,o Bunny Leave Her to Heaven ^ the Juniors Wonder Man Mr. Began Music for Millions Forthcoming recitals Guest Wife Jane Boatwright Stork Club or Davy Jones’ Locker And Now Tomorrow the day after the night before Too Young To Know Doris Little A Thousand and One Nights —. The night before exams The Corn is Green due to the fertilizer Those Endearing Young Charms .. the Curlee Children Come Out Fighting Carol and Deese School for Brides Salem Mama Loves Papa Dr. and Mrs. Rondthaler Between Twp Women Norman Stockton Pride of the Marines Margaret’s Jimmy True Glory An A plus at Salem Incendiary Blond Dot Arrington Frxjntier Gal Doris Brown Thrill of a Romance Betsy and Taylor Af The Theatres CAROLINA Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday “Lady on the Train” Thursday, Friday, Saturday “My Reputation” STATE MoHday, Tuesday, Wednesday “Daltons Bide Again” LATE SHOW: Wednesday night “Asylum of Horrors” Thursday, Friday, Saturday “Torrid Zone” Store Hours — 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Daily 308-312 N. Liberty Streeet NYLON HOSIERY ORDER Thousands of Mother and Daughter customers will be served efficiently, impartially and with out waiting in long, crowded lines. All you do is fill out the blank below and mail it to Mother and Daughter Store. As shipments arrive, all coupons will be filled in the order they are received! NO HOSE ORDERS MAILED! * FILL OUT, CUT OUT AND MAIL THIS COUPON MOTHER AND DAUGHTER STORE, HOSIERY DEPT. 308-312 N. Liberty Street Winston-Salem 3, N. C. Kindly notify me when I may call for one pair of Nylon Hose Please print name and address. \ Name Size Address 1 City Zone SAL. 3-8.