Volume XXVI, Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, March 22, 1946. Number •20'. 1 - ■ - - Students Elect Leaders Library Announces Contest General Information Salem College Library will again hold a student library contest to encourage and stimulate student in terest in building up personal librar ies during their undergraduate years. The names of those wh,o wish to enter the contest should be given to one of the librarians by April 10. Further information and helpful suggestion will appear in the Salemite and on the campus bulletin boards. WATCH FOK THEM. RULES AND EEGTJLATIONS Juniors and Seniors — Personal Library Contest 1. Number of books to be en tered; maximum—30. 2. All boolcs mupt be the pro perty of the student entering the contest, and so marked. 3. Textbooks designed primari ly for classroom use may not be in cluded. The prizes offered in this contest are: (1) For the best general collection of a cultural and practical nature, $25.00 for purchase of books. (2) For the second best collection, which may be a special collection, $15.00 for purchase of books. Prizes will be awarded around May, 15, and the jvinning libraries will be put on exhibition in the library. (Prizes will n,ot be given unless a* 10 students enter) Freshmen and Sophomores—Personal Library Booklist Contest 1. A typewritten list of not more than 30 books, cultural and praci- tical, which the student desires to have in her own personal library. Give author, title, publisher, price, with brief notes stating reason for the student’s choice of each title. The prizes offered in this contest are: (1) For the beat general list, $10.00 for purchase of books from the list. (2) For the second best list, which may be a list for a special group of books, $.'5.00 for purchase of books from the list. { CONSTANCE SCOQGIN ._ _ J SALLY BOSWELL HENRIETTA WALTON BERNICE BTTNN LUCY SCOTT JANIE MULHOLLEM Prizes -will be awarded around May 15. Lists must be in the hands of the Librarian by April 10. (Prizes will not be given unless as many as 10 students' enter) ASK IN THE LIBRARY FOR APPLICATION BLANKS or FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Dure Speaks To Staff Mr. L. S. Dure, news editor of the Joumal-Sentinel, spoke informal ly to the Salemite staff last Tuesday jyght. He discussed make-up in general, as well as critisizing the make-up of several issues of the Salemite. Mr. Dure recently came to Win ston-Salem from Richm,ond, Virginia, wher he was on the staff of the Times Dispatch. Four Election Days Remain Only four more days of elections remain! The staff of the Salemite will meet Monday at 1:30 to elect the editor. The presidents of Y. W. C. A. and I. B. S. will be elected in assembly on Tuesday. The three classes meet on Wednesday t.o elect their presidents and the entire student body will vote for the Chief Marshal on Thursday in assembly. This will complete the election of the presidents of the major campus organization. This new system, set up on a trial basis, has greatly in creased the students’ interest. Westminster Qroup Elects Sivasey Head Joanne Swasey was elected Presi dent of the Salem chapter of the Westminister Fellowsh^ at a call meeting of the organization last Friday night in the old Chapel. Joanne has served on the Program Committee for this year. Other officers elected for the coming year are; vice-president, Virginia Smith; secretary, Preston Kabrich; corre sponding secretary, Virginia Co burn; and treasurer, Nancy Carlton. Virginia Smith was this year’s treasurer and Nancy had been on the social committee. Friday night, March 29, will be the time of installation for these officers. At this time a banquet will be held at the First Presby terian Church for all members of the Westminister Fellowship. Guest speaker for the occasion will be Dr. George Mauze, local pastor. It is hoped that a large number of the members will sign up On the papers placed in each dormitory for this purpose. The dead-line for signing up is Wednesday, March 27. Dramatic Club To Present One'Act Plays March 30 Three one-uct plays, all comedies, will be ])resented by the Freshmen Players and Pierrettes on Saturday, March 30^ at S' p. m. in the Old Chapel. Judges, to be selected later, will choose the better of the two fresh men plays and will select the two best actresses in straight and will select -the two best actresses in straight and character roles. “The Happy Journey,” by Tliorn- ton Wihler, has a cast of six: Jane Pointer as “Ma Kirby;” Martha Brannock as “Arthur;” Elnora Lambeth as “Caroline;” Nancy Wrny as “Pa (Elmer) Kirby;” and Annie Lou Myatt as “Beulah.” Marion Gaither is stage manager. “Joint Owners in Spain,” written by Alice Brown, has a cast of four including Nancy 0‘Grady as Mrs. Mitchell;” Catherine Moore as Mrs. Fullerton;” Eleanor Davidson as “Mrs. Blair” and Peirano Aiken “Miss'Dyer.” The scene takes place in an old ladies’ home. On the same program the Pier rettes will present “The Feast of the Holy Innocents” by Samuel M. Hsley. The cast includes Helen Slye as “Corneilia Milk;” Jane Mul- Vllem as “Electa Milk;” Anne Folger as “Mrs. Oberl.y; Bernice Bunn as “Jennie” and Ann Caro- thers as “Mrs. Omar.” This play is to be entered in the State contest on April 4, after its trial performance at Salem on March 30. Dr. Craig Will Speak In Library Dr. Hardin Craig, of the English department of the University of North Carolina, will spejik at the annual Friends of the Library meet ing to be held at 8 p. m. Thursday, March 28, in the Salem College Library. Dr. Craig’s topic will be “Shake speare—Citizen of the World.” He is a noted Shakespearian scholar. The family of Miss Mary Duncan McAnally will make a presentation to the library of a recordak micro film reader which will be on ex hibit at the meeting. Mrs. Gordon Spaugh will present the Mary Dun can McAnally Collection to the library on behalf of the Order of the Scorpion. Mrs. Spaugh was a classmate of Miap McAnally’s and both were charter members of the Scorpions, The meeting is open to the stu dent b|Ody and faculty. This issue of the Salemite was edited by Becky Clapp. This is the third of the Junior issues. Scoggin Heads Students Body Connie Scoggin was elected in a Student Body meeting on Tuesday. March 19, as President of the Salem Student Government for 194C-1947. Connie, a rising senior, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Scoggin of Roidsville, N. C. As a Freshman Connie was on the Chapel Committee; last year she was on the Salemite staff and a Sophomore cheer leader; this year she has served as President of the French Club, Secretary of the War Activities Qouncil, Assistant Editor of “Sights and Insights” and Sec retary of the Junior Class. Among names on the dean’s list you will find Constance Scoggin. Other nomi nations for this honor were Ann Folger of South Orange, N. J. and Rebeccji Clapp from Siler City, N. C. VICE-PRESIDENTS Sally Boswell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Boswell of Roanoke, Va. was elected as on-campus Vice- Presidcnt to work with Connie for the Student Government. Sally will edit the 1940 handbook, and she will bo head of the Chapel Com- mitee in cooperation with the off- campus Vice-President. Among Sally’s extra - cirriculnr activities are: Salemite staff her Sophomore year, and President of the War Activities Council, Red Cross Super visor, Legislative board, Cbai)ol Committee, and a Marshal her Junior year. Hara Coo Hunsucker of High Poipt was the other candidate for Vice-President. Lucy Scott was elected off-cam pus vice-president of the student body in the election on Tuesday. Lucy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Littleton Scott of Winston- Salem. She is an outstanding mem ber of this year’s Junior Class. Lucy is vice-president of the Junior Class, a member of Alplia Iota I’i, K1 (Mub Espanol, and the Le Cercle Francais. The other n,ouiinee for vice-presi- deiit was Ann Barber. SECRIMARY l'‘ggy Davis, sophomore, was elected Secretary of Student Government She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Davis of Raleigh. Peggy is photographic edi tor of Sights and Insights, Salemite copy editor, and was class pri^sident in her freshman year. Mary Bryant and Barlwra Folger were the other nominees for secretary. As Secretary of Student Govern ment for next year, Peggy says, “My aim is to be up to the minute (s)!” TREASXJRER ^’PRgy Blum was elected treasurer of the student body in tho election on Tuesday. Peggy defeated I’atsy Law and Frances Sowers. She is a popular member of this year’s sopho more class and is a member of the German Club. SIGHTS AND INSIGHTS Bernice Bunn was elected to serve as editor of the 194C-47 Sights and Insights in an election hold by the junior class Wednesday after- n,oon. Bernice is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bunn of Tar- boro. She has been literary editor of the annual this past year and has worked with the Salemite staff. Mary Hunter Hackney was tho (Continued on Page Five)