May !0, 1946. THE SALEMITE Page Three. Pictured above are Hazel Newman Slawter and Eetty Witners of Wiaston-Salem, who will be presented in a joint recital n Memorial Hall Monday, May 13, aft 8:00 P. M, Mrs. Slawter is major n? in harp and Miss Withers is raajonn? in organ. Home-Ec Students Will Present Show The annual Home Economics Fash ion Show will be held on the lawn in. front of tlie Practice House Mon day, May 20, at five o’clock. At this time, all freshnion, .s')pho- iiiores^ and juiiior home (‘coiioinics students win un>'lel tUe garment's they have mado this year. Hits That Fit Djty By Day Classes Dream Lit)by Pedeu Shoo Fly IMe,. Serft-nh^ss Soutli Hull fifroo' of T'.vo Cigar, t es Mnri tind l’iw( e There’s No Vou . . . Hainbone I Wish I Knew . Answers to reviews Personality Sara Coe If I Knew Then Senora Bear Cat Cr;iwi . . . Janet llu^sell 8hout For Joy Beniors I’ll Get By . . . . Six week t.'sts One O’clock Jump . . . Bettye Bell Symphony . . . Music Aprec Class That’s For Me . . . >^uu bathers Love Walked In . . Jeanne Dungan Bell Bottom Trousers . Page’s Robert Alumnae Visit SalemMayDay Salem Alumnae were represented on Salem campus last week-end. \moiig the returned visitors” were: i Mrs. C. A. McNeill, Jr., Rachel I i’inkston, Nell Denning, Mrs. Vir- : 'finia Lee Cowper, Jeanne Cowper, ?!iie Willis, Hei'ky Howell, Becky Co/art, Mai'v Lewis, Aileen Seville ’’ice, V. V. Garfh, Lncy Farmer, Doris Schaum, Katherine Triiyn- lunti, Helen Phillips, Genevieve ’ rnzier, Molly Bosemaii, Lib Guil der, Mary Frances McNeely, Mar guerite MulUn, Katherine McGeachy, Lucille Newman. Fra]tces Crowell, '’eggy Bolliii, .lo M('T>aughlin, An gola Taylor, and Lib Beckwith. These alumnae brought news of two alumnae wlio had to remain at I'ome. Mildred Garrison Cash and Petty Harris Hhvne are both the pnmd mothers of baby girls. Day Students Plan Picnic All (lay-students with their dates will have a hayride out to Camp Dorker, five miles outside of Win- sion-Salem, on Saturday, May 18, at i3:15 P. M. A weiner roast will be followed by outdoor games and d.'uicing in the ballroom. Jane Church is in charge of trans portation and Peggy Blum is re sponsible for the food. SALEMITES! For fine sportswear and good values your best bet is— THE IDEAL West Fourth Steeet Truelove Dry Cleaners ★ Three Blocks North of College ★ 336 S. Main Street Wiaston-Salem, N. 0. “How about a Coke?” •• CO«A.€«iA M Alpha lota Pi Plans Picnic Next Week A picnic next Thursday afternoon w ill conclude for this year the meet ings of the Latin Club, Alpha Iota i'i. The members of the club, ac companied by the advisor. Dr. Min- T'lc Smith, will go out of Winston- Salem about ten miles to a cabin I cured by Iris Stonestreet, one of ihe members. The final plans for the picnic will be made when the new president, Geraldine Purcell, meets with the S'M'ial committee on Monday night. At The Theatres ;:arolina Monday - Tue-day - Wednesday • ‘ Brwtkfast In Hollywood” Thursda ' - Friday - Saturday “S;iratoga Trunk” I-- 0 R S Y T H il'>n(lay - Tuesday — Held Over “Sentimental Journey” Wednesday “Salome, Wliere She Danced” 'I’hursday - Friday — Held Over “Breakfast In Hollywood” Saturday ‘■Behind Green Ligt)ts” STATE Monilay - Tue.->day - Wednesday “Perilous Holiday” “Song of Arizona” 'I'hur.'iday - Friday - Saturday Day Funnies . . . . r WlflMSICAI SCARfS BYVERllS Winston Coca Cola Bottling Co, PENNIES FROM HEAVEN in r«d, lima or blua. Not shown; MINSTREL BOY; a whimsical boy on a bed of softly colored leaves. Red, lime or blue. L ^5 TI^OROUGHBREDS in a red Of brown combination. Not shown; PEONIES; an out- of-the-gorden floral print of sheer morn nlst rayon. Wear it ci a scarf or as o sarong sKirt. A huge 36 inch square of fine rayon crepe, printer in a galaxy of luscious colors. All designed by the famous artist, Marcel Vertes. THE G£NBY COMPANY, Suit* 308 1472 B’woy, N«w York 18, N. Y. Genrtement Ship postpaid icarfs at $ Enclosed is $ Styl» Color Name Address Cily Zone.... Slate.... “Oh, the music goes round and round” Is the first line of a wellknown ditty. \\>U, the [H'asants went round and round; T’was the music that got schisofritty. It stopped, the dancers did likewise; And so the liveliest dance step ever Was cut short quite by an accident, And we didn’t see it no more never. But we saw the rose-colored fire That from the white stand zoomed up in the air. ’til it was lighted, the Uidies kept being merry-go rounds at the fair. The loudspeaker system connected. And carried Miriam’s voice very I well; j But an unknown person’s giggle. Resounded as an “atom bombic” shell. “Oh, Ihe music goes round and round,” With Peddicord’s orchestra for its guide. But take ray advice and never Let your date get a step out of your sight. , (All right, so it doesu’t rhyme!) T’will take you at least five minutes To find him again t’wixt all the flowers. It’.- true that it took Peggy Blum Not a quarter, not a half, but an hour! They say the latlder to success Is often tricky and kinda slippy. Meredith found the figure steps. Senior Dinner To Be Next Friday Night The Senior dinner will be Friday, May IT, at in the Blue Room, of the Robert K. Lee Hotel, Betay Thomas and Wink Wall, co-chairmeo of the committee announcwi today. Other committee heads for the event are Snookie Willis, flowers; Vidette Bass and Ua/.el Slawter, entertainment. But while finding, almost did a flip. Fee! And in speaking of success(*s. The May Day d;iy .and dance wore truly one. ■Xml if some funnys hap(>eued, (Josh! It surely added to all tho fun! RAY W. GOODRICH PHOTOGRAPHER 317 W. 4th St. — Dial 7994 RECORDS —FROM— REZNICK’S 440 N. Liberty St.—Dial 2-1443 FR5H0N SHOP ‘Tbe Original Oreaseless Donstmnt” Different—Tasty—Satisfying KRISPY KREME Doughnut Company Just Aronnd the Oonier SALEMITES GO TO WELFARE’S FOB SANITARY FOOD Ham or Eg* Sandwiches, DerlUed or PUln AND the BMt and Biggest Milk Shakes in Wlnston-8al«m Beglstared Pharmacist 1865 1940 W. T. VOGLER & SON Jewelers and Sllversmiihs WINSTON-SALEM, N. 0. gafflTOHHaaiaaiaitoaiaHicwigwwHiMOTiOTncnaHKrewMaMtMwmiHiinaicocoaoajeo O’HANLON’S DRUG STORE ★ AT THE BUS STOP 1 F T (J E S T U RES Salem plates in lovely new design and colors; the sweetscentod loveliness of a Mary Chess Sachet; the fun of a Oa.y Nineties Cook Book with its dashing moustauhio book mark; exquisite ceramic costume jewelry . . . A roomy tobacco pouch, a good briar pipe, handsome leather billfolds, eigaretto boxes and cases, a warm woo Iscarf or laprobe for the games, or an importeil wool bathrobe . . . Assortments . . . The “Treasure Aisles” art' overflowing with Oifts for all at ARDEN FARM STORE Opposite Salem College