Page Fouy. THE SALEMITE May 10, 1946. Freshmen Capture Softball Tournament The F>eshmen won the Softball Toornamfint, which ended yesterday. The Sophomores come in second, the Seniors third, and the Juniors fourth. The Freshmen started the soft ball tournament with a bang by beating the Seniors 17 to 8. The Hne up: HENI0R8 FRESHMEN Kobbins C Green Clark P Taylor Wooten IB Watkins Casteen 2B Seville Stack .3 B Crickmer Little SF McCoren, Gleason Witherington SS Miller Griffin LF Watts Dysart CF Wray Bass RF Finley Dysart and Wooten played an outstanding game for the Senior." while Taylor and Crickmer took tlye lead for the Freshmen. Monday night the Sophomores de feated the Juniors by a score of 17 to 9. IJne Up SOPHOMORES JUNIORS Clark P Bullock Darr C Boswell Mills IB Walton Stone 2B West Leeper 3B Senter Watson SF Quinerly Bryant SS Green Bowen LF Stroup King CF Scott Griffin BF Forrest King and Clark played a good game for the Sophomores while BELK-STEVENS CO. DEPT. STORE ★ The home of better Values ★ Cor 5th and Trade Sts. C O H E N » S Ready To Wear Shop Be Sure To Visit Us Early West Fonrtb Street Bullock and .Senter fought hard for the Juniors. Wednesday was the day of the Sophomore-Senior game followed by the Freshman-Junior game. The score in the first was 17 to 7 in favor of the Sophomores; in the second the Freshmen won by a score of 15 to 8. LINE UP SOPHOMORE SENIOR Clark P Little Parr C Lindsey Mills 13 Wooten Stone 2B Casteen Leeper 3B Clark Watson SF Stack Bryant SS Dysart Bowen LF Robbins King CF Witheringto® Griffin EF Bass LINE UP FRESHMAN JUNIORS Taylor P Bullock Finley C Stroup Watkins IB Walton Seville 2B West Crickmer 3B Senter Green SF Quinerly Miller .SS Green Wray LF Scott Watts CF Boswell Gleason RF Forrest With all the teams tied. Fresh men and Sophomores for first place. Juniors and Seniors for third, Thurs- da^y’s games were filled with ten sion. The Freehmen, still full of vigor, made 11 runs in the first inn ing, and the Sophomores did their part in the second by making 8 runs. The game ended with the Freshmen winning 29 to 17, thus winning the championship. SOPHOMORE FRESHMAN Clark p Taylor Darr _ C Finley Mills ^ IB Watkins Stone 2B Seville Bryant 3B Crickmer i isher SF Davidson Leeper SS Green Bowen • LF Watts Ki^ CF Wray Griffin RF Gleason The Seniors, in their last game, defeated the Juniors by a score of 2,3 to 14. Conference (Cont. from page one) Farmville Sta,te College For Women told of their plan to help the food crisis in Europe—by having only one piece of bread at meals and not having that if there was another s'iin'h on the menu. The convention was concluded Saturday, April 27 with a business meeting. Results of this were—that the S. I. A. S. G. will hold its twenty- ninth convention next year at Sophie Neweombe College, New Or leans, La. with officers as follows elected for 1940-47: Marjorie Joyner, Shorter College, President; Felice Maurer, Neweombe College, vice- president; Sarah Lewis, Florida State College for Women, secretary; Kathleen. Lifitle, Randolph-Mac-on, treasurer. LINE TIP .7UN10BS SENIORS Bullock P Stack BoKwell C Lindsey Stroup IB Wooten Walton 2B Casteen Senter 3B Clark West SF Little Scott SS Dysart Sullivan LF Bass Forrest CF Bell Quinerly KP Witlierington k VICTOR, COLUMBIA AND A.A. Council Will Sponsor Banquet Wednesday Night DECCA RECORDS BOCOCK - STROUD Company Comer 4tli at Spruce VOGLER SERVICE Ambulance—Funeral Director! Dependable for More Than 86 Years DIAL 6101 Etird’s Dept. Store 430-432 N. TRADE ST. WinjTton-Salem, N. C. Quality Merchandise At Moderate Prioes Girls Conclude Riding, Tennis Biding; Approximately twenty-five girls will take part in the annual Salem College Horse Show at Sedgefield on Friday at 2:30 P. M. This year Academy girls are also eligible to enter any one of the following five; Beginner’s, Intermediate, and Advanced Horsemanship, Pair Class, and Jumping. Awards will be ribbons in all classes except Ad vanced Horsemanship where the winner will receive a cup. Buses have been chartered to take those who wish to attend. Tennis: The tennis tournament began Thursday with an entry list con taining approximately twenty girls. Entrants please check the bulletin board at the Day Studtnt’s Center for their matches. All games should be finished by Tuesday, May 14. A. A. Banquet: A semi-formal Athletic Associa tion Banquet will be hi Id Wednes day night at six o’clock in the Corrin Refectory. All awards for the year will be announced at that time. Polly Starbuck, year's president of the council, will preside. The council of 1945-46 has made this banquet an annual affair. Pre viously Salem has enjoyed tke Hockey Banquet which has been eliminated in preference to this banquet in honor of all sports. The entire student body is invited to attend. SALEMITES THE ANCHOR CO. UP TOWN MEETING PLACE “The Shopping Center” TWIN CITV iDRY CLLANINO COl B12 W. Fourth St. Dial 7106 Winston-Salem, N. C. H. T. HEARN Engraving Company ENGRAVED Invitations — Announcements Calling Cards—Stationery 632 West Fourth Street PICCADILLY GRILL The most up-to-date Restaurant in the South 415 W. 4th Street Paschal Shoe Repair Co. We also Dye Shoes Any Color “Best In Our Line” 219 W. 4th St. DIAL 4901 Barber Photo Supply Co. 106 W. 5th St.—Opposite Post Office Kodak Headquarters WINSTOIT-SAIJBM, N. 0. Immediate Delivery MONOGRAMMED PLAYING CARDS $1.40 Double Deck $2100 Double Deck SALEM BOOK STORE Salem Campus Square ^ The ANCHOR CO., Inc. + The Photographic Department + DIAL 6128 2nd Floor i| I Stationery I Fountain Pens I Notebooks I HINKLE’S Book Store | I I liiHiiiaiiiaiiHiawiiww comm£/ic/i p^mmG enqruuinq co. INDEED I PREFER CAMELS' SUCH DELIGHTFUL FtAVOR-ANlD EXTRA MILDNESS! YES, gamels'are BLEMDED TO GIVE STEAOy PLEASURE y ii COSTLIER TOBACCOS Camel TRUST YOUR OWN TASTE AND THROAT... # After all, your own taste and throat are the real judges of cigarette enjoyment. Only your taste and throat can decide which cigarette is best for you... and how it affects your throat. Based on the experience of millions of smokers, we believe Camels will suit your throat and taste thoroughly. ^