Page Four. THE SALEMITE November 8, 1946. Seniors Defeat Freshmen And Recapture Championship To conclude the hockey tourna ment, two uiidpfeated teams met on Thursday afternoon. Eva Martin Bullock led the seniors to victory over the freshmen with the final score being 2-0. Kva Martin scorcd both goals for the seniors—one in the first half fttid one in the second half. Kjsalie Green and Henrietta Wal ton were also outstanding players for the senior victors. I’at Edmund- son and Helen Kessler led the hard- fighting freshman team. Good team work was displayed by both sides. The .Tuniors suffered their third straight defeat of the current hockey season at the hands of the Sopho mores on Wednesday afternoon. A few minutes after the opening whistle, Fisher, for the Juniors, ob-^ tained the ball, but Seville quickly recovered it for the Sophomores. The first ten minutes of the game con sisted of playing the ball up and down the field with neither team being able to score. The first point of the afternoon’s game was made by a Watt to Einley goal, and the Sophomores led, 1-0. Seville made the second point for the Sophomores, and the score was 2-0 in favor of the Sophomores at the end of the first half. Stiffer competition was offered by the Juniors during the second half, and several times they threatened to score. Another Watt to Finley combination made good another goal, and the Sophomores won the game, 3-0. Watt was the outstanding player for the Sophomores, and she was capably assisted by Finley and Seville. Carter, Spruill, Stone, and Bryant were the Junior standouts. The undefeated Sophomore hockey team was beaten by the Seniors by a score of 1-0 Monday afternoon in the fourth hockey game of the season. The first half was a battle for the ball. Several times it looked as though the Sophomores would score, but the ball never got to Efird’s Dept. Store 430-432 N. TEADE ST. Winston-Salem, N. C. Quality Merchandise At Moderate Prices i * Visit The Town Steak House Make your reservation early the goalie. The Seniors jilayed de fensively, only getting the ball twice —once when Virlie Stroup with. Eva Martin Bullock and Henrietta Wal ton’s aid passed the ball back and forth until the ball was battled in the circle. Tlien the Sophomores hurried it back to the Senior goal whore it stayed until the Seniors got possession of it just before the half. Martlia Lou Heitman joined the S('nior team at the half replacing Betsy .lolin In the first five minutes of the game Right Inner Ticka Senter took possession oj" the ball and made a quick hard drive into the goal. It was ruled illegal, however, because she did not stop the ball af^ter receiving it before it was driven for the goal. The score still remained 0-0, Both teams were eager and playing a hard game. Their anticipation was so high that many fouls were caller]. The Sopho mores again had possession, but til is time not for long, because Right Wing Grizzelle Etheridge and Left Inner Martha Lou Heitman took the ball back to the Sophomore goal, passed it to Center Forward Stroup wIjo tapj)ed the ball quickly for the first and only goal of the after noon. At the end qf- the game the Sophomores were in possession df the ball in the Senior territory play ing just a.s vigorously as they had played during the first half. Blands Music Store Hallmark ■ Norcross Cards Fine Stationary 422 W. 4th St. Paschal Shoe Repair Co. We also Dye Shoes Any Color “Best In Our Line” 219 W. 4th St. DIAL 4901 COHEN’S Ready To Wear Shop Be Sure To Visit Us Early West Fojurth Street ff/iT/srs ^^P£f?res Hi iedmoiit enqrouinq co. “Hello... Coke!” Winston-Salem Coca-Cola Bottling Company Compliments of nc. FINE SHOES AT THE THEATERS CAROLINA - - - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday “Claudia and David” Thursday, Friday and Saturday “Three Little Girls In Blue” FORSYTH Monday and Tuesday “Canyon Passage” Welnesday “Easy to AVed” Thursday ‘■‘Kitty” Friday Night — 10:30 p. m. Jam Session, Late Show Friday and Saturday “Major and Minor” “Y” Plans Luncheon, Tea There will be a World Fellow.ship Luncheon at the Y. W. C. A. on Tuesday, November 12, at 12:30 p. ra. All students and friends of Salem College are invited to attend. The luncheon will cost 75 cents and res ervations may be made at the “Y” by tomorrow, Saturday, November 9. Mr. William Edgerton of TJ. N. 11. R. A. and the American Friends Service ConiYnittee will be the guest speaker. He has just returned from a two year stay in Poland and Ger many. The women of the Y. W. C. A. organization in over 50 countries of the world are joining in the ob servance of World Fellowship Week and this luncheon is a part of Win ston-Salem’s observance. There will ^Iso be an 8:30 p. m. meeting Tuesday evening at which time Mr. Edgerton w-ill speak again. This meeting is also open to SaltTti students. Sunday afternoon, in the Day Student Center, from until 5 o’clock the V'. W. C. A. of Salem College will sponsor a World Fellowship Tea. This is World Fellowship Week, and everyone is invited and urged to come to the tea. The world fellowship tea, Sunday, is the first in a series of monthly teas to be held by the Y. W. C. A. of Salem College. This week Virginia Smith and the social committee will be in charge of the tea, and Jean Mc- New will be in charge of the music. STEVE OWEN FAMOUS COACH OF THE N. Y. FOOTBALL GIANTS Ail OVER AMERICA-CH6STERFIILD IS’TOPS! Copynght 1946, bocfn & Mt[r$ Toiacco Co.