Page Four. Eager Reporter Scoops Imminent Sports Story Thirteen more days before the event of all events takes place. Men, women, and children are de voting many hours of hard work in preparation for the great day. Training camps are being .set up and lules of diet and behavior are l)eing strictly followed by the par ticipants of the affair. Great secrecy is being maintained by both sides of the opposng factions of the active members. Star performers are mask ed in the public squares and all of their activity is surrounded by a high wall of hush-hush. The two leaders, guarded continuously from any^ little R«d Man sabotage, are going over and over their blue prints to prevent any possible slip up. The air has a new quality of tenseness and even fear in it. Every one is watching everyone else; this taut atmosphere cannot last long. Watch for the crack-up. Watch for the outbreak of an entirely new ’revolution-tremendous in scope, ter rifying in effect! FLA8H! From Little Red Man sources comes definite informatiin about the secret rebellion on Salem (.'ampus. Faculty v.s. Students in a bang-em-up tear-em-down basket ball game to be held February 27. Kemember! This has not been officially announced from the teams yet. FLASH! Straight from the coach of the two teams, Miss Helen Stout, comes an affirmation of our earlier statement. When asked to address the press, she wept and said, “It will be bitter.” Dutch Student To Visit Campus Henrietta Koosenburg, a Dutch student with a powerful story to tell, will be a guest on the campus for dinner Wednesday night Feb ruary 16, and she will speak infor mally at 6:45 in the Day Student Center for all those interested in hearing her. She is being sponsored by tho Y. W. C. A. and W. S. S. F. committee. Wednesday morning she will speak at the Academy. NCAF Council Reports Plans The Executive^ Council of the North Carolina Athletic Federation of College Women met in the Women’s gymnasium at the Uni versity of North Carolina Friday night, February 7. Seventeen delegates were present from Meredith, Salem, Duke, Wo men’s college, and UXC. These dele gates discussed and amended the newly formed constitution. The next NC Athletic Federation meeting will be held at Women’s college March 1, at which time the constitution will be ratified. Salem oted to publish the NCAF Bulletin. The big spring Play-day will be played at Carolina. Virtie Stroup represented Salem it the meeting. Thebom PICCADILLY GRILL The most up-to-date Restaurant in the South 415 West Fourth Street ffffT/srs Hiedmiint enqrawinq CO. Efird’s Dept. Store 430-432 N. TRADE ST. Winston-Salem, N. C. Quality Merchandise At Moderate Prices (Cont. from page one) tion in »Swedish with a meek little women who offei^ed her program, a pencil, and a mumbled greeting in Swedish. One little girl with a long fafe, glasses too big for her nose, and a terrified look came over to smell the large bouquet of roses that the Civic Music Associa tion had presented Miss Thebom. Looking up she sniffed, smiled, and muttered, ‘^Gosh!” The singer explained that she would not be able to take the flowers with her on her trip tomorrow and gave them to the little girl who hugged them to her and wandered off in a daze. Miss Thebom has filled one Holly wood assignment^ singing in the movie “Irish Eyes Are Smiling”, and she says that she’hopes that she will bo asked to do another. She thinks the movies would be an excellent medium for presenting opera to the general public. To the question “Married?” Miss Thebom answered emphatically “No!” “Plans?” Well, nothing im mediate,” she laughed; “I hope it’ll bo one of those sweep-me-off- mv‘feet affairs.” FOE THE LATEST VICTROLA RECORDS REZHICK’S 440 N. Liberty St. Dial 2-1443 Barber Photo Supply Company Kodak Headquarters 106 W. 5th St.—Opposite Post Office WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. We Have A Full Line Of SPORTS WEAR It Is Worth Your While At Popular Prices KAUFMAN’S Comer Fourth and Cherry Compliments of tic. FINE SHOES THE SALEMITE WCUNC Wins State Play Day The Woman’s College won the high est number of points placing them as winners in the Basketball Play- day hold at IJNC Saturday, Feb. 7. Meredith and Carolina tiedf or second place; Duke was third and Salem came in last. Those students composing Salem’s team were; Gloria Paul, Anne Mills, Carolyn Taylor, Ann Roberson, Marjorie Cricknier, Clairbone Smith, and Virtie Stroup. Smith made 3 jioints. Mills 5, Paul 10, and Stroup 8 in' the total of tho four games played. Taylor, Roberson, and Crick- mer showed fine coordination in guarding the women’s teams. February 14, 1947. Student-Faculty Game Opens Basketball Season The basketball season begins Feb ruary 27, with the faculty-student game. The intramural games have been scheduled as follows: March 20 - Juniors vs. Seniors March 13 - Freshmen vs. Seniors March 18 - Sophomores vs. Jun iors March 26 - Freshmen va. Sopho mores March 28 - Juniors vs. Freshmen Seniors vs. Sophomores The managers of the class teams are as follows: Seniors, Eva Mar tin Bullock; Juniors, Ann Mills; Sophomores, Marjorie Crickmer; and Freshmen, Beverly Johnson. BRODT - SEPARK MUSIC CO. 620 W. 4th St. TWIN CITV IDCY CL£ANU40 COl 612 W. Fourth St. Dial 7106 Winston-Salem, N. C. SMOKING > PLEASURE ; I NAT HOIMAN FOR 28 Y£ARS SASKtTBAU COACH OF CiTY COllEGE Of NEW YORK. ESTERHELD ALL OVER AMERICA-CHESTERFIELD IS TOPSl Copyi^ght 1J47. Lgcett arMvm Tobacco Co.