February 21, 1947. THE SALEMITE Page Three. "400,000 Students Must Abandon Their Education” “400,000 students in Europe and Asia must receive material aid this yi'ar or else abandon thoir education.” All abandonment of the education of the 400,000 students of Europe would mean a loss of doctors, en gineers, scientists, teachers, and other professional people who are needed to hold the pcace together. The amount asked of the TTnited States is $1,000,000—half of the $2, 000,000 minimum necessary for the international World Student Relief program. The World Student Ser vice Fund program of the different schools and colleges is in action at this very moment. Charlotte Club CompletesDrive The Charlotte Alumnae Club held its annual birthday dinner Wonday, February 17, in a private dining room of Kuester’s Restaurant in Charlotte. The meeting was held in special celebration of the success ful close of the local drive for donations to the Science Building Fund. A total of $572.00 was con tributed by fifty members. Twenty- six members and .several guests, including Miss Lelia Graham Marsh and Mr. Roy J. Campbell of Salem, were present at the dinner. In order to keep a man in tow a gal has to have a line. Immediate Delivery MONOGRAMMED CONGKESS PLAYING CAKDS $2:00 Double Deck SALEM BOOK STORE W. S. s. F. Week is under tlie sponsorship of the Y Cabinet, with Emma Mitchell and Kathryn Ballew as co-chairmen. voted to the World Student Service Fund: a choralogue will be presented by the Speech Department, under the direction of Mrs. Elizabeth Berglund, and three students will speak on this subject. Salem has set a goal of $777.77 to be raised during this coming week; j)ersonal solicitation will take place on Tuesday in each dormitory. On Tuesday, aiso, assembly will be de- One Small Voice An article in this month^s Atlantic presents .Tohn Jay Chapman as an important figure in American pro gress. The author calls him a critic first class, philosophical writer, sociologist, and humorist, and quotes copiously from Chapman whose chief concern was the American mind. Chapman contended that * ^ the American is incapable of taking a real interest in anything . . . the lack of passion in the American comes from habitual men tal distraction.” Obviously Mr. Chapman spoke to posterity. His generality has univer sality! Had he been a college under graduate in tlie trying year of 1947, he could not have spoken W'ith more empirical insight. To make his statement more particular, apply it to Salem students. How can they take a real interest in “things”? For instance, many of tlie best mov ies of the year have come to Win ston recently; there are unlimited possibilities for planning and pro ducing bigger and better decorations for the dances; stunt night with its aci-ompanying potentialities is ap proaching; by the end of this month the weather will be exactly right for sunbathing; most of the nearby colleges are having midwinters this month—spring dances will probably start in March; etc., etc. How can normal Salemitcs take a real interest in any of these things with the “habitual mental distrac tion” that confronts them in the form of daily classes, assignments, quizzes, and term jiapers? Norma D. I’loom ELAINE LOVING dot LANGDON commE/ic/t Pff/nr//JG Paschal Shoe Repair Co. We also Dye Shoes Any Color “Best In Our Line” 219 W. 4th St. dial 4901 VISIT THE CAVALIER CAFETERIA AND GRILL in the Keynolds Building COHEN’S Ready To Wear Shop Be Sure To Visit Us Early West Fourth Street SALEMITES THE ANCHOR CO. UP TOWN MEETING PLACE “The Shopping Center” TWIN CITV IdUY CLEANIN6 COl 612 W. Fourth St. Dial 7106 Winston-Salem, N. C. KRISPY KREME Doughnut Company Different — Tasty — Satisfying “The Original Greaseless Doughnut” Two Salemites Engaged Mr. and Mrs. \V. L. Langdon (if Monroe, Xortji Caroline, an nounce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Dorothy Rebecca Langdon, to Mr. Peter John King, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. .T. King of Upper Darby, Philadelphia, Pa. Miss Langdon atte*idbd Salem Cbllege, the University of Ari zona, and the University of North Carolina. She is now employed as a research chemist witli the Phil adelphia Laboratory of E. I. du Pont de Neniours. During the past year and a half, she has studied at the evening schools of ttie Cortissoy School of Dancing and the Philadel phia Conservatory of Music. Mr. King attended the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, and is now attending the Pliiladelphia School of Horology and Engraving and the Baroniap fechool of Walch- making. He is also studying with ,ti h e Gremolo|gicial Institi ite o :f America. Mr. King served f o v. r years in the U. S. Army. The' date of the wedding will be announced later. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Loving of Charlotte announce the engagement of thoir daughter, Elaine Delores, to Mr. Herbert S. Hix, Jr., of Ashe ville. Klaine is a jKipular and at tractive member of the senior class at Salem and will graduate 'from college in June. “Pete”, a member of I'hi Delta Theta fraternity, will graduate from the University of North Carolina in March. The marriage will take place sometime- in the fall. BRODT- SEPARK MOSIO GO. 620 W. 4th St. FOE THE LATEST VICTROLA RECORDS REZNICK’S 440 N. Liberty St. , Dial 2-1443 PICCADILLY GRILL The most up-to-date Restaurant in the South 415 West Fourth Street FflSHDN SHOP Nr Get It At Visit The Town Steak House Make your reservation early O’HANLON’S DRUG STORE On The Square rrmn Birthdays Weddings Anniversaries Any Gift Day and you will fltid just what you want from the apjtropriate and timely collection of GIFTS for ALL OCCASIONS at ARDEN FARM STORE Across the Square from Salem College Style Wise Fashions for Campus SNIK’S “Hello... Coke!” ttmm mitm o* tmt e»e»o»A Winston-Salem Coca-Cola Bottling Company