Page Six. THE SALEMITE November 21, 1947. Accent On Athletics by Gloria Paul The rival teams, the sophomores and the juniors, met Thursday after noon to battle for the year’s hockey championship. The final score of this last game was 4-1, in favor of the sopliomores. Outstanding for the juniors were Sylvia Green and Amy Debusk, scorers, and Peggy Watkins and Jeanne Dungan; for the sojjhomores, Gloria Paul, Pat Edmondson, Joan Eoeser and Mary Persons. Outstanding also were blue jeans, cold legs. Miss Stout and Miss Geith. Miss Stout; Ann Carothers, president of the A. A.; Isabel Leeper, hockey manager; Gloria Paul, assistant hockey manager; and each of the class managers have announced this year’s hockey varsity. On the varsity team are the following: Shirley Baker, left wing; Clinky Clink- scales, left inner; Gloria Paul, center forward; Janis Ballentine, right inner; Ann Rixey, right wing; Betty Biles, Ifeft halfback; Pat Edmondson, center halfback; Joan Roeser, right halfback; Helen Kessler, left fullback; Mary Persons, right fullback; and Frances Guleslan, goalie. On the. sub varsity are the following; Bitsy Green, forward; Amy Debusk, forward; Peggy Watkins, halfback; and Sara Burts, fullback. May Day Continued •'Continued from page one' Wilmington, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Truelove of that City. Fourteen girls were selected for May Court this year instead of the usual twelve because of the very close voting in the elections this week. KaffkeTo Speak At IRC Meet Mr. Frank Kaffe, faculty member of the School of Commerce at the University of North Carolina will speak to the International Rela tions Club Monday, December 1, at 8 p. m. His topic will be “ The Eco nomic Situation in This Country” —a subject vital to everyone. 4! * * * * Lecture Changed The second lecture of the College Lecture Series has been postponed from December 5 until December 9. Mr. Raymond Swing, who is now scheduled to speak on Dec. 9, will lecture on the topic, “History Is On the March ’ ’. Students Laugh At Faculty Suddenly loud guffaws and giggles burst out midst the library silence. I rushed over to the desk and peer ing over the mob of shoulders saw in dusty old annuals that: 1. Miss Siewers was advertising editor of her annual. 2. Miss Vest was described as “a peaceful sea” and owned a snappy Chevrolet coupe. 3. Miss Kirkland was ‘ ‘ a Camay beauty bath” girl. 4. Mr. Campbell wore horn-rimmed glasses and had even curlier hair in 1923. 5. Mrs. Pyron was once an English instructor here. 6. Mr. Curlee, complete with bow tie, was advisor to Miss Baynes’ graduating class. 7. Miss Hedgecock giggled at everything and anything—still does. 8. Miss Baynes was tlie all round girl of her class and later taught Phys. Ed. here. 9. Miss Vardell was a member of Who’s Who and the Order of the Scorpion. TO. Miss Byrd’s picture was mis sing out of all the annuals from 1905 to 1945, so no pertinent facts about her. burned more beds EARNgP LESS WATTS BURNED MORE BEDS EARNED LESS WATTS BURNED MORE BEDS EARNED LESS WATTS BURNED MORE BEDS EARNED ' SMITH REYNOLDS AIRPORT RESTAURANT Thanksgiving Dinner Served NOON UNTIL NINE ' Terrace Room Available For Parties Food Service by Harding-Williams HUTCHINS DRUG STORE 452 N, Liberty St. Silk Hosiery First Quality 2 Thread 54 Gauge Very Sheer—Newest Colors Sunny Brown—Mistique Sizes 8'/2 to IO>/2 On Sale Saturday At This Low Price “You strike it rich when you choose Chesterfield... they’re tops!" ACADEMY AWARD WINNER STARRING IN PARAMOUNT’S ••GOLDEN EARRINGS” m HESTERFIEID mSBUi Jk. ALWAYS MILDER BETTER tasting © COOLER SMOKING \ they J satisfy C»)pyfighi 1947, IjCGrrr & Mveks Tobacco Co.