December 5, 1947. THE SALEMITE Page Three. Clubs Meet . . Various clubs mGt on campus last week and accomplished the fol lowing business: The German Club met in Miss Wilson’s living room and sang Christmas carols under the direct ion of Mr. Peterson. Miss Shamburger read poetry to the Home Ec Club. Later invita tions were addressed for the Christ mas Tea. “Hi Neighbors” was played by the Spanish Club members and pri zes were awarded. Dr. Kottke of the Commerce Dep artment at tJ. N. C. spoke to the International Eelations Club meet ing Monday night. The Westminster Fellowship was entertained tonight at a dinner meet- WILLIAM McCALL ART LINEN SHOP 420 N. Spruce St. ANCHOR CO., INC. Smart College Fashions at 5’ofirth. at Trade Dial 6126 Shopping center of ^ inston-Salem COHEN’S Ready To Wear Shop j Be Sure To Visit Us Early West Fourth Street PIEDMONT GRWl COMPANY ^ncj^C(/t}€hA— ujinsTon-sflLEm, n. c. ing at the Presbyterian Church. Im mediately after the meal the mem bers had after-dinner coffee in the Ladies’ parlor of the church, and Dr. Mauze, pastor, spoke to the group. Arrangements for the meet ing were made by Virginia Smith, president of the fellowship. Mrs. Czuma, a native of South Africa now residing in Winston- Salem, will speak in Assembly Tues day, December 9. Mrs. Czuma has been a representative to the United Nations Organization. She will speak ’ on South Africa to Salem students. H. T. HEARN Engraving Company ENGRAVED Invitations — Announcements Calling Cards—Stationery BRODT-SEPARK MUSIC CO. 620 W. 4th St. TWIN CITV IqBY CUANINO col 612 W. Fourth St. Dial 7106 Winston-Salem, N. C. “GIFT GIVING IS AGE OLD— It has done more to cement the bonds of friendship than any other custom.” ARDEN FARM STORE BAPTIST HOSPITAL GIFT SHOP Winston-Salem, N. C. PICCADILLY GRILL The most up-to-date Restaurant is the South 415 West Fourth Street Barber Photo Supply Company Kodak Headquarters 106 W. 5th St.—Opposite Post Office WmSTON-SALEM, N. O. We Have the Newest in Campus Fashions Just What You’ve Been Looking For JACARD’S I NISSEN BUILDING - WEST FOURTH ST. “Refresh yourself^ SMITH REYNOLDS AIRPORT RESTAURANT Dinner Served NOON UNTIL NINE Terrace Room Available For Parties Food Service by Harding-Williams t I \ X •otnM A«T»»wfv M f«n co«A^oiA eoewMH HEADQUARTERS FOR HINKLE’S BOOK STORE School Suppiies^Glfts—Greeting Cards Fountain Pens — Stationery 452 Trade St. Phone 8103 “Reznicks For Records” Complete Stock of Records & Sheet Music 440 N. Liberty Dial 2-1443 Across From State Theatre {i ac^s 'B/::. when you’re listening to HAL MclNTYRE’S newest (MGM) record ONE OF the grooviest ork-pilots on the MGM record roster is Hal McIntyre. Like so many other top-notch performers, Hal is a Camel fan from ’way back. He prefers Camels because: “Camels suit me best all ways.” For the same reason —more people are smokiilg Camels than ever before! A great new record for a long-time favorite. * - Try Camels. Discover for yourself why, with smokers who have tried and compared, » ■ Camels are the “choice of experience.” Nothing suits me like a C/ktABL. Ive smoked them for years ^ Tobacco Co.. tf/ Wioitoo-SaJem. North Canriln* And here’s another great retard— More people at^ smoking CAMBS than ever before!