Page Eight. THE SALEMITE May ); j948 Welcome to Salem visitors for May Day we extend a cordial invitation to visit our store while here. Theldeal West Fourth Street “The best place to shop after all” Barber Photo Supply Company Zodak Headqaarters 106 W. 5th St.—Opposite Post Offlco WINST0N-BA1.B1C. W. a MORRIS SERVICE Kazt door to Carolina TbMtre Dellelons Homemade Sandwiches of AU Kinds Phone 6634 403 W. 4th St “Reznicks For Records” Complete Stock of Becords Ss Sheet Music CEZNICI^’S 440 N. Liberty Dial 2-1443 Across From State Theatre FOE DEUCIOUS FOODS TRY WALKER’S GRILL & SODA ALL NEW AND MODERN Comer Arcadia ft Broad e Congratulations to the I May Queen and Her Court MORGENROTH, Florist Fourth Street tom' dge t —the shoe ♦liat'j wowing the school 9409 . . looks like no heel but there's e w#d9e concealed inside . . . black suede, 4 to ?. WHITE AND GREEN LEATHER In Winston-Salem It’s Mother & Daughter FASHIONS Comer Liberty & Third Sts. I by Mali «f Plwie 3-3678 (and m* "wadg*" 3.98:! I |P«ira-_ I Nam* I I iCJty. Sizat_ Straat Stata. I I .1 f I -I iOMonayOrdar □ Chaek □ ClO.O. I 'i OLDEST LARGEST BEST Compliments of Winston Steam Laundry Corp. 2'4129 DIAL 2-4120 Veri Clean” Dry Cleaning CONGRflTULflTIONS To The May Queen and Her Court As students of Salem College, Salem Academy and faculties you have made this YOUR BOOK STORE. We the undersigned consider it an honor and privilege to be associated with, and to serve Salem in all of its activities. E. D. SNAVELY VIRGINIA HOLTON HUGH SNAVELY NORRIS SMITH JEANETTE WARREN VIRGINIA HAUSER *E!2L- THE SALEM BOOK STORE Phone 3-1122 Salem College Square Phone 3-1 122