May 1, 1948 THE SALEMITE Page Nine Happy May Day Peacock Grill Hawthorne Road . . . and now cottons are worn for important occasions, too. TWIN Cl TV lOfiY CUAMM6 col 612 W. Fourth St. Dial 7106 Winston-Salem, N. O. FflSKQN SHOP 4tli at Trade Blchmopd Boanoke Winston-Salem Optical Co. Prescription Opticians 209 West Pourth St. Winston-Salem, N. C. GOOCH’S GRILL AND SODA SHOP for that “IN BETWEEN SNAOE "^PICCADILLY GRILL The most up-to-date Bestsnrant in the South 415 West Fourth Street BRODT-SEPARK MUSIC CO. 620 W. Fourth St. PASCHAL BROTHERS Shoe Company 219 W. Fourth St. COMPLIMENTS OF J. 0. PENNY CO. Salem Center Store GROCERIES, MEATS FROZEN FOODS 460 S. Main St. Sincere Wishes for a Happy May Day Congratulations to May Court Welfare’s Drug Store SAM E. WELFARE PIEDMONT ] COMPANY P/u>tb-— uJinsTon-sflLEm, n. c. 1865 1948 W. T. VOGLER & SON Jewelers and Silversmiths Winston-Salem, N. O. EFIRD’S Dept. Store 430-432 N. TEADE ST. Winston-Salem, N. C. • Quality Merchandise At Moderate Prices See Belk s Selection of Fashionable SUMMER TOGS BEACHWEAR SPORTSWEAR SHOES ACCESSORIES Belk-Stevens Co. becomes you in our 16.95 to 59.95 Can’t you just see yourself dancing by the light of the moon . .. and seeing the stag- line swoon ... in one of our cotton formals? They bare your shoulders, make nothing of your waist, and twirl out w'ith skirts that are full and beautiful. If your date book shows a dance coming up, hurry in MAIN FLOOR CORNER LIBERTY AND THIRD STS