From Separation To Bundling Is Long Process In Laundry By Jean Calhoun Remember sometimes when you lose your history notes right before an exam, and you desperately invade your messy desk, look 4der your bed or bravely dive into your closet in a vain search. Remember then sitting on the floor pondering, Where would I be if I were my history notes’ You throw yourself into the character of the notes-and (some times) find them. Well, now play-hke” you’re a slip-a rayon one, belong to a Salem College gal and oddly enough you are dirty. Your owner is so busy with college life that she has no time to wash you fyou must go to the laundry Salem College Girls Appear On Music Hour Music Hour, presented yesterday in Memorial Hall, was given by -college music students. The pro gram was: ' Novellette, Op. 21, No. 7 ..... Schumann Jane Little Tu lo sai Torelli Ernstine Kapp Grande Valse, Op. 42 ....Chopin Frankie Strader Ouvre tes Yeux Bleu Massenet Sally Senter In quelle trine morbide from “Manon Lescaut” Puccini, Kitty Faucette Etude, Op. 10, No. 3 Chopin Margie Ferrell Song of Thanksgiving Allitsen Nell Philips Arioso - Ceasar Cui Ann Robertson Go Way from My Window Niles Ann Evans Waltz in E Minor Chopin Florence Cole Music Hour next Thursday will feature music students from town. Everyone is invited to attend at 5:00 p.m. in Memorial Hall. Juniors To Sponsor Bridge Tourney The juniors will sponsor weekly bridge tournaments each Saturday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. in the base ment of Strong. Betty McCrary is in charge of planning the tourna ments which will serve as a fund raising project for the junior class. Girls are to choose their own partners. Dates and faculty mem bers are invited. Jeanne Harrison will be the hostess for the games this week, and high score prizes will be awarded. Salem Jewelers GIFTS Watch Repairing DOBY’S BAKERY 640 W. 4th St. Dial 2-4126 We specialize in Wedding, Birthday, and Party Cakes also Bread sliced any thick- aess. CAREFUL AND COURTEOUS DRIVERS DIAL 7121 DAY & NIGHT SERVICE BAGGAGE TRANSFER This is your first trip aw'ay from home. You become afraid as you are stuffed into a dark blue bag marked, naturally enough, ’’Laun dry”. You are dragged along the floor it tickles. You have the sensation of falling. Then ’’plump” and you realize you are in a base ment. You hear chattering voices; they come nearer. You are moved to the out-of-doors and you ride a short distance. The chattering voices are here also arid you are taken from your bag. You know where you are. The smell of soap and suds, clothes freshly washed and recently ironed, help you to draw your conclusion. You’re in the laundry. You see two ladies arid recognize them by the things you’ve heard your owner say. Through Three Presidents The one seated at the flat ironer is the superintendent of the laun dry, Mrs. ' Minnie King. She has been at Salem’s laundry "48 years, through three presidents—Dr. Cle- ■\vell. Dr. Rondthaler and Dr. Gram- ley”. Her mother worked here be fore her, and her daughter is the other lady you recognize as Mrs. Francis Parrish, Mrs. Parrish is the assistant superintendent and" has been working here 12 years. There are three other women that have been connected with the laundry for over 25 years, and there is Lielir Dunlap who has been in Salem laundry for 44 years. Before you have time to look around you are separated from your brother sheets and your sister linens and placed in a pile with pajamas, gym suits and other slips. You assume you will now be tossed into the washing machine tl’.at is kept on all day, but no! Alphabetizing Comes First Those in your pile are sorted again, and you are grouped in alphabetical order. You go into the machine first, because your owner’s name begins with an A. .A,t the same time sheets and linens are being placed in two large tumb ler washing machines. They are not alone; with them you see table clothes and curtains. It seems like a long time before you come out of the machine, and though you are rather dizzy, you are sure you understand correctly w'hen you hear Mrs. King say, (Continued On Page Four) For that Holiday Formal You’ll want To see The perfectly '' Wonderful Selection at MOTHER AND DAUGHTER Eye Catching Styles And At prices That go easy On Dad’s Pocketbook. MOTHER & DAUGHTER FASHIONS Corner Liberty & Third Sts. I. R. C. Hears Dr. Anscombe Dr. Francis Anscombe spoke on “Our Changing World” at the In ternational Relations Club meeting Wednesday evening in the living room of Bitting. The speaker is the former head of the History Department here and the founder of our International Relations Club. Dr. Anscombe reviewed historical events of the last fifty years. He told of the political changes—the monarchs who have been deposed and exiled and the various empires which have fallen and weakened such as Britain and France. America has become the greatest world power, continued the histor ian. Communist controlled Russia has become a major threat to world peace with its rapid spread into many countries. The past fifty years have also brought about important changes in economic, social, and religious life. Scorpions Plan Campus Tours One service of the Order of the Scorpion this year has been to organize a group of students to conduct campus tours for visitors. These guides have had a brief training period under Miss Edith Kirkland. In addition to showing visitors around the campus, guides answer the questions of the visitors and tell the history of the various Salem landmarks. The first tour was conducted for wives of delegates to the water works and sewage convention held recently in Winston-Salem. Last week a group of Methodist young people enjoyed a similar tour. Authoress (Continued from pagre one) Masters to the Moderns and was printed in Holland. The reproduc tions were made from color photos of the originals taken in the gal leries of Europe. Practice (Continued From Paffe One) Beth Coursey may be found in the basement of Bitting cutting out 24 ducks’ feet or pasting paper fire trucks together. Lou Davis, Beth’s Kindergarten cohort sits at the piano punching with one finger the tune of “Praise Him, Praise Him, All You Little Children”. Emily Warden, red pencil in hand, groans as she marks papers, or looks up the spelling of the capital of a Canadian province. The bald spots on Emily’s head are a result of the scalping souvenier hunters that she calls pupils. It seems they wanted something for their scrap books. Ann Sprinkle spends most of her time thumbing through back issues of popular magazines looking for geometric designs. mm [ Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests No. 28... THE OVEHBIRD Xast Grand Master of the Royal Order of Gourmets and Raeonteurs—our outspoken friend knows how to find the proof of the pudding. Especially such a thing as cigarette mildness! A “quick pull” and a “single sniff” left him hungry for facts. Smokers everywhere have tried the same tests and discovered the one true test of cigarette mildness! IPs the sensible test... the 30-Day Camel Mildness Test, which simply asks you to try Camels as your steady smoke, on a day-after-day, pack-after-pack basis. No snap judgments. Once you’ve tried Camels for 30 days in your “T-Zone” (T for Throat, T for Taste), you’ll see why ... After all the Mildness Tests ... Camd leoib all other brandis4rA39S«M!r i-' K i A.'**'