Sports page 7 The 1990 Salem tennis team prepares for an exciting season. Tennis Season Begins by Katherine Livermon Once again it's February 1 and tennis season has started. The team consists of about 19 players and already they show a lot of promise for the upcoming season. They have eight returning players as well as severel enthusiastic freshmen. Tennis season matches begin March 8 at Queens College. In addition there are eight home games so please set aside an afternoon or two to come down and support the team 1990 Salem College Tennis Schedule 3/8,Thur. at Queens 3 /14, Wed. at St. Mary's 3/15, Thur. Meredith 3/16 - 3/25 SPRING BREAK 2:30 2:30 CONTEST Standing Up for Peace w Why have some people risked their jobs, their homes, their families and even prison to take a stand for peace? This is your chance to find out. The Standing Up for Peace Contest invites you to talk face to face with someone who has refused to fight in war, pay taxes for war, or build weapons for war, and then to express what you think and feel about what you heard through writ ing, art or music. The contest is open to young peo ple ages 15-23. The deadline for en tries is May 1,1990. To enter, send for the Standing Up for Peace Contest booklet, Fellow ship of Reconciliation, Box 271, Ny- ack, NY 10960 (914) 358-1601. $500 PRIZES $100 3/27, Tue. 3/28, Wed. 3/29, Th^r. 4/3, Tues. 4/4, Wed. 4/5, Thur. 4/11, Wed. 4/16, Mon. 4/17, Tue. 4/20, Fri. 4/24, Tue. Catawba at Avefett 2:30 2:30 Belmont-Abbey 2:30 Wingate 2:30 Queens 3:30 St Mary's 2:30 at Belmont-Abbey 2:30 Averett 3 at Meredith 2:30 Salem Tournament 8:30-5 UNC-Club 3:30 Heather’s Health Tips by Heather Glasscock I hope everyone had a happy and healthy vacation and an inspirational January Term. I spent the month of January doing an internship with a pediatrician and, naturally, I was re-exposed to just about every childhood disease there is -/-F'diicken pox, strep throat, mumps, and perhaps worst of all, the FLU! For the most part, I stayed pretty healthy during my internship; it was after I left and came back to school that I began having flu-like symptoms. It starts as an annoying tickle in the throat and a tired-all-over-achy feeling. When you aren't battling a fever you are hiding beneath ten blankets because you can’t get warm enough. In the meantime, that tickle has moved into your sinuses and down to your chest where it sits like a ton of bricks! The flu is caused by a virus, but the strain of the virus changes from year to year and keeps doctors and researchers playing a guessing game. The most prevalent strain this year is the Shanghai flu. Viral strains bear the name of the area where they are first isolated. The flu vaccine for this year is based on last year's strains; however, it is 30 to 40% effective in preventing someone from catching this year’s flu. It is especially important for people over 65 and anyone who already suffers from respiratory or other chronic diseases to be vaccinated. It takes about two weeks from the time you get the shot for your body to develop antibodies. Rest and lots of clear fluids are really the only remedies for combating the flu once you do get it. Tylenol or anything with ibuprofin can reduce a fever and there are many good cough syrups that can help the cough. It is important to see a doctor for antibiotics; however, the symptoms may persist for as long as three weeks. So if you think you may be getting the flu, try to get lots of sleep, avoid alcohol, drink lots of liquids, and maybe you won't get hit quite so bad! Sports in Brief: Soccer by Laura Franklin As the spring semester begins, so does the spring atheletic teams. One of those is the soccer team. There are only seven returning players. The new players shoW- promise along with a lot of skill, ’oi Not only are there new members but they also have a new coach;'" Cathy Mahaffey. With her talent^ and experience as a coach and the team's determination, the season shows promise. Ic. Swimming by Sally Lemmon The swim team will have its first away meet this weekend. Friday they will swim against Radford and Saturday against Hollins. Having lost six swimmers, the team is down in number but not enthusiasm. The next meet will be at Randolph Macon on February 15. The only home meet will be February 20, Tuesday at 5 p.m. Come out and support Salem's one and only water team on the 20th. THE TIME HAS COME TO GET IN SHAPE FOR THE EIGHTH ANNUAL PIZZA HUT BIATHLON MARCH 31,1990 at TANGLEWOOD PARK FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: YMCA 721-2100 Feb. 10 Free Don’t Miss MIW HACKMAN-DAFOE 1984. WHOIMWOICA WHS ATWARWmilTSaF. MISSISSIPPI ^ 119M0»«oPchnwCo«ooiwo MAi