ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEWS 15 LEH IN TrIE CIVIL WAR When Lee found that the war was to start. He ljurried back to the South to do his parto And to the Conf ederates rollefo He accepted the place as com-' mander-ln-chief, The first battle at Port S-umter was fought. And the Confederates a victory > di.Qdld wrought* With Lee at the Confederates head. The South's fame had led. Till tli6 battle of Bu.ll Run, Then the Pederuls h^-.d The Confederates 'tried Rlchinond to hold, For that was the Union^s goal. Finally the Confederates were forced from Rlchmwond to floe. And the Northerner took It with glee. Lat'fir the surrender was given by Lee. Then the slaves were set free, Maude Lewis Grade V THE CIVIL WAR Christine Blssotte For the past few weeks the Seventh Grade has been studying the Civil War, As a result of Oiir study, much knowledge has been gained, and many things have been uade„ Among the thing made were: Civil War booklets, maps showing slave and free states, lives of"^ Soiithern leaders, original poems, a colored doll, dres:-:!ed as mammy’ unpublished folk stories of Civil War period, and last but not least, conferdorate flags. In tlic flag making, they were not all Betsy Rosses (shes) but Henry Rosses (his) as well, for it was- n*t unusual to pass by and see our boys sev/lng. One boy even brought hi 3 F o w1ng b ox, We have had outside encourage- mont from sumo who had heard of ou.r work„ Am'.ng them were Mrs, Howard Farmer, brought us a real confedorato flag. Clara Jean Stone from vhe Fifth Grade who lent U3 to ton-dollar bills in Corfodorate money, and Miss Fer ro 11 -school Lil.ra;c'lan, who helped uo to ].ccate pictures and refer ence materials, 'AOion v/e hr.vo finished our unit Mrs, May is planning to take some I pietures of us with the things wo I have made, We will coTiiplete our study with tlic memorizacicii, cf Linoolnis Getty^Jburg Address, Miss Strickl-:'.nd''3 Second Grade Wo h:..70 beoh cutting out Easter eggs .''aia baiikets. We made our baskers black. We cut out rod, yel low, and blue eg^s, We had lots of fun making them,, Miss Strickland put the best ones on our bulletin ooara,j Loster Pace drew some pretty rabbits and Easter oggs by himself. V/o think ho is going to bo an art ist , Our grade mothers are going to take us to V/ilson soon. Wo will sing over the radio for thirteen minut^-s, Wohope a],l our friends '■ , will listen in., Our attendance la bettor now than it has been. Wo had 100,^ Friday,, T.ao girls had 100?^ several days during the fifth month. Wo have two new games for our room. One is ten pins and the cthor is table tennis „ ’"o have a good time plt'.ying v/ith them on rainy days. _^Roiiialne Edwards, Mavis Stone, and Wiina Bunn h'-.vo been on the honor roll three times this year, Joyce Williams and Sam Brantley have been on it twice. ioca a^e of aLL yo UY re / /V] e ^