\0 NORTH CAROLINA BETA CLUB CONVENTIQI SIR WALTER HOTEL, RALEIGH, March 8-9 Tholbcrt Boykin Eunico Poolo Tho fifth annual convention of the North Car&lina Beta’ Glub3 v;as hold at tho Sir Waltor Hotel in Raloigh, March 8-9. Elovon hundred dolGgatos attended this convention the lagosst gatheriiif: of Beta Club meinbers tho world has over kno\7n. Theso dologatoG filled tho Sir Walter^ Carolina, lind Bland Hotels to capicity. All tho v.'ay from Murphoy to tho coast came dele gates to Raloigh for this Boti Club Convention. Some of those delegates live over six hundred miles apart, Thelbert Boykin -Tfiid Eunico Poelo reprosontod th^ Bailey Beta Club, They rogirtored at 4:30 P, M, Friday, March 8, in tho lobby of the Sir Walter Hotor after ing pushed about by tho crov;d an hour. Tho Bailoy delegates ed in the Sir Walter Hotel in 632, In tho Virginia Dare Ballroom Friday evening at 8:00 P. M. tho opening session of the Convention was called to order by the prosi- aont, Monley P;.-ll«r, frua Vlhlto- villo High School, A v,-61001110 to the city 'of Raloigh xic.c extended by Ma^or Graham Andrews, Glcon Tazonby of Statosvillo responded for tho Beta Club Delegates, president Puller gavo his annual message, followed by greetings from Miss Hannah C or ro 3 p ending John W, Harris_ Tho address of the ov:,..ning v/as by Mr. Arthur Cundy Of Birmingham, Alabana, Secretary of Civitn.xi International, Mr, Arbhyr Cundy was born in London, England, was a veterain of tho World War, has boon shipwijockod twice, has ad dressed several hundred high schools and colleges "chr'u.'^hout tho U, S,, ‘-'jid traveled the world over. On Saturday morning at 8:00 a breakfast mooting v/as hold for tho bo-> for stay- room eitner. National Secretary, and Dr, , National Secretary, ov:,..ning principals and teachers with an address by Dr. Clyde A„ Erwin, Five hundred delegates took a toui’ of Raloigh at 10:30 A, M» At 11:00 A a M, tho other six hund^ rod•delogatos attended the pict ure, "Grapes of Wrath" at the Ambassador Thoather^ Tho socond ses3ion was held :.).t 2:00 Po M» in tho Revenue Building, The vice - J)residont« Mi^s Louise Taylor of Oxford Pligh Schoo],, presided. The address of tho afternoon was by Jolm A, Long, administrator of tho No T. A. for North Carolina„ One of tho highlights of tho convontion was tho Banquet at 6:30 PtMo in tho Virginia Dare Ballroom of th; Sir Walter„ Prof, Jo T, Memory of Wake Forest Col- logo Forvod as toastmastore This banquet tho largest over hold in a No C, Hotel, All tho Beta Glub presidents, present at tho banquet, were recognized , To lend a hand to the mirth of the occasion_. the \/ake Forest Kale Octest was present. The address of the even* ing v/as by Hon. Robert Rice Rey nolds, Tjirlted States Senator from North Carolina, He was introduced by Carl Goerch, editor of thS SSATS [NE, MAG''-: A very enjoyable, successful, and the largest State B*ta Club Convontion ever held was climaxed from 9:30 to 12:00 Saturday night by the Beta Club Ball in the Vir- giniSi Dare Ballroom with music by Roy McDowell and his orchestra. W.H. Uf7/^ey ^ ^ /Y -