SPORT ACTIVITIES Georgia Denton Last week the Junior and 'ien- ior girls of Balloy Illsh School started playing soft ''■'^ill. The Junior ^irls selected two captains, Maeballe 3i3^et:e and Mary Elizabeth Jonej. Louise Brantley^was s.Tlected captain for the senior ^:irls. These c..ptc..ins practice wi-^h the jirls everyday at activity period. Judges will pick ou.' the ton best j:layers frord oaoh class. Tte two will play April 9, 1940. The school teata, which hopes to be qualified for pi ::.yin:r Vcher schools, will be m.adg up of the ten best players from both teams. SPOHT AGTIVI'^ISS Albert Fol‘.owing Bailey Ei:,h ''choolts regular routine, the boys have reached the thrilling season of baseball after coTipleting a successful term of basketball. Pour of Bailey's best i.l>;.yers graduated last year. But ’'rith the group of eager and cooperative players this year they 'lave a promiaing team, IViere are about C5 boys practing baseball. Prom this group, our coach, i'/ir. H. E. Ro -rs. ’,;ill be aole to select a siicoessful teaiu. Teacher: "Order I Order!," Voice from rear: ''A cope and a weiner." T Ff A cl ^ Air S.D v7/of€Yy StoVc ,/-)eAvy Fanl^ | W-?LeA-7AMt j 10 The new home for the library is under way and right much en- thiisiasm is being shown by local citizens. ''e feel the "ublic Library is becoming mort and uoru a and informative str^icture of the t own. ATTEI'TTION Now In The Library G-rapos of ■Tr’ath: a fa-3t moving story by Stein'veck. Throad of "'c:-rlet; _ Ames 'Will iams : SotT:ing on tli.-; -island of Nantucket; story of David '^■'wain. Young Kantuclret, , uncertain whether to fighc for v:ar or peace. In the en:" it was neutrality for Kantucket, but war for David when a British frigate tried to take an., ^imerican private>-;rsman. The background of the story is filled with moving scenes and pee tty Da^iaris Coffin, who used her beauty so irresponsioily. PRIVETTE FUNERAL HoME Vv'E APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE Ge 0.10try Song My Geometry 't'lis of thee, Short cut li-Tnacy, O'er thee I rave, another mvonth, or so Of, 3tudyi;.'.^ tiaee, I know "ill Send jtraig^it belov'^, Do’.vn to vay 'ira^'o. Hiss Fields ; "Name the rel,-:tive pronouns?" S. C. Gri!:’fin: "Aunts, UncluS, and cousins." AloooV^ TLhce. Qriex^.hi (rP\l)Le^' NeAr y . /V. (f,