ELEMENTARY FIRST GHaDE SCHOOL _ JNEWS pi 13 For our unit t'liis studied THE WINDS Ci The following qu: discussed? 1, ^'Tnat is the Air that is : £, From v/hat f our doos tlio wind blow" North, soutli., month IlARCn. sticns 1 wo 'ore ving, li:: loroirc wayr jast, aiid the wind? W3£ it it. H^a wind 3 r it. :.li what r;'; ? y 'u kn dry, r. ;W? 3. Did you evor stje No. 4. How do y:,u kn v,' \ ah out ? Pool it do.■•s. 5. Are all No. 6. What kinds do Cold, warm, strong and gontlo, V, Wh.-t makoa "Vinds diffv.irvjnt? We f-'ond vOut that Lho North Winds brings us c-.ld o--.thox’, snow ‘\nd slojt. To inoroaso the vividness of this impr■■■ji n v/u drew a sn 'Wrar’-u at tho poinb of ou.r w o a th o r -> v an o. The South Wind i:. '.'.rri:. Birds go South in tho f-11. ”'o lik.; to fan oursolv.s whon th..; hot 'v,;uth "'^ind blows, S'J v/o drev/ a fj.n to indicate the South '‘'ind. On a table wj mac.o th^j st to of North Carolina , burlding th^ mountains on the v/oat side and tho Atlantic Ocean on the ^ast sido. '''e blew over the w'^t .r '.nd foujrid that tho air carried tho wato'r to tho land. So wo learned that it is the Saat '”'ind that brings tho rain. Wo drov; an urn*- brella at tho East end of the weather^-vano to illustrv.to- that idea. But qu.ite differont l;.i tho dry ’■Vest wi'id that bljv.'s a I’-ng w;.y over mountains because th^ mountains catch tho water before tho wind reaches us. So it io tho West Wi 1 id t ha t b r i ng s a ole a r fine day just fiUitvid tO' kite fly ing. Hence th^.: kit ^ w\:j drown on the west end of th,.: woatl,c;r-v .ne. To go back to tho quostioai, ■ "Whiit makes winds dif f.:-ront? " ''^o ''The • C.,^ say, c .:me, Altho wg c .;n not see can s-.;o V'/hat it doos It i.i^..y destroy trees r >y.i wiiicli they thi. vv'ina wo 1. roofs 2. h.'U3.;s, Oc.rns ■iV-a- and 3. 4. 5. 6. ea , and crops, help to sail boats airplan^o. help to scatoor seods to dr-'-'' the land and tod ry our c1o tho s, tile Wind mills go It t.. fly It may It hoIp3 roads. It h..lps It makes ar ound, A1 ,:ng with our study wo record— the \?vi..thor for oach-day of the month. So i::' you ’lave forgotten \?hat kind of w^-ather wo had in March, come ovor and look at our calond '.r, also 'do some pin v^hools, vrio.d Tiill, drew picturoo to illustrate the iDoem. THE ’-^lilD'' jf^'-nd THE we o: ’■'flND “'?‘e singing the song P-ii]:)ils xf: .0 j.i.’.ve thi£ aot mi Si year aro : :ed. a day Pr Ed ;-''.r s inklin 3r>jwn ?aco Mi:>oneyham wmm SEE THE i ?4o AT PARSON^ MoToR COMPANY Pails y, /v. C. 7//7 // t