ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEWS THE OLD HORTrl fiTAIE Tlio, Piftli Grade I3 now onjoy- ing an Interesting study of North Carolina, 'Vo firrjt '/vi’oto to tl'.o Chainbors of Coranorco in clifforont towns and got froa mat I'lals fron tlio3v:j pliiCus. ’'-'o havu r.ji-.O, ^^.nd/ reported on theso to th(^ cl-'.aa. The v;1io1g room is reading tliu ■s book ''Discovering j^'Ortli Carolina'' wliicli tells us many int,j:’os tin ’ facts about our jt Dif.'-"oront ^ ones in the claao havv^ re and reported on North Carolina books and stories. Soniu havu made posters on the boolts th^y ht.ve road, Miss Butl«r is readiri:; us "Old Time Stories of thv. Old North '^,tate, " We are l..-arning th_. one hundred counties in our st^'.te, and have print.jd tiieir names on our product nap, Clare. Jean Stone is the chairman of tliis map v;ork, We are also making a class book let, and Marjorie Nan p^rry is the chairman of this, ’''e are enjoying collecting pictures from news papers and magaxinea for this work. Each of us h;is dr .v;n por'^raits of Sir Walter Ralelj;h and made fre-^ hand draviTings of our state s o a 1, th.e flag, the toast, and North Carolina maps, ’’^e are also making a large flag out of cloth and painting it, Lester ''Mllic.jis is carving the ’’^right Ivienorial out of soap. Ester ’"'i^.liuuv, has i, made a plaque out of 3'eal -oine branches and sm.all pin^ cone and needles on it. '•'Jo have ' ocorated otir class room with Ion': lo.-'.f pines and pin.e cones \^':;.ich we have paintod red, whito, and blue. ’^'e have learned ''Thu Old North State" and other North Carolina songs, You are v/olcome to visit our room, and soe the \iovk v/e ar^ do ing. By Gladys Boykin Fifth Grade OUR CHIEF STUDY We chose as our chief citudy this year He^ilth, becauso in ord^r to do our best vrork we must have 'ii_-althy bodies. h:; V.; a doctor and nurse who inspect thu class every morning. This includes clean hands, cle .n t^eth, clean nails, cl..an fi-.cea, cl.-an ears, cli^an nojos, cl....an handkerchiefs, clean clot'^'es and reports concerning tie personal batT'.s , la connection v/ith our health work, '.vu h'..ve made posters and rhymes, ’'k) have also learned soi-gc!, po^;;:i,'i and read stories. On '''.vdn^cday v^e evxt^rt ined the oth.er grades with a h^o.lth pro.gj.'am. Grade 3 Mis.'.: Thompson Miss Stric::land,i s Second Grade had. perfect attendance s.,ven days l.U’.t month. Seven p\.\pils were h^re every day. Their nr/mes ar^: Zuria Bissett^, ‘’•lomain., Sd\7--.rds, Scott Lewis, Elda !-’’.ay I.Iorgan,Bobby Overman, i Le^jtor face, anil ?'avis Stone, I KoiU'.^ino Edv/-.rds and Mavis Stone * got on the l.Lonor roll, j ''^e }i:,.Vw fini;',hed rea'in ’ "Trips ? to Takw .nd The Open Door."^ Wo I' are reading ''indoors and Out" and I; ''"^he Out Book" nov.^, ’/o have ji al...ost finished our spelling boo::, I ’’fo- had an egg hunt throe days I before Easter, Mrs. Lewis and i Mrs. Gay hid the eggs for uri. I Mrs. Overiiian h^^lped them. Little I Jackie Brajg help«.;d us hunt for I therri. ’"'e enjojr^d having h^r. EVorybody h:.d a good time, Ray mond Gay found more eggs than any oth^r boj'-. Anni>j Prancu;..- Colli..^r found more eg;.s t]'....n any othv^r girl. Our grade mot'iers g vo them prizes, (Conti nuo d on ? a : ^ 15)