15 (Continuod fro'.ri Page 14) Elomontary Nov/s ■'^6 will go to ■'’fllson and sing over tlij radio as soon as Mr^ Lewis gats ‘'Oll. Mr.j. Lowiy and Mrs. Gay will go and ho-Ip iis, '-o hopu you will onjoy oui' songs. Sovonth Gr^.do Thu follov/inj pupilv: m'ldo tho honor roll in our room this year: S g r oId a .ind o i - s on, J o s o plii no Griffin, Ruth Ruffin, .nd Roaanna Jonos, ^I'^allaco Ray E-^tinon h-'S hi'd honor-roll grades 'cut has not hL.d pjrfoct attond.:.nc^, Soro'Da Andor3on, J^an Stott, Arah Poarl Horton, L.;on Harris Porry, and Ch-.rljS D, Philips ha Vo- had p^rf.jct av-tond- anco for tho yoar, s o far. ’^''e arc pl-.nning to go to Ra- loigh somotimo scon, i-.nd nopo several of our paionts can go with us. . Sor'£ib.:i Andwi’son PUZZLE Junhlo r:;quaro To fin., th.. correct -o,i.ov/or arran_,^' l^-^ttwrs in ordor. 1st. rov't A country nour Strait of Giioraltar, 2nd. rov/: A rivo?-* which unptiv,;S into tho North Saa, 5rd. row; A well known city along tho Nilo Rivor, 4th. row: A rivor in Afj.'ica ’'-hich oraptiv^s into th^ Atlantic ocoan, 5th. row: Tho capit -1 of Svrit-z^r- land ^ By Joyco Irono Bran tloy,Grade ->4 p N 1 > {y^ i R 1 H N E 1 C A O f O N G O c' E N R B E PUZZLE •Tunbla Souaru To find th^ cor rect ansi/or arrange lottv^rs in order. 1st. ro\vt A Moditorranean Country, 2nc.. row: A re'-ion in Africa, ord. rov/: a rl■^Jr v;‘iich has its sourco in Sv/itzerland. 4th. row: T!.!.e capital of Egypt. Pth. row: A counvry which is the shape of a iDOot, .Tac\-;u. Lois Ed'>fards 4t]:-Grade THE LUCAMA - KENLY BANK MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION BAILEY NQ[rH CAROLINA N A > s D N s U A E N 0 ±1. R 1 A R C^ D Y 1 1 A T L