Fobru"ry 1941 Pcxgo 6 PERSONALITY PAi!.ADE TEACHER THOUGHTS ouragooun "oalthy “thlatic “oligioua “ino-shootor 'norgotlc “railing ischiovoua “-.gc.tiatical ^opondciblo ikoablo "ntolligont “oat WHO? Hi33 Hill FILL IN 8LANKS Living oro3o “doaliatic “i ghtlioiirtod "of i ant ”o3orvod "ff iciont "iligont v.nignant ~ .most "rguraontativo "o -■‘.liotic ~r" atic H.S. HONCU ROU our lifo in our ov/n way is a cru.)l, waatoful and brutally 3olfi3ii v;ay, unlo33 wo have choson to livo according to tho princi ples ’/hich uplift humanity, VMch way haVO you choson? At tho ond of oach day can you look back with no ronorrjo for any word you h-'.vo aaid or any act you h.ivu dono?Wo-tch your tonguo, for it is of ton your moct dangorouc onoiny. Havo you boon dis- courtjou3 to any you havo mot? H-’.vo you ~ruublod bocauso your work soon- od to be a little heavy or difficult? If you h'ive, then look yourself in the eye and condemn yourself for the little wrongs you have done. Re - member that it is the little deeds in lifo that really count. Be hon est with yourself. Are you living Your bost? I havo to live with mysolf,and so I want to be fit for myself t o know; I want to be able as the days go by to look myself straight in the aye. At the close of tho sotting sun I don’t v/ant to hate myself for thii'igp I’ve done," . SARAH MORGAN FARIffiH GLEE CLUBS Pi^ESENT MUSICAL CHRIST HIE FinCH MARIE KORGAII IF YOU AKE PLANNING TO BUY A NEW CAH SEE THE a U FARMER MOTOR CO BAILEY, N.C, The Gloo Clubs prosontod a musi cal program during the chap'ol hour on February 19; this was tho first program thoy had given. Those who took part and their selections aro as follows; Piano solo, "Londonderry Air Marks Undorwood; Vocal aolo, "Boau- tiful Droamor," Bobbie Morgan;Duot, "Tho Bolls of St Mary's, "La Vor no Hornor and Hildrod Ruffin; Vocal 3olo, "Tho World is '''aiting for tho ^uiiriso," Rachol Biaaotto; so lo, "Schubort's "Soronado," Chris — tino Pinch; Boys Gloo Club, "Anchors Awoigh," and "Marinos Jymn." Jossio Haskins was tho accompanist for tho vocal soloctions.