March 1941 Pago 13 f-5 BAILEY BOYS LOSE AT A.C.C. TOURNAMENT Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, March 5, 6, 7, and 8, the annual Atlantic Christian Col lege invitational high school bas ketball tournament v/as played at the college gymnasium. Moss Hill, the team that w ent to the semi-finals, beat the Bailey boys 36—26 Thursday afternoon, March 7. Bailey wasn't the only team that had to bov/ to the f a st stepping Moss Hill quintet,’ M o ss Hill defeated Bailey 36--26, Mars Hill PM—14, La Grange 29--13, but finally they were beaten by the win ners of the tournament, W ils on, 14--11, Bailey boys scored more points on Moss Hill than any other team in the tournament. Howell,the center, led Moss Hill with 14 points; Jack Parmer, right forw:;.rd, led Bailey with 11 points. The Moss Hill coach and players told this editor that thoy enjoyed playing that game and hoped to have games with Bailoy in tho future. LETTERS ARE PURCHASED FOR BASKETBALL TEAMS Ten Bailey boys and twelve girls will receive letters before tho end of this school term.Thoso let ters arc gold insot with groan bor ders, Bailey teachers, Mt, Pleasant teachers, and somo of the town girls played a splendid game against tho high school gir 1 s » team, Monday, March 3, Tho high school girls won 22--17, but ovory- ono enjoyed the game and t h oi^t tho toachers won a moral victory. Miss Thompson, a Bailoy teacher, led tho loaors with 11 points. Captain Maebolle Bissetto led tho winners with 10 points. Tho tov/n toam boat tho h i gh school boys 31--2S, Tho monoy taken in at this game was usod to purchase the lottors for tho boys* and girls’ toams, BAILEY GIRLS GO TO SEMI-flNALS IN COUNTV TOLJRNAMENT Friday, Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday, March 7, 8, 10,and'11,tho Nash County basketball tournament was played at Nashvillo in tho high school gymnasium, Bailoy girls boat Middlesex girls 26—2.3, Friday night, March 7, in tho preliminaries, Tho score was 5—1 in Middlosox’s favor at tho end of tho firjt quarter, A f tor lagging bohind for awhile, Bai 1 oy camo to tho top and romainod thoro until tho ond of tho game, Bonvonuo boyn dofoatod Bailoy boys 25—23 tho aamo night. Monday night, March 10, in tho somi-finals, tho Rod Oak girls de feated Bailoy girls 26—24 inahord fought g.-'mo, Tho finals wore played Tuesday night, March 11, v;ith Nashvi 11 o boys VS Coopors boys, Nashvillo and Rod Oak tiod up tho score 25— 25 for first place in tho girls di vision, Each team was given a win ner^ trophy, Nashvillo boys won oit with Coopers runnerupo, -:s- -jc- •!}• -s:- it