March 1941 page 15 PRIMARY GRADES MANY VISITORS ATTEND FIRST GRADE PROGRAM The first grade presented th e play, "Tommy Lee Meets The Fairies'.' All the little tots did their parts well. Little Owen Stric]cland play ed the part of Tommy Lee, The fairy cost-umes wore very dainty and of varied colors. The squirrel , Dickie Stallings; Bull frog, Malvin Glover; Wise Owl, Gone Finch; and Tabby Cat, Richard Steed; added much fun and laughter. Other cha - racters were Betty Ann, Irene Glover; and Jack L'-ne, Porcy Murray, Jr. The Fairies were Margaret Glovur, Audrey Meadows, Ruth Williams, Jac queline Vick, Betty Linda Watkins , Evelyn Batts, and Elaine Bissette, Although snow was falling fast, many people visited tho s c h ool. Among the visitors wore Mistresses A. B, ^armer, Rebecca Wiloy,Dwith t Farmer, Easley Strickland, A.B.Cor- betto, Westley Privotto, E, T. Man ning, E, W, Finch, Elton Vick,Onnio Mercer, L. G. Batts, Jack Collie, T, C. May, W, J. Moadov;s, R.W, Stood, C, D, Phillips, John Haskins, Cary Glover, D. E. Watkins, and l,lrvDwight T, Stallings of ?inotops. JOKE Mrs, Glover; "l want you to gl .vo tho names of theso pictures. What is the name of this one?"(showi n g the picture of Baby Stuart,) Many hands went up, Mrs, Glover: "Joan, you may toll me',' ' Joan Wells: "Baby Snooks." THE SNOW On Friday, tho 28th tho snow was beautiful. Wo had a good tim o playing in tho snow. Miss B atts made us some snow croam. We like to come to school ?;hon it snows. LETTER TO A CLASSMATE Bailey, N,C, March 17,1941 Dear Charles, enjoyed reading your letter. Wo know you have a good time play ing on tho slides and soo-saws. Wo havo a grocory store. 'Ve buy them with the monoy wo made.V/e wish you could play storo with us. Your classmates, Tho second grado Wo had a good time going to tho Post Office to mail our letters. Tho second grado. ' N Tho windmill turns around. But it does not mako a sound. Drav;ing by Eddio Coopor—Grado S BROTHER I/. FRESH MEATS AND GROCERIES J.D. HASKINS