April,' 1941 pago 12 NORMAN PATTERSON WINS F.P.A. PUBLIC BIDDIE PROJECT SPEAKING CONTEST Norman Patterson won the Nc^ Cbun- ty Federation Future Farmer Public speaking contest hold at Nashville, March 31. His subject v/aa'’The Fu ture of the American Farmer," Nor man will now compete in the distiict contest, which will be held in the near future. COOPERS F.P.A. ’VINS THE P.P.A, BA SKETBALL T OURNAMENT Coopers P,F,A, basketball tea m s A and B v/on the Nash County Federa tion of Future Farmers of Americ a Tournament, which was hold at Bailoy; March, 17,18,24, and 25, Each team was presented a trophy. The B team defeated the Bonvenuc B team, while the A team defeated the BaileyAteain in the finals, ^ TO OUR ADVERTISERS WE THANK YOU Finer Fuel Fo r 1 941 SOLVENIZEDGASOLINE AT REGULAR PRICE FOR ECONOMY LE-T US PREPARE YOU R CAR FOR SUMMER DRI V ING George W. Brantley BA 1 ley^ n. c. \ • 1 • M ■ , BUY YOUR MU^^S FROM Jo W Pkivette BAILEY , N.C. The Bailey Chapter has 27 biddies as a classroom project. The chicks are being raised in an ole c t r ic brooder, which is being furnished by the P\xrina Company, Wo aro buy ing Purina Stnrtina for the chicks. They aro now three weeks old an d v/oigh nine ounces. PURE BRED PIGS FOR SALD BY BAILEY CHilPTER Monbers of tho Bailey P,P,A. Chap-^. torhavo tho following breedscfhogs for or.lo; Black Poland China, Spot ted Poland China, Duroc Jersey,and Hampshire, See E, A, Howton of tho Bailey^ Chapter, '