Octobor 17j,. 1941 BAILEY BUGLE ?ar.:c 10 in: PRIES HE SPIES HE SNOOPS 'Docs JoKioc lil:o to be called Scillic Lou? Just call hir.i that and soo, V/hat has happened to Charles D. to choaige him to a "ladies nan"? I’ve soon hin v/ith at least ten dif ferent girls recently. If any of you girls don't have a date Sat urday night,see "Buck" Stott, lie'll arrange to get one for you. It seems that Iviario is taking Stephen's ad vice and staying home studying. Soon strolling around together-IIal and Pearl. Hollis and Martha are hitting it off for the fourth year. Does anybody know v;ho JovYol Gray's current crush is? Vi/hy is Sarah liorgan alvmys singing "Jim" and "i.Iy Bill"? Raymond and Christir^e are finding each other more interesting than economics * Could it be Jolin Him- ter's "eye technique" that attracts >tho ;:.ophomoro girls? Isn't Ilildred ever on time or docs she just v;oar Tommy's \7atch for jewelry? V^aat is it about pearls that attracts the boys? Earl plays \/ith Josephine's o.nd Stephen was seen wear ing "Stella's", PERSONALITY PUNS Once there \7as a I;IUR— RAY (Wanda) old BAT~ CriSLOR (Eugene) FARM— . E2 (KCline th) that lived on the side o f a HIGII (Janicc) .hill near BAILEY (Lota ) . This old man with the grey BEARD ( Lovic .) would start with a slov; PACE (Elsie Hao) and with a BUIIN (Rudolph ) under his arm as the first RAY (Loron) of golden siinlight rcflecfc- ed on the DEi¥ (Llagda- lone) on all the PLO - RA (Hay0 s),t aking hi s sheep and LAI.2JS (Eli- z-abcth and Josephine ) to tho BOTTOI.IS (Rex ) far from : tho main RHODES ( Eloice), As night C'.Mne he v;as seen heading back to his DROV/N (Harvin ) STOin] (Phillip) house where ho T/atorcd his sheep at the two V.C.LLS (Sadie) and put them in tne fold away from tho ;7I1TTERS» (Hazel ) vTYillTES (Carson and Jolin Hunter), Hr. Howton: Boys when I v/as growing up it was customary for a boy to sit or v/alk on tho right side of a girl. Eo.rl Hurray:Well that is all right but IvIY hov;_ a loft hand hugger ^^vjcul'cl _ SCHOOL SUPPLIES ICE COLD DRINKS FRUITS VEGETABLES AND A COMPLETE LINE Of GROCERIES WM. MANNING BAILEY, N.C. WE DO PICTURES OF ANY SIZE WE SPEClAllZE IN FULL LENGTH AND THREE QUARTER LENGTH HOLDEN STUDIOS OPERATED BY A. f. HARRELt JR. 10^ W. NASH ST. — WILSON, N. C,