r^P.nnnbnr 12 ^ 1941 BAILEy > BUGLE 'PMgr! 1 MISS PARROTT COM-|Schoo/ Needs Met Through PLEMENTS PAPER \Commu nity Efforts Copies of the BAILEY bugle are sent monthly to tHe Division of In structional Service of v/hich Miss Hattie S. Parrott is a member. Mr.Walker has received a letter from Miss Pa3> rott complimenting the staff on the BAILEY BUGLE on its publica tion, Quotations from the letter read, "The twenty-six pages of the very excellent current issue of this school paper are brim full of interesting materials and information; I be lieve that the school paper is one of the very best means for improvement of the Language Arts Group of school studios." Staff members are striving to enlarge the territory over which the BAILEY BUGLE is known. GRADE MOTHERS SERVE CLASS NINE YEARS For the past nine yoars the sophomore class has elected the same two parents to servo as grademothers, Mrs, M. H. Griffin and Mrs, A. B, Corbetto. These v/omon have guid ed the class through its successive yoars since two of its mem bers , Josephine Griffin and Bobby Jones Cor- bottc, entered school. These mothers are ex pecting to graduate v;ith the class when they do. RUBY LAMM SETS Competition waxed hot and heavy recently as members of the commer cial class of Bailey strove to typo for ton minutes without making more than , two errors.. At the end of the per iod only one person, RUBY LAMM, had accom- phished this task. She typed forty words a minute for ten minutes with only tv;o errors. Ruby will receive a pin offered by Mrs. j Lassiter, the commer — cial teacher. New Books Pur chased For Ubrary \Cddcd rocjntly t3 the Bailey Library are new books helpful in club work and personal guidance. Among those for club study are Short Flays by Repre sentative Authors,One- Act Plays By Modern Authors,Robert's Rules 07 brder, and Lot«s Broadcast. Books to guide one in his everyday man ners include The Boy And His Daily Living and Personality Pre ferred. Credit will be given for the last tv;a m m STATE SUPPLIES MINIMUIvI RUIHTING EXPENSES In theory the State of North Carolina sup ports an eight months school term for every child, but in reality the tools and equip ment essential for good teaching are ac quired largely by com munity efforts. State f^lnds providfe only for the bare ess entials ;mainly, teach ers’ salary, coal and water bills,and trans portation facilities. SCHOOL EXPENSES During the summer of 1941 and to date the school expenses at Bailey, other than those paid by the state, havo am ounted to :*?591,25 . This total Includes; $227,lunch room and garden expenses;:|!il05 typev/ritcrs; $102,news paper equipment; and vV5.50,athletic equip ment. Other expenses are general, 520:30; weekly readers,|45;20; and magazines, ^15.20 SCHOOL INCOME Funds for these ex penses are not by in comes' from the school store,lunch room, bas ketball games, and other forme of enter tainment sponsored by the school. By support ing these programs the school is bonofitod. Defense Stamp- Fa^ Every Bailey Student'