December ,12. 1941 BAILEY BUGLE Page 7 too ray pocJ gifts. Rules For Christmos Giving Christine Pinch Make these j^our rules for Christmas giving- I resolve: ■»'*That my gifts will be given without the thought of receiving '::-That in my planning I will /re.-^ member the poor well as friends, *::-That I will p.^a^a>^i.'.g| some person name on hi^^ list receive a p;i?^sent , t give it to someone needs it more^V\|hW^j|^. -;:-That my gifts not cut too de^p wound in -::-That my gifts of my love and stan in the sight ones v/ho refei^j/ th *That my gi^4s:;j>lM be useful as M * ‘ beautiful. •:i-That my gifts vlill' awards in many \cfes'biO for kindnesses sp^/n me during tho yoarL \v SHARE CHRIST MAS JOYS JosGphino .Lamm Are you happy at Christmas by receiving and receiving and re ceiving but never giving even a comfort ing smile? No, you are not happy if that is what you are doing; you’re only making be lieve. Some celebrate Christmas by feasting. I do not say it is not right to feast on Christmas, but I do say it is wrong to "Not What We Give But Wh/^t We Share" Many people give a gift at Christmas be cause they feci it is their dut;^^ Off to tov/n thcv>^.gd pur- chas o i;-^f they vfitjr^n' the jic^-tTCd ' limit. V/hafc' a,-,Mip6ng con- giving and :#ji:a'.t^ji'|5le a s ur ( xi of ■■ ' ‘ts. tj' bhoso have reql time cud offor, _if%> tosQt^-ai a^'^ociktod -^arKJua »cw'v,-tpurchased, i^^t f03 Christm3s Decorotions Estelle Eatman Small oars of popcorn dipped in rod or green paint will represent Ncandlcs for tho buffet .Popcorn and cranber- ■'i'es strung together il make the tree ^■••beautifully col- 'sagos for the la- made from cran- ’los, popcorn, and ken paper leaves _ ’ound wire will 'Si^^opriate, vrama the front door |th Jjholly, the ber- i.e^pf which are sil- reiv^). and paint sev- (rs of corn red $ir- of '^ront, good. d n^’ some some th,*.^ PEICELESS (71 You probably-' say you woulc^ l'd!kc to i^oryono a Christoias pr^5sent buti you catoot afford it.i/yl ma/imtain sents friends] tej^eatcs.tJ tc^vc preXonts tlo cost ing. H^e yeriow to serve as a flam^ Ropes can be hun^^^om the corners and^-S^right-c o 1 o r e d jpii^on each corner of the^^oor. Dro- //rfpon us, or give worldly for very lit- or for noth- suggested FOR GIFTS IDEAS You couldn't treat Dad any bettor than to give him a nice pair ve as candles* may be painted of knitted socks; and while you're at it knit brother and sis ter a pair of gloves. A rag doll would warm any child's heart not quite as fortunate as we are. Using daddy’s old sock, stuffed with cotton, with black thread for tht* eyes and mouth, you’ll have a gift any small boy or girl would love. l^or sister and class mate make a cloth belt and purse to match. MERRY CHRISTMAS! ^.DOESN'T Srea CHRIST IN CHWSTMAS