ApT>-ii in, 194P BAIKiY DUGLE Pa.?:e 11 Seniors Enjoy Patriotic Banquet F.FA. BOYS FH-day night, March 27, the Junior class of Bailey High School entertained the Sen iors at the annual Jimior-Senior Banquet, Patriotism v/as the theme of the banquet ably presided over by General Horace High, the toastmaster. The tables arranged in the form of a V and decor ations aided to the theme, Guests were served a three course dinner that further symbol ized the spirit of patriotism, •HIIITH GRADERS SERVE Members of Mrs. H. E. Roger's ninth grade Homo Ec. .class served the dinner. To end the evening in the gyxTinasium Martin Liles prophesied the future of the seniors, THEATRE ATTEJDSD Following the banquet a number of the ones attending continued the evening's enjoy ment by going to the theatre in Wilson, I^NU . Grapefruit Cocktail Fried Chic^ccn Creamed Potatoeti-Grnvy Garden Peas __Rolls Cranberry Salad Ice Creaiu ' Cake Tea PLAN TOUR. A tv;o hundred fifty mile tour v;ill bo made by fort^i'-two P, P, A, boys on -i-'hursday,April 10. They plan to see thorough-bred horses, pure-bred hogs, cov/s, peach orchards,scenery at P in e hur s t and Southern Pines, dairy at Stato College, fur niture factories in Sanford, and tho cam puses of State College, Duke University, and tho University of North Carolina. ■ Rule igh., Saj^for^V'■ Pino- hurst. Southern Pinos, Carthage, Pittsburg, Chapel Hill,and Durham v/ill be visited. Dr. Deniel Advises On Hygienic "Living (Continuation from last Month) 1, Devoting to 1 hour daily to vigorous physical exercise outdoors in gymna- siiAm or sv/inmiing pool (at least 3 hours exercise a week outdoors,) Ex ercise should be vigorous enough to cause deep breathing 2, Brushing teeth at least twice daily in approved v;ay. 3, Daily tonic bath and skin friction of type suitable for the individual/ 4 • At least one satis factory bov;ol move ment dail^/, with re gular attention to this function. Giving 3 to 9 hours in bod and to sleep daily. Lying do\/n and rest ing 10-20 mimites bo- ween 11 P, M, and 2 P. M, each working iry day--not . noco: for school children. 7. Devoting 1 to 2 hourir daily (in add ition to daily ex- ercxso to social re creation or recreat ive reading or other recreative occupa tions. 8, Keeping weight with- ■in standard range for health. Not more than 10% bclov/ nor 15fo above standard for ago and height, considering standard at 30 best standard for later ages, 9. See your family doc tor for regular, thorough physical ex aminations froquont- • ly. 10, Keeping one fuHl day each week for rost.