A:?rll 10. 1042 BAILEY BUGLE Par:G 1*) APPROPRIATE GIFTS ‘ SHE’LL LIKE Sir.ipllcity PacIiionG A DRESS FOR ki-tlLTCSS NIGHT n.-i.,- ' SVVE3T '^IRL GRADUAT3 A blessed, beauteous tliin2--this rosebud purely white iortrait of life's proniso, hope of tonorrov; bri ht - - Sy;oet, srailinc scroll of petals unfurlin- to disclo^o- V/hr.t at soi'Tio future dawin^ ’■/ill be an open rose. Throuch zephyrs Svxet fragrance Rememboring the soon nay scattor those petals, in the n of tnc ^flower \/ill \;aft afar sonev.'here; lii^ T GinL GRADUATS. —Vida Iluudun lliron Harch 27, 1942