November 13, 1942 PAILEY 6UQIE Page 6 Excerpts hken RATIONING What la rationing? Rationing Is not star vation or shoddy goodg It is a government plan for dividing fair ly the supplies we have among all who need them. It is not \in-American; the ear liest settlers of this country pooled their precious supplies and gave them out to every one on equal basis. It was an American idea then, and it is an American idea now to share when supplies are not plentiful, Dan Johnson HEALTH,THE FIRST STEP TO VICTORY Securing the materi als for paving the v/ay to victory and health may bo easily purchas ed at the cheap cost of eating the right foods, acquiring the' proper amoiint of sleep, and engaging in clean rocrcdtion at all timos• The fact that Uncle Sam calls his people to arms against the aggressors of the world is no sign that ho still doesn’t moan for the citizens of this nation to consid er their health as the key to victory and the disease of their bod ies as an’open door to the enemy, M, Liles From Themes DEMOCRACY Democracy is more than a political term; it is a faith, a way of life, Democr*acy means ' freedom of speech, of religion, and of the press. De mocracy moans to peo ple in other countries freedom from tryanny and slavery; peace for this world and ’-Vthe v;orld of tomorrow. We hope that democ racy may survive in this land where there Is a beacon of hope to these lands v;horo the lights have temporari ly gone out, Jean Vick Music, His First Love After being crippled In a train accidont, Josef Schlr- mor, believing that no audience v;ould wish to llston to an artist who hobbled onto the stage with the aid of a crutch, withdrew to tho mountains to live again with his friends, the trees, and the hills. To keep loneliness from creeping upon him Josef, v;hen he first came back to tho mountains, began making violins. As the year slipped by, the old man became an excellent violln-maker,'for his love for music went into every instrument ho mado. To produce a fine garden and to havo a good herd of goats came to mean as much to Josef as had once the per formance of a brilliant sonata. Yet, whenever music im pelled him, the hills served as an audionce for his con cert, soft and melancholy at tho beginning, but always end ing on a gayer note, y/hile tending his goats on tho moun tainside, Josef composed three dances, "Tvrlllght", "Davm", and "r.Ioonglov/”, For seven years no ono had ventured to the top of tho mountain whore stood the cabin of the musician. Now, there sat a quiet, little man trying to convince Josef that all Vienna wanted again to hoar his music. Josef then showed him the exquisitely carved violin, his master piece. There were on tho back three tiny initials, the initials of the groat violinist who had been searching for him seven years. Yes, Josef, once more able to v/alk with out the crutch, was to present tho gift to 'the groat lady and to thrill again the city with his music, S.M, Parmer