JanuarT 15. 1945 fhrsonslity Puns WELL! WELLi WHAT DO WE HAVE HEKF.? PRESI DENTS AND PIPLST LADIES! mRTEk (Bunn)\VASHINGTON JOHN {Manning) ADAIRS JArffiS (Pinch) Ivy.DIS ON JOHN (Dow) QUINCY ADAIiS I1VRY(R. Brown)LINCOLN JAMES (Ha3kin) MONROE MILL.\RD (Lamra) PILI.50RE WILLIAM HENRY(E. Glo ver )IL\RRIS ON JAI/3ES (S t one) K. POLK HERBERT (I,lorGan)HOOVER ELEANOR(Hedrick)ROOSE VELT WILLIAM HOWARD(Barnes) TAFT I;L\RTIN (Li lo 3) VAN BUREN BAILEY BUGLE. Everyone Goes To The Show Just as o^as ration ing bocamc ti3htcr and tiros, thinner, a new theatre "sprang-up" in Bailey, It's very nice, too. Nearly everyone of the students has soon at least one pic ture there. You'll find lots of thc"3rovn> " there too. the tickot-box sollins tickcts is Jessie Haskins,Charles D« Phillips takes then up. Well, I must ^o now; it’s time for the ei3lit o’clock show I B.M. ups' In STADIUMS Appropriat i on To E n d Althou^la it v;ill take tv/olvc months to com plete the v;atcr works project in Bailey, the scho.’l will bo able to connect on in about 30 . days. Appropriation of ^overnriont funds ends |june 30th; for this reason it is im probable, say toY/n of ficials, that the pro ject will be finished until after the war. U. THE COMPLETE SHOP FOR 6IKLS REASONABLE Pkl CES WILSON. NC UM. (5ROCER¥ CiROCFRIES FRUITS Vi^fJAJiiii) are to be FOUND AT OUR STORE AT ALL TIMES. BRING YOUR COFFEE b SUGAR, STAMPS TO us. WE KEEPA SUPPLY(M0ST. ALL THE TIME _ WHEN AVAILABLE,