Decenber 15. 1944 BAILEY BUGLE Underwood's Mi II THIS 33RI IS Tim FIRST III A :S OP PORTH COM ING ARTICLES ON OLD MILLS OF TIE BAILEY SECTION. {Editor) The present . site /oiovm as Underwood’s Mill has quite an in teresting history. The i-.iill itself has chang ed hands a nmber of ii.^e s # Sion Saunders, first owner, built r.ii 11 and c o 11 on v/ith slave labor, cotton press was run by raoans of a wooden scrcv; v;ith long side beans pulled by horses. the the gin The EIoDiZi TTE RUNS MILL Mr. Saunders sold the ::ill and gin to Daniel "'issotte. In addition the raill to operating Mr. Bissctte ran a tavern at his hone situated between the railroad and nill. His residence v;as conploto' ly destroyed by the farious eye lone of 1888 visiting this section, Sone tine afterwards, Burt Hicks bought the nill and operated followed in turn M. C. Biflsette, a short period Mr, Bissctte sold the nill to Jin Underwood, GIN DISCARDED Soon after Mr, Under wood bouglit the nill, he discarded the cot ton gin, sincc its operational . nothods were so old, but con it. After tinued to rim the corn and floui’ nill. Later a b and broke ig rain cane the dan. v.’ashing the nill house dovm the strean. The dan rebuilt, the pond was turned into a swinning pool. The pool v;as operated for several years and then another big rain caiue; o.gain, the dan v;ac v/ashed out. As no one has ever built the dan back, there is nov/ only a snail s.troai;i loft, MRS. WATSON; vocabulary ■ period) "Use cnthusiasn in a tenoe''^ TOMMY PERRY: "The was in pockct (during building the word a sen- en- his WE WISH TO ALL OUR, OLD CUSTOMERS AND TO OUR. NEW ONES A VERY MERRr CHWSTM A S AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. vie Wi 11 Try To Furnish You Lumber For A11 Your Needs J. w. STONE BAILEY> N.C. PHONE 32-1